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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:platform_process/angel3_process.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
late Angel3Process process;
setUp(() {
process = Angel3Process('echo', ['Hello, World!']);
tearDown(() async {
await process.dispose();
test('Angel3Process initialization', () {
expect(process.command, equals('echo'));
expect(process.startTime, isNull);
expect(process.endTime, isNull);
test('Start and run a simple process', () async {
var result = await process.run();
expect(process.startTime, isNotNull);
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
expect(result.output.trim(), equals('Hello, World!'));
expect(process.endTime, isNotNull);
test('Stream output', () async {
await process.start();
var outputStream = process.output.transform(utf8.decoder);
var streamOutput = await outputStream.join();
await process.exitCode; // Wait for the process to complete
expect(streamOutput.trim(), equals('Hello, World!'));
test('Error output for non-existent command', () {
var errorProcess = Angel3Process('non_existent_command', []);
expect(errorProcess.start(), throwsA(isA<ProcessException>()));
test('Process with error output', () async {
Angel3Process errorProcess;
if (Platform.isWindows) {
errorProcess = Angel3Process('cmd', ['/c', 'dir', '/invalid_argument']);
} else {
errorProcess = Angel3Process('ls', ['/non_existent_directory']);
print('Starting error process...');
var result = await errorProcess.run();
print('Error process completed.');
print('Exit code: ${result.exitCode}');
print('Standard output: "${result.output}"');
print('Error output: "${result.errorOutput}"');
expect(result.exitCode, isNot(0), reason: 'Expected non-zero exit code');
expect(result.errorOutput.trim(), isNotEmpty,
reason: 'Expected non-empty error output');
await errorProcess.dispose();
test('Kill running process', () async {
var longRunningProcess = Angel3Process('sleep', ['5']);
await longRunningProcess.start();
await longRunningProcess.kill();
var exitCode = await longRunningProcess.exitCode;
expect(exitCode, isNot(0));
test('Process timeout', () async {
var timeoutProcess =
Angel3Process('sleep', ['10'], timeout: Duration(seconds: 1));
expect(() => timeoutProcess.run(), throwsA(isA<TimeoutException>()));
}, timeout: Timeout(Duration(seconds: 5)));