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import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:platform_contracts/contracts.dart';
import 'package:ioc_container/src/bound_method.dart';
import 'package:ioc_container/src/contextual_binding_builder.dart';
import 'package:ioc_container/src/entry_not_found_exception.dart';
import 'package:ioc_container/src/util.dart';
class Container implements ContainerContract {
static Container? _instance;
final Map<String, bool> _resolved = {};
final Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> _bindings = {};
final Map<String, Function> _methodBindings = {};
final Map<String, Object> _instances = {};
final List<String> _scopedInstances = [];
final Map<String, String> _aliases = {};
final Map<String, List<String>> _abstractAliases = {};
final Map<String, List<Function>> _extenders = {};
final Map<String, List<String>> _tags = {};
final List<String> _buildStack = [];
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> _with = [];
final Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> _contextual = {};
final Map<String, Function> _contextualAttributes = {};
final Map<String, List<Function>> _reboundCallbacks = {};
final List<Function> _globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [];
final List<Function> _globalResolvingCallbacks = [];
final List<Function> _globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [];
final Map<String, List<Function>> _beforeResolvingCallbacks = {};
final Map<String, List<Function>> _resolvingCallbacks = {};
final Map<String, List<Function>> _afterResolvingCallbacks = {};
final Map<String, List<Function>> _afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = {};
static Container getInstance() {
return _instance ??= Container();
static void setInstance(Container? container) {
_instance = container;
Function wrap(Function callback, [List<dynamic> parameters = const []]) {
return () => call(callback, parameters);
dynamic refresh(String abstract, dynamic target, String method) {
return rebinding(abstract, (Container container, dynamic instance) {
Function.apply(target[method], [instance]);
dynamic rebinding(String abstract, Function callback) {
abstract = getAlias(abstract);
_reboundCallbacks[abstract] ??= [];
if (bound(abstract)) {
return make(abstract);
return null;
void bindMethod(dynamic method, Function callback) {
_methodBindings[_parseBindMethod(method)] = callback;
String _parseBindMethod(dynamic method) {
if (method is List && method.length == 2) {
return '${method[0]}@${method[1]}';
return method.toString();
bool hasMethodBinding(String method) {
return _methodBindings.containsKey(method);
dynamic callMethodBinding(String method, dynamic instance) {
if (!hasMethodBinding(method)) {
throw Exception("Method binding not found for $method");
return _methodBindings[method]!(instance);
bool bound(String abstract) {
return _bindings.containsKey(abstract) ||
_instances.containsKey(abstract) ||
void alias(String abstract, String alias) {
if (alias == abstract) {
throw ArgumentError("[$abstract] is aliased to itself.");
_aliases[alias] = abstract;
_abstractAliases[abstract] ??= [];
void tag(dynamic abstracts, String tag,
[List<String> additionalTags = const []]) {
var tags = [tag, ...additionalTags];
var abstractList = abstracts is List ? abstracts : [abstracts];
for (var tag in tags) {
if (!_tags.containsKey(tag)) {
_tags[tag] = [];
Iterable<dynamic> tagged(String tag) {
if (!_tags.containsKey(tag)) {
return [];
return _tags[tag]!.map((abstract) => make(abstract));
void bind(String abstract, dynamic concrete, {bool shared = false}) {
if (concrete == null) {
concrete = abstract;
// If concrete is not a function and not null, we store it directly
if (concrete is! Function && concrete != null) {
_bindings[abstract] = {'concrete': concrete, 'shared': shared};
} else {
// For functions or null, we wrap it in a closure
_bindings[abstract] = {
'concrete': (Container container) =>
concrete is Function ? concrete(container) : concrete,
'shared': shared
if (resolved(abstract)) {
void bindIf(String abstract, dynamic concrete, {bool shared = false}) {
if (!bound(abstract)) {
bind(abstract, concrete, shared: shared);
void singleton(String abstract, [dynamic concrete]) {
bind(abstract, concrete ?? abstract, shared: true);
void singletonIf(String abstract, [dynamic concrete]) {
if (!bound(abstract)) {
singleton(abstract, concrete);
void scoped(String abstract, [dynamic concrete]) {
singleton(abstract, concrete);
void scopedIf(String abstract, [dynamic concrete]) {
if (!bound(abstract)) {
scoped(abstract, concrete);
