653 lines
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653 lines
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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'src/generated/ql2.pb.dart' as p;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:hashlib/hashlib.dart' as hashlib;
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'dart:math' as math;
part 'src/ast.dart';
part 'src/errors.dart';
part 'src/net.dart';
part 'src/cursor.dart';
class AddFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Add call(obj) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Add([_rqlQuery, obj]);
} else if (obj is Args) {
return Add([obj]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called add with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Add(positionalArguments);
/// computes logical 'and' of two or more values
class AndFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
And call(obj) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return And([_rqlQuery, obj]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called and with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return And(positionalArguments);
/// If the test expression returns false or null, the [falseBranch] will be executed.
/// In the other cases, the [trueBranch] is the one that will be evaluated.
class BranchFunction {
Branch call(test, [trueBranch, falseBranch]) {
return Branch(test, trueBranch, falseBranch);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return Branch.fromArgs(Args(invocation.positionalArguments));
class DivFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Div call(number) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Div([_rqlQuery, number]);
} else if (number is Args) {
return Div([number]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called div with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Div(positionalArguments);
class EqFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Eq call(value) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Eq([_rqlQuery, value]);
} else if (value is Args) {
return Eq([value]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called eq with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Eq(positionalArguments);
class GeFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Ge call(number) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Ge([_rqlQuery, number]);
} else if (number is Args) {
return Ge([number]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called ge with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Ge(positionalArguments);
class GtFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Gt call(number) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Gt([_rqlQuery, number]);
} else if (number is Args) {
return Gt([number]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called gt with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Gt(positionalArguments);
class LeFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Le call(number) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Le([_rqlQuery, number]);
} else if (number is Args) {
return Le([number]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called le with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Le(positionalArguments);
/// Construct a geometric line
class LineFunction {
Line call(point1, point2) {
return Line([point1, point2]);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return Line(invocation.positionalArguments);
class LtFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Lt call(number) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Lt([_rqlQuery, number]);
} else if (number is Args) {
return Lt([number]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called lt with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Lt(positionalArguments);
/// Executes the mappingFunction for each item in a sequence or array
/// and returns the transformed array. multiple sequences and arrays
/// may be passed
class MapFunction {
RqlMap call(seq, mappingFunction) {
return RqlMap([seq], mappingFunction);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List args = List.from(invocation.positionalArguments);
return RqlMap(args.sublist(0, args.length - 1), args.last);
class MulFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Mul call(number) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Mul([_rqlQuery, number]);
} else if (number is Args) {
return Mul([number]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called mul with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Mul(positionalArguments);
class NeFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Ne call(value) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Ne([_rqlQuery, value]);
} else if (value is Args) {
return Ne([value]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called ne with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Ne(positionalArguments);
/// Adds fields to an object
class ObjectFunction {
final RethinkDb _rethinkdb;
RqlObject call(args) {
return RqlObject(args);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return _rethinkdb.object(invocation.positionalArguments);
/// computes logical 'or' of two or more values
class OrFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Or call(number) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Or([_rqlQuery, number]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called or with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Or(positionalArguments);
/// Construct a geometric polygon
class PolygonFunction {
Polygon call(point1, point2, point3) {
return Polygon([point1, point2, point3]);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return Polygon(invocation.positionalArguments);
/// Evaluate the expr in the context of one or more value bindings.
/// The type of the result is the type of the value returned from expr.
class RqlDoFunction {
final RethinkDb _rethinkdb;
FunCall call(arg, [expr]) {
return FunCall(arg, expr);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List args = List.from(invocation.positionalArguments);
return _rethinkdb.rqlDo(args.sublist(0, args.length - 1), args.last);
class SubFunction {
final RqlQuery? _rqlQuery;
Sub call(number) {
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Sub([_rqlQuery, number]);
} else if (number is Args) {
return Sub([number]);
} else {
throw RqlDriverError("Called sub with too few values");
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
List positionalArguments = [];
if (_rqlQuery != null) {
return Sub(positionalArguments);
class RethinkDb {
// Connection Management
/// Create a new connection to the database server. Accepts the following options:
/// host: the host to connect to (default localhost).
