name: MongoDbSessionHandler class_comment: "# * Session handler using the MongoDB driver extension.\n# *\n# *\ \ @author Markus Bachmann \n# * @author J\xE9r\xF4me\ \ Tamarelle \n# *\n# * @see" dependencies: - name: Binary type: class source: MongoDB\BSON\Binary - name: UTCDateTime type: class source: MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime - name: Client type: class source: MongoDB\Client - name: BulkWrite type: class source: MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite - name: Manager type: class source: MongoDB\Driver\Manager - name: Query type: class source: MongoDB\Driver\Query properties: [] methods: - name: __construct visibility: public parameters: - name: mongo - name: options comment: "# * Session handler using the MongoDB driver extension.\n# *\n# * @author\ \ Markus Bachmann \n# * @author J\xE9r\xF4me Tamarelle\ \ \n# *\n# * @see\n# */\n# class\ \ MongoDbSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler\n# {\n# private Manager\ \ $manager;\n# private string $namespace;\n# private array $options;\n# private\ \ int|\\Closure|null $ttl;\n# \n# /**\n# * Constructor.\n# *\n# * List of available\ \ options:\n# * * database: The name of the database [required]\n# * * collection:\ \ The name of the collection [required]\n# * * id_field: The field name for storing\ \ the session id [default: _id]\n# * * data_field: The field name for storing\ \ the session data [default: data]\n# * * time_field: The field name for storing\ \ the timestamp [default: time]\n# * * expiry_field: The field name for storing\ \ the expiry-timestamp [default: expires_at]\n# * * ttl: The time to live in\ \ seconds.\n# *\n# * It is strongly recommended to put an index on the `expiry_field`\ \ for\n# * garbage-collection. Alternatively it's possible to automatically expire\n\ # * the sessions in the database as described below:\n# *\n# * A TTL collections\ \ can be used on MongoDB 2.2+ to cleanup expired sessions\n# * automatically.\ \ Such an index can for example look like this:\n# *\n# * db..createIndex(\n\ # * { \"\": 1 },\n# * { \"expireAfterSeconds\":\ \ 0 }\n# * )\n# *\n# * More details on:\n\ # *\n# * If you use such an index, you can drop `gc_probability` to 0 since\n\ # * no garbage-collection is required.\n# *\n# * @throws \\InvalidArgumentException\ \ When \"database\" or \"collection\" not provided" - name: close visibility: public parameters: [] comment: null - name: doDestroy visibility: protected parameters: - name: sessionId comment: null - name: gc visibility: public parameters: - name: maxlifetime comment: null - name: doWrite visibility: protected parameters: - name: sessionId - name: data comment: null - name: updateTimestamp visibility: public parameters: - name: sessionId - name: data comment: null - name: doRead visibility: protected parameters: - name: sessionId comment: null - name: getUTCDateTime visibility: private parameters: - name: additionalSeconds default: '0' comment: null traits: - MongoDB\BSON\Binary - MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime - MongoDB\Client - MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite - MongoDB\Driver\Manager - MongoDB\Driver\Query interfaces: []