2024-09-26 02:03:21 -07:00

505 lines
11 KiB

name: Translator
class_comment: null
- name: Closure
type: class
source: Closure
- name: Loader
type: class
source: Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Loader
- name: TranslatorContract
type: class
source: Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator
- name: Arr
type: class
source: Illuminate\Support\Arr
- name: NamespacedItemResolver
type: class
source: Illuminate\Support\NamespacedItemResolver
- name: Str
type: class
source: Illuminate\Support\Str
- name: Macroable
type: class
source: Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable
- name: ReflectsClosures
type: class
source: Illuminate\Support\Traits\ReflectsClosures
- name: InvalidArgumentException
type: class
source: InvalidArgumentException
- name: loader
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The loader implementation.
# *
# * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Loader'
- name: locale
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The default locale being used by the translator.
# *
# * @var string'
- name: fallback
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The fallback locale used by the translator.
# *
# * @var string'
- name: loaded
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The array of loaded translation groups.
# *
# * @var array'
- name: selector
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The message selector.
# *
# * @var \Illuminate\Translation\MessageSelector'
- name: determineLocalesUsing
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The callable that should be invoked to determine applicable locales.
# *
# * @var callable'
- name: stringableHandlers
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The custom rendering callbacks for stringable objects.
# *
# * @var array'
- name: missingTranslationKeyCallback
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The callback that is responsible for handling missing translation
# *
# * @var callable|null'
- name: handleMissingTranslationKeys
visibility: protected
comment: '# * Indicates whether missing translation keys should be handled.
# *
# * @var bool'
- name: __construct
visibility: public
- name: loader
- name: locale
comment: "# * The loader implementation.\n# *\n# * @var \\Illuminate\\Contracts\\\
Translation\\Loader\n# */\n# protected $loader;\n# \n# /**\n# * The default locale\
\ being used by the translator.\n# *\n# * @var string\n# */\n# protected $locale;\n\
# \n# /**\n# * The fallback locale used by the translator.\n# *\n# * @var string\n\
# */\n# protected $fallback;\n# \n# /**\n# * The array of loaded translation groups.\n\
# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# protected $loaded = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * The message\
\ selector.\n# *\n# * @var \\Illuminate\\Translation\\MessageSelector\n# */\n\
# protected $selector;\n# \n# /**\n# * The callable that should be invoked to\
\ determine applicable locales.\n# *\n# * @var callable\n# */\n# protected $determineLocalesUsing;\n\
# \n# /**\n# * The custom rendering callbacks for stringable objects.\n# *\n#\
\ * @var array\n# */\n# protected $stringableHandlers = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * The\
\ callback that is responsible for handling missing translation keys.\n# *\n#\
\ * @var callable|null\n# */\n# protected $missingTranslationKeyCallback;\n# \n\
# /**\n# * Indicates whether missing translation keys should be handled.\n# *\n\
# * @var bool\n# */\n# protected $handleMissingTranslationKeys = true;\n# \n#\
\ /**\n# * Create a new translator instance.\n# *\n# * @param \\Illuminate\\\
Contracts\\Translation\\Loader $loader\n# * @param string $locale\n# * @return\
\ void"
- name: hasForLocale
visibility: public
- name: key
- name: locale
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Determine if a translation exists for a given locale.
# *
# * @param string $key
# * @param string|null $locale
# * @return bool'
- name: has
visibility: public
- name: key
- name: locale
default: 'null'
- name: fallback
default: 'true'
comment: '# * Determine if a translation exists.
# *
# * @param string $key
# * @param string|null $locale
# * @param bool $fallback
# * @return bool'
- name: get
visibility: public
- name: key
- name: replace
default: '[]'
- name: locale
default: 'null'
- name: fallback
default: 'true'
comment: '# * Get the translation for the given key.
# *
# * @param string $key
# * @param array $replace
# * @param string|null $locale
# * @param bool $fallback
# * @return string|array'
- name: choice
visibility: public
- name: key
- name: number
- name: replace
default: '[]'
- name: locale
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Get a translation according to an integer value.
# *
# * @param string $key
# * @param \Countable|int|float|array $number
# * @param array $replace
# * @param string|null $locale
# * @return string'
- name: localeForChoice
visibility: protected
- name: locale
comment: '# * Get the proper locale for a choice operation.
