2024-09-26 02:03:21 -07:00

468 lines
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name: BroadcastManager
class_comment: '# * @mixin \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster'
- name: AblyRest
type: class
source: Ably\AblyRest
- name: Closure
type: class
source: Closure
- name: GuzzleClient
type: class
source: GuzzleHttp\Client
- name: AblyBroadcaster
type: class
source: Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\AblyBroadcaster
- name: LogBroadcaster
type: class
source: Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\LogBroadcaster
- name: NullBroadcaster
type: class
source: Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\NullBroadcaster
- name: PusherBroadcaster
type: class
source: Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\PusherBroadcaster
- name: RedisBroadcaster
type: class
source: Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\RedisBroadcaster
- name: UniqueLock
type: class
source: Illuminate\Bus\UniqueLock
- name: FactoryContract
type: class
source: Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Factory
- name: ShouldBeUnique
type: class
source: Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBeUnique
- name: ShouldBroadcastNow
type: class
source: Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcastNow
- name: BusDispatcherContract
type: class
source: Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher
- name: Cache
type: class
source: Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
- name: CachesRoutes
type: class
source: Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\CachesRoutes
- name: InvalidArgumentException
type: class
source: InvalidArgumentException
- name: LoggerInterface
type: class
source: Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
- name: Pusher
type: class
source: Pusher\Pusher
- name: app
visibility: protected
comment: '# * @mixin \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster
# */
# class BroadcastManager implements FactoryContract
# {
# /**
# * The application instance.
# *
# * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container'
- name: drivers
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The array of resolved broadcast drivers.
# *
# * @var array'
- name: customCreators
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The registered custom driver creators.
# *
# * @var array'
- name: __construct
visibility: public
- name: app
comment: "# * @mixin \\Illuminate\\Contracts\\Broadcasting\\Broadcaster\n# */\n\
# class BroadcastManager implements FactoryContract\n# {\n# /**\n# * The application\
\ instance.\n# *\n# * @var \\Illuminate\\Contracts\\Container\\Container\n# */\n\
# protected $app;\n# \n# /**\n# * The array of resolved broadcast drivers.\n#\
\ *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# protected $drivers = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * The registered\
\ custom driver creators.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# protected $customCreators\
\ = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * Create a new manager instance.\n# *\n# * @param \\Illuminate\\\
Contracts\\Container\\Container $app\n# * @return void"
- name: routes
visibility: public
- name: attributes
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Register the routes for handling broadcast channel authentication
and sockets.
# *
# * @param array|null $attributes
# * @return void'
- name: userRoutes
visibility: public
- name: attributes
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Register the routes for handling broadcast user authentication.
# *
# * @param array|null $attributes
# * @return void'
- name: channelRoutes
visibility: public
- name: attributes
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Register the routes for handling broadcast authentication and sockets.
# *
# * Alias of "routes" method.
# *
# * @param array|null $attributes
# * @return void'
- name: socket
visibility: public
- name: request
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Get the socket ID for the given request.
# *
# * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request|null $request
# * @return string|null'
- name: 'on'
visibility: public
- name: channels
comment: '# * Begin sending an anonymous broadcast to the given channels.'
- name: private
visibility: public
- name: channel
comment: '# * Begin sending an anonymous broadcast to the given private channels.'
- name: presence
visibility: public
- name: channel
comment: '# * Begin sending an anonymous broadcast to the given presence channels.'
- name: event
visibility: public
- name: event
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Begin broadcasting an event.
# *
# * @param mixed|null $event
# * @return \Illuminate\Broadcasting\PendingBroadcast'
- name: queue
visibility: public
- name: event
comment: '# * Queue the given event for broadcast.
# *
# * @param mixed $event
# * @return void'
- name: mustBeUniqueAndCannotAcquireLock
visibility: protected
- name: event
comment: '# * Determine if the broadcastable event must be unique and determine
if we can acquire the necessary lock.
# *
# * @param mixed $event
# * @return bool'
- name: connection
visibility: public
- name: driver
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Get a driver instance.
# *
# * @param string|null $driver
# * @return mixed'
- name: driver
visibility: public
- name: name
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Get a driver instance.
# *
# * @param string|null $name
# * @return mixed'
- name: get
visibility: protected
- name: name
comment: '# * Attempt to get the connection from the local cache.
# *
# * @param string $name
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster'
- name: resolve
visibility: protected
- name: name
comment: '# * Resolve the given broadcaster.
# *
# * @param string $name
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster
# *
# * @throws \InvalidArgumentException'
- name: callCustomCreator
visibility: protected
- name: config
comment: '# * Call a custom driver creator.
# *
# * @param array $config
# * @return mixed'
- name: createReverbDriver
visibility: protected
- name: config
comment: '# * Create an instance of the driver.
# *
# * @param array $config
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster'
- name: createPusherDriver
visibility: protected
- name: config
comment: '# * Create an instance of the driver.
# *
# * @param array $config
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster'
- name: pusher
visibility: public
- name: config
comment: '# * Get a Pusher instance for the given configuration.
# *
# * @param array $config
# * @return \Pusher\Pusher'
- name: createAblyDriver
visibility: protected
- name: config
comment: '# * Create an instance of the driver.
# *
# * @param array $config
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster'
- name: ably
visibility: public
- name: config
comment: '# * Get an Ably instance for the given configuration.
# *
# * @param array $config
# * @return \Ably\AblyRest'
- name: createRedisDriver
visibility: protected
- name: config
comment: '# * Create an instance of the driver.
# *
# * @param array $config
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster'
- name: createLogDriver
visibility: protected
- name: config
comment: '# * Create an instance of the driver.
# *
# * @param array $config
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster'
- name: createNullDriver
visibility: protected
- name: config
comment: '# * Create an instance of the driver.
# *
# * @param array $config
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster'
- name: getConfig
visibility: protected
- name: name
comment: '# * Get the connection configuration.
# *
# * @param string $name
# * @return array'
- name: getDefaultDriver
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the default driver name.
# *
# * @return string'
- name: setDefaultDriver
visibility: public
- name: name
comment: '# * Set the default driver name.
# *
# * @param string $name
# * @return void'
- name: purge
visibility: public
- name: name
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Disconnect the given disk and remove from local cache.
# *
# * @param string|null $name
# * @return void'
- name: extend
visibility: public
- name: driver
- name: callback
comment: '# * Register a custom driver creator Closure.
# *
# * @param string $driver
# * @param \Closure $callback
# * @return $this'
- name: getApplication
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the application instance used by the manager.
# *
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application'
- name: setApplication
visibility: public
- name: app
comment: '# * Set the application instance used by the manager.
# *
# * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app
# * @return $this'
- name: forgetDrivers
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Forget all of the resolved driver instances.
# *
# * @return $this'
- name: __call
visibility: public
- name: method
- name: parameters
comment: '# * Dynamically call the default driver instance.
# *
# * @param string $method
# * @param array $parameters
# * @return mixed'
- Ably\AblyRest
- Closure
- Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\AblyBroadcaster
- Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\LogBroadcaster
- Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\NullBroadcaster
- Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\PusherBroadcaster
- Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters\RedisBroadcaster
- Illuminate\Bus\UniqueLock
- Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBeUnique
- Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcastNow
- Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\CachesRoutes
- InvalidArgumentException
- Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
- Pusher\Pusher
- FactoryContract