void extend(String abstract, Function(dynamic service) closure) {
abstract = getAlias(abstract);
if (_instances.containsKey(abstract)) {
_instances[abstract] = closure(_instances[abstract]!);
} else {
_extenders[abstract] ??= [];
if (resolved(abstract)) {
T instance<T>(String abstract, T instance) {
bool isBound = bound(abstract);
_instances[abstract] = instance as Object;
if (isBound) {
return instance;
void addContextualBinding(
String concrete, String abstract, dynamic implementation) {
_contextual[concrete] ??= {};
_contextual[concrete]![getAlias(abstract)] = implementation;
ContextualBindingBuilderContract when(dynamic concrete) {
return ContextualBindingBuilder(
this, Util.arrayWrap(concrete).map((c) => getAlias(c)).toList());
void whenHasAttribute(String attribute, Function handler) {
_contextualAttributes[attribute] = handler;
Function factory(String abstract) {
return () => make(abstract);
void flush() {
T make<T>(String abstract, [List<dynamic> parameters = const []]) {
return resolve(abstract, parameters) as T;
dynamic call(dynamic callback,
[List<dynamic> parameters = const [], String? defaultMethod]) {
return BoundMethod.call(this, callback, parameters, defaultMethod);
bool resolved(String abstract) {
if (isAlias(abstract)) {
abstract = getAlias(abstract);
return _resolved.containsKey(abstract) || _instances.containsKey(abstract);
void beforeResolving(dynamic abstract, [Function? callback]) {
if (abstract is String) {
abstract = getAlias(abstract);
if (abstract is Function && callback == null) {
} else {
_beforeResolvingCallbacks[abstract.toString()] ??= [];
if (callback != null) {
void resolving(dynamic abstract, [Function? callback]) {
if (abstract is String) {
abstract = getAlias(abstract);
if (callback == null && abstract is Function) {
} else {
_resolvingCallbacks[abstract.toString()] ??= [];
if (callback != null) {
void afterResolving(dynamic abstract, [Function? callback]) {
if (abstract is String) {
abstract = getAlias(abstract);
if (abstract is Function && callback == null) {
} else {
_afterResolvingCallbacks[abstract.toString()] ??= [];
if (callback != null) {
void afterResolvingAttribute(String attribute, Function callback) {
_afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks[attribute] ??= [];
dynamic get(String id) {
try {
return resolve(id);
} catch (e) {
if (has(id) || e is CircularDependencyException) {
throw EntryNotFoundException(id);
bool has(String id) {
return bound(id);
void _dropStaleInstances(String abstract) {
void _removeAbstractAlias(String abstract) {
if (!_aliases.containsKey(abstract)) return;
for (var entry in _abstractAliases.entries) {
void _rebound(String abstract) {
var instance = make(abstract);
for (var callback in _getReboundCallbacks(abstract)) {
callback(this, instance);
List<Function> _getReboundCallbacks(String abstract) {
return _reboundCallbacks[abstract] ?? [];
dynamic resolve(String abstract,
[List<dynamic> parameters = const [], bool raiseEvents = true]) {
abstract = getAlias(abstract);
if (_buildStack.contains(abstract)) {
throw CircularDependencyException([..._buildStack, abstract]);
try {
if (raiseEvents) {
_fireBeforeResolvingCallbacks(abstract, parameters);
var concrete = _getContextualConcrete(abstract);
var needsContextualBuild = parameters.isNotEmpty || concrete != null;
if (_instances.containsKey(abstract) && !needsContextualBuild) {
return _instances[abstract];
_with.add(Map<String, dynamic>.fromEntries(parameters
.map((e) => MapEntry(e.key.toString(), e.value))));
if (concrete == null) {
concrete = _getConcrete(abstract);
var object;
if (_isBuildable(concrete, abstract)) {
object = build(concrete);
// If the result is still a function, execute it
if (object is Function) {
object = object(this);
} else {
object = make(concrete);
for (var extender in _getExtenders(abstract)) {
object = extender(object);
if (isShared(abstract) && !needsContextualBuild) {
_instances[abstract] = object;
if (raiseEvents) {
_fireResolvingCallbacks(abstract, object);
if (!needsContextualBuild) {
_resolved[abstract] = true;
return object;
} finally {
dynamic _getConcrete(String abstract) {
if (_bindings.containsKey(abstract)) {
return _bindings[abstract]!['concrete'];
return abstract;
bool _isBuildable(dynamic concrete, String abstract) {
return concrete == abstract || concrete is Function;
dynamic _resolveContextualAttribute(ContextualAttribute attribute) {
var attributeType = attribute.runtimeType.toString();
if (_contextualAttributes.containsKey(attributeType)) {
return _contextualAttributes[attributeType]!(attribute, this);
// Try to find a handler based on superclasses