# *
# * @param string|null $locale
# * @return string'
- name: getLine
visibility: protected
- name: namespace
- name: group
- name: locale
- name: item
- name: replace
comment: '# * Retrieve a language line out the loaded array.
# *
# * @param string $namespace
# * @param string $group
# * @param string $locale
# * @param string $item
# * @param array $replace
# * @return string|array|null'
- name: makeReplacements
visibility: protected
- name: line
- name: replace
comment: '# * Make the place-holder replacements on a line.
# *
# * @param string $line
# * @param array $replace
# * @return string'
- name: addLines
visibility: public
- name: lines
- name: locale
- name: namespace
default: '''*'''
comment: '# * Add translation lines to the given locale.
# *
# * @param array $lines
# * @param string $locale
# * @param string $namespace
# * @return void'
- name: load
visibility: public
- name: namespace
- name: group
- name: locale
comment: '# * Load the specified language group.
# *
# * @param string $namespace
# * @param string $group
# * @param string $locale
# * @return void'
- name: isLoaded
visibility: protected
- name: namespace
- name: group
- name: locale
comment: '# * Determine if the given group has been loaded.
# *
# * @param string $namespace
# * @param string $group
# * @param string $locale
# * @return bool'
- name: handleMissingTranslationKey
visibility: protected
- name: key
- name: replace
- name: locale
- name: fallback
comment: '# * Handle a missing translation key.
# *
# * @param string $key
# * @param array $replace
# * @param string|null $locale
# * @param bool $fallback
# * @return string'
- name: handleMissingKeysUsing
visibility: public
- name: callback
comment: '# * Register a callback that is responsible for handling missing translation
# *
# * @param callable|null $callback
# * @return static'
- name: addNamespace
visibility: public
- name: namespace
- name: hint
comment: '# * Add a new namespace to the loader.
# *
# * @param string $namespace
# * @param string $hint
# * @return void'
- name: addJsonPath
visibility: public
- name: path
comment: '# * Add a new JSON path to the loader.
# *
# * @param string $path
# * @return void'
- name: parseKey
visibility: public
- name: key
comment: '# * Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.
# *
# * @param string $key
# * @return array'
- name: localeArray
visibility: protected
- name: locale
comment: '# * Get the array of locales to be checked.
# *
# * @param string|null $locale
# * @return array'
- name: determineLocalesUsing
visibility: public
- name: callback
comment: '# * Specify a callback that should be invoked to determined the applicable
locale array.
# *
# * @param callable $callback
# * @return void'
- name: getSelector
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the message selector instance.
# *
# * @return \Illuminate\Translation\MessageSelector'
- name: setSelector
visibility: public
- name: selector
comment: '# * Set the message selector instance.
# *
# * @param \Illuminate\Translation\MessageSelector $selector
# * @return void'
- name: getLoader
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the language line loader implementation.
# *
# * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Loader'
- name: locale
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the default locale being used.
# *
# * @return string'
- name: getLocale
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the default locale being used.
# *
# * @return string'
- name: setLocale
visibility: public
- name: locale
comment: '# * Set the default locale.
# *
# * @param string $locale
# * @return void
# *
# * @throws \InvalidArgumentException'
- name: getFallback
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the fallback locale being used.
# *
# * @return string'
- name: setFallback
visibility: public
- name: fallback
comment: '# * Set the fallback locale being used.
# *
# * @param string $fallback
# * @return void'
- name: setLoaded
visibility: public
- name: loaded
comment: '# * Set the loaded translation groups.
# *
# * @param array $loaded
# * @return void'
- name: stringable
visibility: public
- name: class
- name: handler
default: 'null'
comment: '# * Add a handler to be executed in order to format a given class to a
string during translation replacements.
# *
# * @param callable|string $class
# * @param callable|null $handler
# * @return void'
- Closure
- Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Loader
- Illuminate\Support\Arr
- Illuminate\Support\NamespacedItemResolver
- Illuminate\Support\Str
- Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable
- Illuminate\Support\Traits\ReflectsClosures
- InvalidArgumentException
- Macroable
- TranslatorContract