379 lines
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379 lines
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library angel_framework.http.server;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show HashMap;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:angel_container/angel_container.dart';
import 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart';
import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart';
import 'package:combinator/combinator.dart';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:mime/mime.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
import 'controller.dart';
import 'env.dart';
import 'hooked_service.dart';
import 'request_context.dart';
import 'response_context.dart';
import 'routable.dart';
import 'service.dart';
//final RegExp _straySlashes = RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)');
/// A function that configures an [Angel] server in some way.
typedef FutureOr<void> AngelConfigurer(Angel app);
/// A function that asynchronously generates a view from the given path and data.
typedef FutureOr<String> ViewGenerator(String path,
[Map<String, dynamic> data]);
/// A powerful real-time/REST/MVC server class.
class Angel extends Routable {
static ViewGenerator noViewEngineConfigured =
(String view, [Map data]) => 'No view engine has been configured yet.';
final List<Angel> _children = [];
final Map<
Tuple4<List, Map<String, dynamic>, ParseResult<RouteResult>,
MiddlewarePipeline>> handlerCache = HashMap();
Router<RequestHandler> _flattened;
Angel _parent;
/// A global Map of converters that can transform responses bodies.
final Map<String, Converter<List<int>, List<int>>> encoders = {};
final Map<dynamic, InjectionRequest> _preContained = {};
/// A [MimeTypeResolver] that can be used to specify the MIME types of files not known by `package:mime`.
final MimeTypeResolver mimeTypeResolver = MimeTypeResolver();
/// A middleware to inject a serialize on every request.
FutureOr<String> Function(dynamic) serializer;
/// A [Map] of dependency data obtained via reflection.
/// You may modify this [Map] yourself if you intend to avoid reflection entirely.
Map<dynamic, InjectionRequest> get preContained => _preContained;
/// Returns the [flatten]ed version of this router in production.
Router<RequestHandler> get optimizedRouter => _flattened ?? this;
/// Determines whether to allow HTTP request method overrides.
bool allowMethodOverrides = true;
/// All child application mounted on this instance.
List<Angel> get children => List<Angel>.unmodifiable(_children);
final Map<Pattern, Controller> _controllers = {};
/// A set of [Controller] objects that have been loaded into the application.
Map<Pattern, Controller> get controllers => _controllers;
/// Now *deprecated*, in favor of [AngelEnv] and [angelEnv]. Use `app.environment.isProduction`
/// instead.
/// Indicates whether the application is running in a production environment.
/// The criteria for this is the `ANGEL_ENV` environment variable being set to
/// `'production'`.
/// This value is memoized the first time you call it, so do not change environment
/// configuration at runtime!
bool get isProduction => environment.isProduction;
/// The [AngelEnvironment] in which the application is running.
/// By default, it is automatically inferred.
final AngelEnvironment environment;
/// Returns the parent instance of this application, if any.
Angel get parent => _parent;
/// Outputs diagnostics and debug messages.
Logger logger;
/// Plug-ins to be called right before server startup.
/// If the server is never started, they will never be called.
final List<AngelConfigurer> startupHooks = [];
/// Plug-ins to be called right before server shutdown.
/// If the server is never [close]d, they will never be called.
final List<AngelConfigurer> shutdownHooks = [];
/// Always run before responses are sent.
/// These will only not run if a response's `willCloseItself` is set to `true`.
final List<RequestHandler> responseFinalizers = [];
/// A [Map] of application-specific data that can be accessed by any
/// piece of code that can see this [Angel] instance.
/// Packages like `package:angel_configuration` populate this map
/// for you.
final Map configuration = {};
/// A function that renders views.
/// Called by [ResponseContext]@`render`.
ViewGenerator viewGenerator = noViewEngineConfigured;
/// The handler currently configured to run on [AngelHttpException]s.
Function(AngelHttpException e, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res)
errorHandler =
(AngelHttpException e, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) {
if (!req.accepts('text/html', strict: true) &&
(req.accepts('application/json') ||
req.accepts('application/javascript'))) {
res.contentType = MediaType('text', 'html', {'charset': 'utf8'});
res.statusCode = e.statusCode;
res.write("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>${e.message}</title>");
for (String error in e.errors) {
Route<RequestHandler> addRoute(
String method, String path, RequestHandler handler,
{Iterable<RequestHandler> middleware}) {
middleware ??= [];
if (_flattened != null) {
'WARNING: You added a route ($method $path) to the router, after it had been optimized.');
'This route will be ignored, and no requests will ever reach it.');
return super.addRoute(method, path, handler, middleware: middleware ?? []);
mount(String path, Router<RequestHandler> router) {
if (_flattened != null) {
'WARNING: You added mounted a child router ($path) on the router, after it had been optimized.');
'This route will be ignored, and no requests will ever reach it.');
if (router is Angel) {
router._parent = this;
return super.mount(path.toString(), router);
/// Loads some base dependencies into the service container.
void bootstrapContainer() {
if (runtimeType != Angel) {
/// Shuts down the server, and closes any open [StreamController]s.
