
109 lines
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2024-09-02 17:44:11 +00:00
name: JavaScriptImportPathCompiler
class_comment: null
- name: LoggerInterface
type: class
source: Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
- name: AssetMapperInterface
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\AssetMapperInterface
- name: CircularAssetsException
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\Exception\CircularAssetsException
- name: RuntimeException
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\Exception\RuntimeException
- name: ImportMapConfigReader
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\ImportMap\ImportMapConfigReader
- name: JavaScriptImport
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\ImportMap\JavaScriptImport
- name: MappedAsset
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\MappedAsset
- name: Path
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Path
properties: []
- name: isCommentedOut
visibility: private
- name: offsetStart
- name: fullContent
comment: "# * Resolves import paths in JS files.\n# *\n# * @author Ryan Weaver <>\n\
# */\n# final class JavaScriptImportPathCompiler implements AssetCompilerInterface\n\
# {\n# /**\n# * @see\n# */\n# private const IMPORT_PATTERN\
\ = '/\n# ^(?:\\/\\/.*) # Lines that start with comments\n\
# |\n# (?:\n# \\'(?:[^\\'\\\\\\\\\\n]|\\\\\\\\.)*+\\' # Strings enclosed in\
\ single quotes\n# |\n# \"(?:[^\"\\\\\\\\\\n]|\\\\\\\\.)*+\" # Strings enclosed\
\ in double quotes\n# )\n# |\n# (?: # Import statements\
\ (script captured)\n# import\\s*\n# (?:\n# (?:\\*\\s*as\\s+\\w+|\\s+[\\w\\s{},*]+)\n\
# \\s*from\\s*\n# )?\n# |\n# \\bimport\\(\n# )\n# \\s*[\\'\"`](\\.\\/[^\\'\"`\\\
n]++|(\\.\\.\\/)*+[^\\'\"`\\n]++)[\\'\"`]\\s*[;\\)]\n# ?\n# /mx';\n# \n# public\
\ function __construct(\n# private readonly ImportMapConfigReader $importMapConfigReader,\n\
# private readonly string $missingImportMode = self::MISSING_IMPORT_WARN,\n# private\
\ readonly ?LoggerInterface $logger = null,\n# ) {\n# }\n# \n# public function\
\ compile(string $content, MappedAsset $asset, AssetMapperInterface $assetMapper):\
\ string\n# {\n# return preg_replace_callback(self::IMPORT_PATTERN, function ($matches)\
\ use ($asset, $assetMapper, $content) {\n# $fullImportString = $matches[0][0];\n\
# \n# // Ignore matches that did not capture import statements\n# if (!isset($matches[1][0]))\
\ {\n# return $fullImportString;\n# }\n# \n# if ($this->isCommentedOut($matches[0][1],\
\ $content)) {\n# return $fullImportString;\n# }\n# \n# $importedModule = $matches[1][0];\n\
# \n# // we don't support absolute paths, so ignore completely\n# if (str_starts_with($importedModule,\
\ '/')) {\n# return $fullImportString;\n# }\n# \n# $isRelativeImport = str_starts_with($importedModule,\
\ '.');\n# if (!$isRelativeImport) {\n# // URL or /absolute imports will also\
\ go here, but will be ignored\n# $dependentAsset = $this->findAssetForBareImport($importedModule,\
\ $assetMapper);\n# } else {\n# $dependentAsset = $this->findAssetForRelativeImport($importedModule,\
\ $asset, $assetMapper);\n# }\n# \n# if (!$dependentAsset) {\n# return $fullImportString;\n\
# }\n# \n# // List as a JavaScript import.\n# // This will cause the asset to\
\ be included in the importmap (for relative imports)\n# // and will be used to\
\ generate the preloads in the importmap.\n# $isLazy = str_contains($fullImportString,\
\ 'import(');\n# $addToImportMap = $isRelativeImport;\n# $asset->addJavaScriptImport(new\
\ JavaScriptImport(\n# $addToImportMap ? $dependentAsset->publicPathWithoutDigest\
\ : $importedModule,\n# $dependentAsset->logicalPath,\n# $dependentAsset->sourcePath,\n\
# $isLazy,\n# $addToImportMap,\n# ));\n# \n# if (!$addToImportMap) {\n# // only\
\ (potentially) adjust for automatic relative imports\n# return $fullImportString;\n\
# }\n# \n# // support possibility where the final public files have moved relative\
\ to each other\n# $relativeImportPath = Path::makeRelative($dependentAsset->publicPathWithoutDigest,\
\ \\dirname($asset->publicPathWithoutDigest));\n# $relativeImportPath = $this->makeRelativeForJavaScript($relativeImportPath);\n\
# \n# return str_replace($importedModule, $relativeImportPath, $fullImportString);\n\
# }, $content, -1, $count, \\PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) ?? throw new RuntimeException(\\\
sprintf('Failed to compile JavaScript import paths in \"%s\". Error: \"%s\".',\
\ $asset->sourcePath, preg_last_error_msg()));\n# }\n# \n# public function supports(MappedAsset\
\ $asset): bool\n# {\n# return 'js' === $asset->publicExtension;\n# }\n# \n# private\
\ function makeRelativeForJavaScript(string $path): string\n# {\n# if (str_starts_with($path,\
\ '../')) {\n# return $path;\n# }\n# \n# return './'.$path;\n# }\n# \n# private\
\ function handleMissingImport(string $message, ?\\Throwable $e = null): void\n\
# {\n# match ($this->missingImportMode) {\n# AssetCompilerInterface::MISSING_IMPORT_IGNORE\
\ => null,\n# AssetCompilerInterface::MISSING_IMPORT_WARN => $this->logger?->warning($message),\n\
# AssetCompilerInterface::MISSING_IMPORT_STRICT => throw new RuntimeException($message,\
\ 0, $e),\n# };\n# }\n# \n# /**\n# * Simple check for the most common types of\
\ comments.\n# *\n# * This is not a full parser, but should be good enough for\
\ most cases."
- name: findAssetForBareImport
visibility: private
- name: importedModule
- name: assetMapper
comment: null
- name: findAssetForRelativeImport
visibility: private
- name: importedModule
- name: asset
- name: assetMapper
comment: null
- Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
- Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\AssetMapperInterface
- Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\Exception\CircularAssetsException
- Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\Exception\RuntimeException
- Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\ImportMap\ImportMapConfigReader
- Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\ImportMap\JavaScriptImport
- Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\MappedAsset
- Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Path
- AssetCompilerInterface