179 lines
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179 lines
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name: RedisExtIntegrationTest
class_comment: '# * @requires extension redis
# *
# * @group time-sensitive
# * @group integration'
- name: TestCase
type: class
source: PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
- name: Relay
type: class
source: Relay\Relay
- name: DummyMessage
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Redis\Tests\Fixtures\DummyMessage
- name: Connection
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Redis\Transport\Connection
- name: RedisReceiver
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Redis\Transport\RedisReceiver
- name: Envelope
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Messenger\Envelope
- name: TransportException
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\TransportException
- name: Serializer
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Serialization\Serializer
properties: []
- name: testSentinel
visibility: public
- name: sentinelOptionName
comment: "# * @requires extension redis\n# *\n# * @group time-sensitive\n# * @group\
\ integration\n# */\n# class RedisExtIntegrationTest extends TestCase\n# {\n#\
\ private \\Redis|Relay|null $redis = null;\n# private ?Connection $connection\
\ = null;\n# \n# protected function setUp(): void\n# {\n# if (!getenv('MESSENGER_REDIS_DSN'))\
\ {\n# $this->markTestSkipped('The \"MESSENGER_REDIS_DSN\" environment variable\
\ is required.');\n# }\n# \n# try {\n# $this->redis = $this->createRedisClient();\n\
# $this->connection = Connection::fromDsn(getenv('MESSENGER_REDIS_DSN'), ['sentinel_master'\
\ => getenv('MESSENGER_REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER') ?: null], $this->redis);\n# $this->connection->cleanup();\n\
# $this->connection->setup();\n# } catch (\\Exception $e) {\n# self::markTestSkipped($e->getMessage());\n\
# }\n# }\n# \n# public function testConnectionSendAndGet()\n# {\n# $this->connection->add('{\"\
message\": \"Hi\"}', ['type' => DummyMessage::class]);\n# $message = $this->connection->get();\n\
# $this->assertEquals([\n# 'message' => json_encode([\n# 'body' => '{\"message\"\
: \"Hi\"}',\n# 'headers' => ['type' => DummyMessage::class],\n# ]),\n# ], $message['data']);\n\
# }\n# \n# public function testGetTheFirstAvailableMessage()\n# {\n# $this->connection->add('{\"\
message\": \"Hi1\"}', ['type' => DummyMessage::class]);\n# $this->connection->add('{\"\
message\": \"Hi2\"}', ['type' => DummyMessage::class]);\n# $message = $this->connection->get();\n\
# $this->assertEquals([\n# 'message' => json_encode([\n# 'body' => '{\"message\"\
: \"Hi1\"}',\n# 'headers' => ['type' => DummyMessage::class],\n# ]),\n# ], $message['data']);\n\
# $message = $this->connection->get();\n# $this->assertEquals([\n# 'message' =>\
\ json_encode([\n# 'body' => '{\"message\": \"Hi2\"}',\n# 'headers' => ['type'\
\ => DummyMessage::class],\n# ]),\n# ], $message['data']);\n# }\n# \n# public\
\ function testConnectionSendWithSameContent()\n# {\n# $body = '{\"message\":\
\ \"Hi\"}';\n# $headers = ['type' => DummyMessage::class];\n# \n# $this->connection->add($body,\
\ $headers);\n# $this->connection->add($body, $headers);\n# \n# $message = $this->connection->get();\n\
# $this->assertEquals([\n# 'message' => json_encode([\n# 'body' => $body,\n# 'headers'\
\ => $headers,\n# ]),\n# ], $message['data']);\n# \n# $message = $this->connection->get();\n\
# $this->assertEquals([\n# 'message' => json_encode([\n# 'body' => $body,\n# 'headers'\
\ => $headers,\n# ]),\n# ], $message['data']);\n# }\n# \n# public function testConnectionSendAndGetDelayed()\n\
# {\n# $this->connection->add('{\"message\": \"Hi\"}', ['type' => DummyMessage::class],\
\ 500);\n# $message = $this->connection->get();\n# $this->assertNull($message);\n\
# sleep(2);\n# $message = $this->connection->get();\n# $this->assertEquals([\n\
# 'message' => json_encode([\n# 'body' => '{\"message\": \"Hi\"}',\n# 'headers'\
\ => ['type' => DummyMessage::class],\n# ]),\n# ], $message['data']);\n# }\n#\
\ \n# public function testConnectionSendDelayedMessagesWithSameContent()\n# {\n\
# $body = '{\"message\": \"Hi\"}';\n# $headers = ['type' => DummyMessage::class];\n\
# \n# $this->connection->add($body, $headers, 500);\n# $this->connection->add($body,\
\ $headers, 500);\n# sleep(2);\n# $message = $this->connection->get();\n# $this->assertEquals([\n\