for (var handler in _contextualAttributes.entries) {
if (reflectClass(attribute.runtimeType)
.isSubclassOf(reflectClass(handler.key as Type))) {
return handler.value(attribute, this);
throw BindingResolutionException(
"No handler registered for ContextualAttribute: $attributeType");
void fireBeforeResolvingAttributeCallbacks(
List<InstanceMirror> annotations, dynamic object) {
for (var annotation in annotations) {
if (annotation.reflectee is ContextualAttribute) {
var instance = annotation.reflectee as ContextualAttribute;
var attributeType = instance.runtimeType.toString();
if (_beforeResolvingCallbacks.containsKey(attributeType)) {
for (var callback in _beforeResolvingCallbacks[attributeType]!) {
callback(instance, object, this);
void fireAfterResolvingAttributeCallbacks(
List<InstanceMirror> annotations, dynamic object) {
for (var annotation in annotations) {
if (annotation.reflectee is ContextualAttribute) {
var instance = annotation.reflectee as ContextualAttribute;
var attributeType = instance.runtimeType.toString();
if (_afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks.containsKey(attributeType)) {
for (var callback
in _afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks[attributeType]!) {
callback(instance, object, this);
void forgetInstance(String abstract) {
void forgetInstances() {
void forgetScopedInstances() {
for (var scoped in _scopedInstances) {
T makeScoped<T>(String abstract) {
// This is similar to make, but ensures the instance is scoped
var instance = make<T>(abstract);
if (!_scopedInstances.contains(abstract)) {
return instance;
Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> getBindings() {
return Map.from(_bindings);
dynamic build(dynamic concrete) {
if (concrete is Function) {
try {
return concrete(this);
} finally {
if (concrete is String) {
// First, check if it's a simple value binding
if (_bindings.containsKey(concrete) &&
_bindings[concrete]!['concrete'] is! Function) {
return _bindings[concrete]!['concrete'];
// If it's not a simple value, proceed with class resolution
try {
Symbol classSymbol = MirrorSystem.getSymbol(concrete)!;
ClassMirror? classMirror;
// Search for the class in all libraries
for (var lib in currentMirrorSystem().libraries.values) {
if (lib.declarations.containsKey(classSymbol)) {
var declaration = lib.declarations[classSymbol]!;
if (declaration is ClassMirror) {
classMirror = declaration;
if (classMirror == null) {
// If we can't find a class, return the string as is
return concrete;
var classAttributes = classMirror.metadata;
fireBeforeResolvingAttributeCallbacks(classAttributes, null);
MethodMirror? constructor = classMirror.declarations.values
.firstWhere((d) => d.isConstructor,
orElse: () => null as MethodMirror);
if (constructor == null) {
throw BindingResolutionException(
"No constructor found for [$concrete]");
List parameters = _resolveDependencies(constructor.parameters);
var instance =
classMirror.newInstance(Symbol.empty, parameters).reflectee;
fireAfterResolvingAttributeCallbacks(classAttributes, instance);
_fireAfterResolvingCallbacks(concrete, instance);
return instance;
} catch (e) {
// If any error occurs during class instantiation, return the string as is
return concrete;
// If concrete is neither a Function nor a String, return it as is
return concrete;
dynamic _getContextualConcrete(String abstract) {
if (_buildStack.isNotEmpty) {
var building = _buildStack.last;
if (_contextual.containsKey(building) &&
_contextual[building]!.containsKey(abstract)) {
return _contextual[building]![abstract];
// Check for attribute-based contextual bindings
try {
var buildingType = MirrorSystem.getSymbol(building);
var buildingMirror = currentMirrorSystem()
if (buildingMirror is ClassMirror) {
for (var attribute in buildingMirror.metadata) {
if (attribute.reflectee is ContextualAttribute) {
var contextualAttribute =
attribute.reflectee as ContextualAttribute;
if (_contextualAttributes
.containsKey(contextualAttribute.runtimeType.toString())) {
var handler = _contextualAttributes[
return handler(contextualAttribute, this);
} catch (e) {
// If we can't find the class, just continue
if (_buildStack.isNotEmpty) {
if (_contextual.containsKey(_buildStack.last) &&
_contextual[_buildStack.last]!.containsKey(abstract)) {
return _contextual[_buildStack.last]![abstract];
if (_abstractAliases.containsKey(abstract)) {
for (var alias in _abstractAliases[abstract]!) {
if (_buildStack.isNotEmpty &&
_contextual.containsKey(_buildStack.last) &&
_contextual[_buildStack.last]!.containsKey(alias)) {
return _contextual[_buildStack.last]![alias];
return null;
