import 'package:angel3_container/mirrors.dart';
import 'package:angel3_production/angel3_production.dart';
import 'package:angel/angel.dart';

// NOTE: By default, the Runner class does not use the `MirrorsReflector`, or any
// reflector, by default.
// If your application is using any sort of functionality reliant on annotations or reflection,
// either include the MirrorsReflector, or use a static reflector variant.
// The following use cases require reflection:
// * Use of Controllers, via @Expose() or @ExposeWS()
// * Use of dependency injection into constructors, whether in controllers or plain `container.make` calls
// * Use of the `ioc` function in any route
// The `MirrorsReflector` from `package:angel_container/mirrors.dart` is by far the most convenient pattern,
// so use it if possible.
// However, the following alternatives exist:
// * Generation via `package:angel_container_generator`
// * Creating an instance of `StaticReflector`
// * Manually implementing the `Reflector` interface (cumbersome; not recommended)
// As of January 4th, 2018, the documentation has not yet been updated to state this,
// so in the meantime, visit the Angel chat for further questions:
void main(List<String> args) =>
    Runner('{{angel}}', configureServer, reflector: MirrorsReflector())