/// port: the port to connect on (default 28015).
/// db: the default database (defaults to test).
/// user: the user name for the db (defaults to admin).
/// password: password for the user (default "").
Future<Connection> connect({
String db = 'test',
String host = "localhost",
int port = 28015,
String user = "admin",
String password = "",
Map? ssl,
}) =>
Connection(db, host, port, user, password, ssl).reconnect();
/// Reference a database.This command can be chained with other commands to do further processing on the data.
DB db(String dbName) => DB(dbName);
/// Create a database. A RethinkDB database is a collection of tables, similar to relational databases.
/// If successful, the operation returns an object: {created: 1}. If a database with the same name already exists the operation throws RqlRuntimeError.
/// Note: that you can only use alphanumeric characters and underscores for the database name.
DbCreate dbCreate(String dbName) => DbCreate(dbName);
/// Drop a database. The database, all its tables, and corresponding data will be deleted.
/// If successful, the operation returns the object {dropped: 1}.
/// If the specified database doesn't exist a RqlRuntimeError is thrown.
DbDrop dbDrop(String dbName) => DbDrop(dbName, {});
/// List all database names in the system. The result is a list of strings.
DbList dbList() => DbList();
/// Returns a rang bewteen the start and end values. If no start or
/// end are specified, an 'infinite' stream will be returned.
Range range([start, end]) {
if (start == null) {
return Range.asStream();
} else if (end == null) {
return Range(start);
} else {
return Range.withStart(start, end);
/// Select all documents in a table. This command can be chained with other commands to do further processing on the data.
Table table(String tableName, [Map? options]) => Table(tableName, options);
/// Create a table. A RethinkDB table is a collection of JSON documents.
/// If successful, the operation returns an object: {created: 1}. If a table with the same name already exists, the operation throws RqlRuntimeError.
/// Note: that you can only use alphanumeric characters and underscores for the table name.
TableCreate tableCreate(String tableName, [Map? options]) =>
TableCreate(tableName, options);
/// List all table names in a database. The result is a list of strings.
TableList tableList() => TableList();
/// Drop a table. The table and all its data will be deleted.
TableDrop tableDrop(String tableName, [Map? options]) =>
TableDrop(tableName, options);
/// Specify ascending order on an attribute
Asc asc(String attr) => Asc(attr);
/// Specify descending order on an attribute
Desc desc(String attr) => Desc(attr);
/// Create a time object for a specific time.
Time time(int year, int month, int day,
{String timezone = 'Z', int? hour, int? minute, num? second}) {
if (second != null) {
return Time(Args([year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timezone]));
} else {
return Time(Args([year, month, day, timezone]));
/// Create a time object from a Dart DateTime object.
Time nativeTime(DateTime val) => expr(val);
/// Create a time object based on an iso8601 date-time string (e.g. '2013-01-01T01:01:01+00:00').
/// We support all valid ISO 8601 formats except for week dates.
/// If you pass an ISO 8601 date-time without a time zone, you must specify the time zone with the optarg default_timezone.
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
RqlISO8601 ISO8601(String stringTime, [defaultTimeZone = "Z"]) =>
RqlISO8601(stringTime, defaultTimeZone);
/// Create a time object based on seconds since epoch.
/// The first argument is a double and will be rounded to three decimal places (millisecond-precision).
EpochTime epochTime(int eptime) => EpochTime(eptime);
/// Return a time object representing the current time in UTC.
/// The command now() is computed once when the server receives the query, so multiple instances of r.now() will always return the same time inside a query.
Now now() => Now();
/// Evaluate the expr in the context of one or more value bindings.
/// The type of the result is the type of the value returned from expr.
dynamic get rqlDo => RqlDoFunction(this);
/// If the test expression returns false or null, the [falseBranch] will be executed.
/// In the other cases, the [trueBranch] is the one that will be evaluated.
dynamic get branch => BranchFunction();
/// Throw a runtime error. If called with no arguments inside the second argument to default, re-throw the current error.
