name: GeneratorConfig class_comment: '# * Stores contextual information for resource bundle generation. # * # * @author Bernhard Schussek # * # * @internal' dependencies: - name: BundleWriterInterface type: class source: Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Writer\BundleWriterInterface properties: [] methods: - name: addBundleWriter visibility: public parameters: - name: targetDir - name: writer comment: "# * Stores contextual information for resource bundle generation.\n# *\n\ # * @author Bernhard Schussek \n# *\n# * @internal\n# */\n\ # class GeneratorConfig\n# {\n# /**\n# * @var BundleWriterInterface[]\n# */\n\ # private array $bundleWriters = [];\n# \n# public function __construct(\n# private\ \ string $sourceDir,\n# private string $icuVersion,\n# ) {\n# }\n# \n# /**\n#\ \ * Adds a writer to be used during the data conversion." - name: getBundleWriters visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns the writers indexed by their output directories. # * # * @return BundleWriterInterface[]' - name: getSourceDir visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns the directory where the source versions of the resource bundles # * are stored.' - name: getIcuVersion visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns the ICU version of the bundles being converted.' traits: - Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Writer\BundleWriterInterface interfaces: []