# 'message' => json_encode([\n# 'body' => $body,\n# 'headers' => $headers,\n#\
\ ]),\n# ], $message['data']);\n# \n# $message = $this->connection->get();\n#\
\ $this->assertEquals([\n# 'message' => json_encode([\n# 'body' => $body,\n# 'headers'\
\ => $headers,\n# ]),\n# ], $message['data']);\n# }\n# \n# public function testConnectionBelowRedeliverTimeout()\n\
# {\n# // lower redeliver timeout and claim interval\n# $connection = Connection::fromDsn(getenv('MESSENGER_REDIS_DSN'),\
\ ['sentinel_master' => getenv('MESSENGER_REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER') ?: null], $this->redis);\n\
# \n# $connection->cleanup();\n# $connection->setup();\n# \n# $body = '{\"message\"\
: \"Hi\"}';\n# $headers = ['type' => DummyMessage::class];\n# \n# // Add two messages\n\
# $connection->add($body, $headers);\n# \n# // Read first message with other consumer\n\
# $this->redis->xreadgroup(\n# $this->getConnectionGroup($connection),\n# 'other-consumer2',\n\
# [$this->getConnectionStream($connection) => '>'],\n# 1\n# );\n# \n# // Queue\
\ will not have any messages yet\n# $this->assertNull($connection->get());\n#\
\ }\n# \n# public function testConnectionClaimAndRedeliver()\n# {\n# // lower\
\ redeliver timeout and claim interval\n# $connection = Connection::fromDsn(\n\
# getenv('MESSENGER_REDIS_DSN'),\n# ['redeliver_timeout' => 0, 'claim_interval'\
\ => 500, 'sentinel_master' => getenv('MESSENGER_REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER') ?: null],\n\
# \n# $this->redis\n# );\n# \n# $connection->cleanup();\n# $connection->setup();\n\
# \n# $body1 = '{\"message\": \"Hi\"}';\n# $body2 = '{\"message\": \"Bye\"}';\n\
# $headers = ['type' => DummyMessage::class];\n# \n# // Add two messages\n# $connection->add($body1,\
\ $headers);\n# $connection->add($body2, $headers);\n# \n# // Read first message\
\ with other consumer\n# $this->redis->xreadgroup(\n# $this->getConnectionGroup($connection),\n\
# 'other-consumer2',\n# [$this->getConnectionStream($connection) => '>'],\n# 1\n\
# );\n# \n# // Queue will return the pending message first because redeliver_timeout\
\ = 0\n# $message = $connection->get();\n# $this->assertEquals([\n# 'message'\
\ => json_encode([\n# 'body' => $body1,\n# 'headers' => $headers,\n# ]),\n# ],\
\ $message['data']);\n# $connection->ack($message['id']);\n# \n# // Queue will\
\ return the second message\n# $message = $connection->get();\n# $this->assertEquals([\n\
# 'message' => json_encode([\n# 'body' => $body2,\n# 'headers' => $headers,\n\
# ]),\n# ], $message['data']);\n# $connection->ack($message['id']);\n# }\n# \n\
# /**\n# * @dataProvider sentinelOptionNames"
- name: sentinelOptionNames
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testLazySentinel
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testLazyCluster
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testLazy
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testDbIndex
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testFromDsnWithMultipleHosts
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testJsonError
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testGetNonBlocking
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testGetAfterReject
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testItProperlyHandlesEmptyMessages
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: testItCountMessages
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: getConnectionGroup
visibility: private
- name: connection
comment: null
- name: getConnectionStream
visibility: private
- name: connection
comment: null
- name: skipIfRedisClusterUnavailable
visibility: private
parameters: []
comment: null
- name: createRedisClient
visibility: protected
parameters: []
comment: null
- PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
- Relay\Relay
- Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Redis\Tests\Fixtures\DummyMessage
- Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Redis\Transport\Connection
- Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Redis\Transport\RedisReceiver
- Symfony\Component\Messenger\Envelope
- Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\TransportException
- Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Serialization\Serializer
interfaces: []