UserError error(String message) => UserError(message, {});
/// Create a javascript expression.
JavaScript js(String js, [Map? options]) => JavaScript(js, options);
/// Parse a JSON string on the server.
Json json(String json) => Json(json, {});
/// Count the total size of the group.
Map count = {"COUNT": true};
/// Compute the sum of the given field in the group.
Map sum(String attr) => {'SUM': attr};
/// Compute the average value of the given attribute for the group.
Map avg(String attr) => {"AVG": attr};
/// Returns the currently visited document.
ImplicitVar row = ImplicitVar();
/// Adds fields to an object
dynamic get object => ObjectFunction(this);
/// Acts like the ruby splat operator; unpacks a list of arguments.
Args args(args) => Args(args);
/// Returns data from a specified http url
Http http(url, [optargs]) => Http(url, optargs);
/// Generates a random number between two bounds
Random random([left, right, options]) {
if (right != null) {
return Random.rightBound(left, right, options);
} else if (left != null) {
return Random.leftBound(left, options);
} else {
return Random(options);
/// Returns logical inverse of the arguments given
Not not([value]) => Not(value ?? true);
/// Executes the mappingFunction for each item in a sequence or array
/// and returns the transformed array. multiple sequences and arrays
/// may be passed
dynamic get map => MapFunction();
/// computes logical 'and' of two or more values
dynamic get and => AndFunction();
/// computes logical 'or' of two or more values
dynamic get or => OrFunction();
/// Replace an object in a field instead of merging it with an existing object in a [merge] or [update] operation.
Literal literal(args) => Literal(args);
/// Convert native dart object into a RqlObject
expr(val) => RqlQuery()._expr(val);
/// Convert a GeoJSON object to a ReQL geometry object.
GeoJson geojson(Map geoJson) => GeoJson(geoJson);
/// Construct a circular line or polygon.
Circle circle(point, num radius, [Map? options]) =>
Circle(point, radius, options);
/// Compute the distance between a point and a geometry object
Distance distance(geo1, geo2, [Map? options]) =>
Distance(geo1, geo2, options);
/// Construct a geometric line
dynamic get line => LineFunction();
/// Construct a geometric point
Point point(num long, num lat) => Point(long, lat);
/// Construct a geometric polygon
dynamic get polygon => PolygonFunction();
dynamic get eq => EqFunction();
dynamic get ne => NeFunction();
dynamic get lt => LtFunction();
dynamic get le => LeFunction();
dynamic get gt => GtFunction();
dynamic get ge => GeFunction();
dynamic get add => AddFunction();
dynamic get sub => SubFunction();
dynamic get mul => MulFunction();
dynamic get div => DivFunction();
/// Encapsulate binary data within a query.
Binary binary(var data) => Binary(data);
RqlTimeName monday = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.MONDAY);
RqlTimeName tuesday = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.TUESDAY);
RqlTimeName wednesday = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.WEDNESDAY);
RqlTimeName thursday = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.THURSDAY);
RqlTimeName friday = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.FRIDAY);
RqlTimeName saturday = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.SATURDAY);
RqlTimeName sunday = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.SUNDAY);
RqlTimeName january = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.JANUARY);
RqlTimeName february = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.FEBRUARY);
RqlTimeName march = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.MARCH);
RqlTimeName april = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.APRIL);
RqlTimeName may = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.MAY);
RqlTimeName june = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.JUNE);
RqlTimeName july = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.JULY);
RqlTimeName august = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.AUGUST);
RqlTimeName september = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.SEPTEMBER);
RqlTimeName october = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.OCTOBER);
RqlTimeName november = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.NOVEMBER);
RqlTimeName december = RqlTimeName(p.Term_TermType.DECEMBER);
RqlConstant minval = RqlConstant(p.Term_TermType.MINVAL);
RqlConstant maxval = RqlConstant(p.Term_TermType.MAXVAL);
Uuid uuid([str]) => Uuid(str);