151 lines
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151 lines
5.1 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:protevus_auth/protevus_auth.dart';
import 'package:protevus_container/mirrors.dart';
import 'package:protevus_framework/protevus_framework.dart';
import 'package:protevus_framework/http.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
final AngelAuth<Map<String, String>> auth = AngelAuth<Map<String, String>>(
serializer: (user) async => '1337', deserializer: (id) async => sampleUser);
//var headers = <String, String>{'accept': 'application/json'};
var localOpts = AngelAuthOptions<Map<String, String>>(
failureRedirect: '/failure', successRedirect: '/success');
var localOpts2 =
AngelAuthOptions<Map<String, String>>(canRespondWithJson: false);
Map<String, String> sampleUser = {'hello': 'world'};
Future<Map<String, String>> verifier(String? username, String? password) async {
if (username == 'username' && password == 'password') {
return sampleUser;
} else {
return {};
Future wireAuth(Protevus app) async {
//auth.serializer = (user) async => 1337;
//auth.deserializer = (id) async => sampleUser;
auth.strategies['local'] = LocalAuthStrategy(verifier, allowBasic: true);
await app.configure(auth.configureServer);
void main() async {
Protevus app;
late ProtevusHttp angelHttp;
late http.Client client;
String? url;
String? basicAuthUrl;
setUp(() async {
client = http.Client();
app = Protevus(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
angelHttp = ProtevusHttp(app, useZone: false);
await app.configure(wireAuth);
app.get('/hello', (req, res) {
// => 'Woo auth'
return 'Woo auth';
}, middleware: [auth.authenticate('local', localOpts2)]);
app.post('/login', (req, res) => 'This should not be shown',
middleware: [auth.authenticate('local', localOpts)]);
app.get('/success', (req, res) => 'yep', middleware: [
requireAuthentication<Map<String, String>>(),
app.get('/failure', (req, res) => 'nope');
app.logger = Logger('local_test')
..onRecord.listen((rec) {
'${rec.time}: ${rec.level.name}: ${rec.loggerName}: ${rec.message}');
if (rec.error != null) {
var server = await angelHttp.startServer('', 0);
url = 'http://${server.address.host}:${server.port}';
basicAuthUrl =
tearDown(() async {
await angelHttp.close();
//client = null;
url = null;
basicAuthUrl = null;
test('can use "auth" as middleware', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/success'),
headers: {'Accept': 'application/json'});
expect(response.statusCode, equals(403));
test('successRedirect', () async {
//var postData = {'username': 'username', 'password': 'password'};
var encodedAuth = base64.encode(utf8.encode('username:password'));
var response = await client.post(Uri.parse('$url/login'),
headers: {'Authorization': 'Basic $encodedAuth'});
expect(response.statusCode, equals(302));
expect(response.headers['location'], equals('/success'));
test('failureRedirect', () async {
//var postData = {'username': 'password', 'password': 'username'};
var encodedAuth = base64.encode(utf8.encode('password:username'));
var response = await client.post(Uri.parse('$url/login'),
headers: {'Authorization': 'Basic $encodedAuth'});
print('Status Code: ${response.statusCode}');
expect(response.headers['location'], equals('/failure'));
expect(response.statusCode, equals(401));
test('basic auth without authorization', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/hello'));
print('Status Code: ${response.statusCode}');
expect(response.statusCode, equals(401));
//test('allow basic', () async {
test('basic auth with authorization', () async {
var authString = base64.encode('username:password'.runes.toList());
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/hello'),
headers: {'authorization': 'Basic $authString'});
expect(response.body, equals('"Woo auth"'));
test('allow basic via URL encoding', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$basicAuthUrl/hello'));
expect(response.body, equals('"Woo auth"'));
test('force basic', () async {
auth.strategies['local'] =
LocalAuthStrategy(verifier, forceBasic: true, realm: 'test');
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/hello'), headers: {
'accept': 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json'
print('Header = ${response.headers}');
print('Body <${response.body}>');
var head = response.headers['www-authenticate'];
expect(head, equals('Basic realm="test"'));