dynamic resolveFromAnnotation(InstanceMirror annotation) {
var instance = annotation.reflectee;
if (instance is ContextualAttribute) {
// Handle ContextualAttribute
return _resolveContextualAttribute(instance);
// Add more annotation handling as needed
throw BindingResolutionException(
"Unsupported annotation type: ${annotation.type}");
void fireAfterResolvingAnnotationCallbacks(
List<InstanceMirror> annotations, dynamic object) {
for (var annotation in annotations) {
if (annotation.reflectee is ContextualAttribute) {
var instance = annotation.reflectee as ContextualAttribute;
if (_afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks
.containsKey(instance.runtimeType.toString())) {
for (var callback in _afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks[
instance.runtimeType.toString()]!) {
callback(instance, object, this);
List<dynamic> _resolveDependencies(List<ParameterMirror> parameters) {
var results = <dynamic>[];
for (var parameter in parameters) {
var parameterName = MirrorSystem.getName(parameter.simpleName);
if (_hasParameterOverride(parameterName)) {
} else {
var annotations = parameter.metadata;
if (annotations.isNotEmpty) {
} else if (parameter.type.reflectedType != dynamic) {
} else if (parameter.isOptional && parameter.defaultValue != null) {
} else {
throw BindingResolutionException(
"Unable to resolve parameter $parameterName");
return results;
bool _hasParameterOverride(String parameterName) {
return _getLastParameterOverride().containsKey(parameterName);
dynamic _getParameterOverride(String parameterName) {
return _getLastParameterOverride()[parameterName];
List<Function> _getExtenders(String abstract) {
return _extenders[getAlias(abstract)] ?? [];
Map<String, dynamic> _getLastParameterOverride() {
return _with.isNotEmpty ? _with.last : {};
void _fireBeforeResolvingCallbacks(
String abstract, List<dynamic> parameters) {
_fireCallbackArray(abstract, parameters, _globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks);
for (var entry in _beforeResolvingCallbacks.entries) {
if (entry.key == abstract || isSubclassOf(abstract, entry.key)) {
_fireCallbackArray(abstract, parameters, entry.value);
void _fireResolvingCallbacks(String abstract, dynamic object) {
_fireCallbackArray(object, null, _globalResolvingCallbacks);
var callbacks = _getCallbacksForType(abstract, object, _resolvingCallbacks);
_fireCallbackArray(object, null, callbacks);
_fireAfterResolvingCallbacks(abstract, object);
void _fireAfterResolvingCallbacks(String abstract, dynamic object) {
_fireCallbackArray(object, null, _globalAfterResolvingCallbacks);
var callbacks =
_getCallbacksForType(abstract, object, _afterResolvingCallbacks);
_fireCallbackArray(object, null, callbacks);
void _fireCallbackArray(
dynamic argument, List<dynamic>? parameters, List<Function> callbacks) {
for (var callback in callbacks) {
if (parameters != null) {
callback(argument, parameters, this);
} else {
callback(argument, this);
List<Function> _getCallbacksForType(String abstract, dynamic object,
Map<String, List<Function>> callbacksPerType) {
var results = <Function>[];
for (var entry in callbacksPerType.entries) {
if (entry.key == abstract || object.runtimeType.toString() == entry.key) {
return results;
bool isSubclassOf(String child, String parent) {
ClassMirror? childClass = _getClassMirror(child);
ClassMirror? parentClass = _getClassMirror(parent);
if (childClass == null || parentClass == null) {
return false;
if (childClass == parentClass) {
return true;
ClassMirror? currentClass = childClass.superclass;
while (currentClass != null) {
if (currentClass == parentClass) {
return true;
currentClass = currentClass.superclass;
return false;
ClassMirror? _getClassMirror(String className) {
Symbol classSymbol = MirrorSystem.getSymbol(className)!;
for (var lib in currentMirrorSystem().libraries.values) {
if (lib.declarations.containsKey(classSymbol)) {
var declaration = lib.declarations[classSymbol]!;
if (declaration is ClassMirror) {
return declaration;
return null;
String getAlias(String abstract) {
if (!_aliases.containsKey(abstract)) {
return abstract;
if (_aliases[abstract] == abstract) {
throw Exception("[$abstract] is aliased to itself.");
return getAlias(_aliases[abstract]!);
bool isShared(String abstract) {
return _instances.containsKey(abstract) ||
(_bindings.containsKey(abstract) &&
_bindings[abstract]!['shared'] == true);
bool isAlias(String name) {
return _aliases.containsKey(name);
// Implement ArrayAccess-like functionality
dynamic operator [](String key) => make(key);
void operator []=(String key, dynamic value) => bind(key, value);