[![The Angel Framework](https://angel-dart.github.io/images/logo.png)](https://angel-dart.github.io) [![Gitter](https://img.shields.io/gitter/room/nwjs/nw.js.svg)](https://gitter.im/angel_dart/discussion) [![version: v1.0.0-beta](https://img.shields.io/badge/pub-v1.0.0--beta-blue.svg)](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/angel_common) **The Dart server framework that's ready for showtime.** With features like the following, Angel is the all-in-one framework you should choose to build your next project: * [Wiki (in-depth documentation)](https://github.com/angel-dart/angel/wiki) [API Documentation](http://www.dartdocs.org/documentation/angel_common/latest) [Roadmap](https://github.com/angel-dart/roadmap/blob/master/ROADMAP.md) [File an Issue](https://github.com/angel-dart/roadmap/issues) ## Installation & Setup *Having errors with a fresh Angel installation? See [here](https://github.com/angel-dart/angel/wiki/Installation-&-Setup) for help.* Once you have [Dart](https://www.dartlang.org/) installed, bootstrapping a project is as simple as running one shell command: Install the [Angel CLI](https://github.com/angel-dart/cli): ```bash pub global activate angel_cli ``` Bootstrap a project: ```bash angel init hello ``` Next, check out the [detailed documentation](https://github.com/angel-dart/angel/wiki) to learn to flesh out your project. ## What is Angel? Angel is a server-side Web application framework for the Dart programming language. It strives to be a flexible, extensible system, to be easily scalable, and to allow as much code to be shared between clients and servers as possible. Ultimately, I believe that this approach will shorten the time it takes to build a full-stack Web application, from start to finish. [Read more...](https://medium.com/the-angel-framework/announcing-angel-v1-0-0-beta-46dfb4aa8afe) ## Join the team Do you want to collaborate? Join the project at https://projectgroupie.com/projects/212