/// The server will be **COMPLETELY DEFUNCT** after this operation!
Future close() {
Future.forEach(services.values, (Service service) {
viewGenerator = noViewEngineConfigured;
//_serializer = json.encode;
_parent = null;
logger = null;
_flattened = null;
return Future.value();
void dumpTree(
{callback(String tree),
String header = 'Dumping route tree:',
String tab = ' ',
bool showMatchers = false}) {
if (environment.isProduction) {
_flattened ??= flatten(this);
callback: callback,
header: header?.isNotEmpty == true
? header
: (environment.isProduction
? 'Dumping flattened route tree:'
: 'Dumping route tree:'),
tab: tab ?? ' ');
} else {
callback: callback,
header: header?.isNotEmpty == true
? header
: (environment.isProduction
? 'Dumping flattened route tree:'
: 'Dumping route tree:'),
tab: tab ?? ' ');
Future getHandlerResult(handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) {
if (handler is RequestHandler) {
var result = handler(req, res);
return getHandlerResult(result, req, res);
if (handler is Future) {
return handler.then((result) => getHandlerResult(result, req, res));
if (handler is Function) {
var result = runContained(handler, req, res);
return getHandlerResult(result, req, res);
if (handler is Stream) {
return getHandlerResult(handler.toList(), req, res);
return Future.value(handler);
/// Runs some [handler]. Returns `true` if request execution should continue.
Future<bool> executeHandler(
handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) {
return getHandlerResult(handler, req, res).then((result) {
if (result == null)
return false;
else if (result is bool) {
return result;
} else if (result != null) {
return res.serialize(result);
} else
return res.isOpen;
/// Attempts to find a property by the given name within this application.
findProperty(key) {
if (configuration.containsKey(key)) return configuration[key];
return parent != null ? parent.findProperty(key) : null;
/// Runs several optimizations, *if* [angelEnv.isProduction] is `true`.
/// * Preprocesses all dependency injection, and eliminates the burden of reflecting handlers
/// at run-time.
/// * [flatten]s the route tree into a linear one.
/// You may [force] the optimization to run, if you are not running in production.
void optimizeForProduction({bool force = false}) {
if (environment.isProduction || force == true) {
_flattened ??= flatten(this);
logger?.info('Angel is running in production mode.');
/// Run a function after injecting from service container.
/// If this function has been reflected before, then
/// the execution will be faster, as the injection requirements were stored beforehand.
Future runContained(Function handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
[Container container]) {
return Future.sync(() {
if (_preContained.containsKey(handler)) {
return handleContained(handler, _preContained[handler], container)(
req, res);
return runReflected(handler, req, res, container);
/// Runs with DI, and *always* reflects. Prefer [runContained].
Future runReflected(Function handler, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
[Container container]) {
container ??= req?.container ?? res?.app?.container;
var h = handleContained(
_preContained[handler] = preInject(handler, container.reflector),
return Future.sync(() => h(req, res));
// return closureMirror.apply(args).reflectee;
/// Applies an [AngelConfigurer] to this instance.
Future configure(AngelConfigurer configurer) {
return Future.sync(() => configurer(this));
/// Shorthand for using the [container] to instantiate, and then mount a [Controller].
/// Just like [Container].make, in contexts without properly-reified generics (dev releases of Dart 2),
/// provide a [type] argument as well.
/// If you are on `Dart >=2.0.0`, simply call `mountController<T>()`..
Future mountController<T extends Controller>([Type type]) {
return configure(container.make<T>(type).configureServer);
/// Shorthand for calling `all('*', handler)`.
Route<RequestHandler> fallback(RequestHandler handler) {
return all('*', handler);
HookedService<Id, Data, T> use<Id, Data, T extends Service<Id, Data>>(
String path, T service) {
service.app = this;
return super.use(path, service)..app = this;
{Reflector reflector = const EmptyReflector(),
this.environment = angelEnv,
this.allowMethodOverrides = true,
: super(reflector) {
if (reflector == const EmptyReflector()) {
var msg =
'No `reflector` was passed to the Angel constructor, so reflection will not be available.\n'
'Features like controllers, constructor dependency injection, and `ioc` require reflection, '
'and will not work without it.\n\n'
'For more, see the documentation:\n'
viewGenerator ??= noViewEngineConfigured;
serializer ??= json.encode;