452 lines
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452 lines
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![]() |
import 'package:platform_driver_rethinkdb/platform_driver_rethinkdb.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
main() {
var r = RethinkDb() as dynamic;
String? databaseName;
String? tableName;
String? testDbName;
bool shouldDropTable = false;
Connection? connection;
setUp(() async {
connection = await r.connect();
if (testDbName == null) {
String useDb = await r.uuid().run(connection);
testDbName = 'unit_test_db${useDb.replaceAll("-", "")}';
await r.dbCreate(testDbName).run(connection);
if (databaseName == null) {
String dbName = await r.uuid().run(connection);
databaseName = "test_database_${dbName.replaceAll("-", "")}";
if (tableName == null) {
String tblName = await r.uuid().run(connection);
tableName = "test_table_${tblName.replaceAll("-", "")}";
tearDown(() async {
if (shouldDropTable) {
shouldDropTable = false;
await r.tableDrop(tableName).run(connection);
group("circle command -> ", () {
int long = -90;
int lat = 0;
int rad = 5;
"should create a polygon given an array containing longitude and latitude and also a radius",
() async {
Map response = await r.circle([long, lat], rad).run(connection);
expect(response.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(response.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(response['type'], equals('Polygon'));
test("should create a polygon given a point and also a radius", () async {
Point p = r.point(long, lat);
Map response = await r.circle(p, rad).run(connection);
expect(response.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(response.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(response['type'], equals('Polygon'));
test("should create a polygon with a specified number of vertices",
() async {
Point p = r.point(long, lat);
Map response =
await r.circle(p, rad, {'num_vertices': 4}).run(connection);
expect(response.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(response['coordinates'][0].length, equals(5));
expect(response.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(response['type'], equals('Polygon'));
test("should create a polygon with a specified geo_system", () async {
rad = 1;
Point p = r.point(long, lat);
Map response =
await r.circle(p, rad, {'geo_system': 'unit_sphere'}).run(connection);
expect(response.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(response.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(response['type'], equals('Polygon'));
test("should create a polygon with a specified unit", () async {
rad = 1;
Point p = r.point(long, lat);
Map response = await r
.circle(p, rad, {'num_vertices': 3, 'unit': 'nm'}).run(connection);
expect(response.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(response.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(response['type'], equals('Polygon'));
test("should create an unfilled line", () async {
Point p = r.point(long, lat);
Map response = await r
.circle(p, rad, {'num_vertices': 4, 'fill': false}).run(connection);
expect(response.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(response.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(response['type'], equals('LineString'));
group("distance command -> ", () {
Circle c = r.circle([-90, 0], 1);
Point p = r.point(0, -90);
test("should compute the distance between a point and a polygon", () async {
num distance = await r.distance(p, c).run(connection);
expect(distance, equals(10001964.729312724));
test("should compute the distance for a given geo_system", () async {
num distance =
await r.distance(p, c, {'geo_system': 'unit_sphere'}).run(connection);
expect(distance, equals(1.5707961689526464));
test("should compute the distance for a given unit", () async {
num distance = await r.distance(
p, c, {'geo_system': 'unit_sphere', 'unit': 'ft'}).run(connection);
expect(distance, equals(5.153530738033616));
test("geojson command -> ", () async {
var rqlGeo = await r.geojson({
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [-122.423246, 37.779388]
expect(rqlGeo.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(rqlGeo['type'], equals('Point'));
group("toGeojson command -> ", () {
test("should convert a reql geometry to a GeoJSON object", () async {
Map geo = await r.point(0, 0).toGeojson().run(connection);
expect(geo.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(geo['coordinates'], equals([0, 0]));
expect(geo.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(geo['type'], equals('Point'));
group("includes command -> ", () {
test("should return true if a geometry includes some other geometry",
() async {
Point point1 = r.point(-117.220406, 32.719464);
Point point2 = r.point(-117.206201, 32.725186);
bool doesInclude =
await r.circle(point1, 2000).includes(point2).run(connection);
expect(doesInclude, equals(true));
"should return false if a geometry does not include some other geometry",
() async {
Point point1 = r.point(-0, 0);
Point point2 = r.point(-100, 90);
bool doesInclude =
await r.circle(point1, 1).includes(point2).run(connection);
expect(doesInclude, equals(false));
"should filter a sequence to only contain items that include some other geometry",
() async {
Point point1 = r.point(-0, 0);
Point point2 = r.point(-1, 1);
Point point3 = r.point(-99, 90);
Point point4 = r.point(101, 90);
Point point5 = r.point(-100, 90);
List included = await r
r.circle(point1, 2),
r.circle(point2, 2),
r.circle(point3, 2),
r.circle(point4, 2)
expect(included.length == 2, equals(true));
group("intersects command -> ", () {
test("should return true if a geometry intersects some other geometry",
() async {
Point point1 = r.point(-117.220406, 32.719464);
Line line = r.line(r.point(-117.206201, 32.725186), r.point(0, 1));
bool doesIntersect =
await r.circle(point1, 2000).intersects(line).run(connection);
expect(doesIntersect, equals(true));
"should return false if a geometry does not intersect some other geometry",
() async {
Point point1 = r.point(-117.220406, 32.719464);
Line line = r.line(r.point(20, 20), r.point(0, 1));
bool doesIntersect =
await r.circle(point1, 1).intersects(line).run(connection);
expect(doesIntersect, equals(false));
"should filter a sequence to only contain items that intersect some other geometry",
() async {
var point1 = r.point(0, 0);
var point2 = r.point(33, 30);
var point3 = r.point(-17, 3);
var point4 = r.point(20, 20);
var point5 = r.point(-100, 90);
Line line = r.line(point1, point2);
List intersecting = await r
.expr([point1, point2, point3, point4, point5])
expect(intersecting.length == 2, equals(true));
group("line command -> ", () {
test("should create a line from two long/lat arrays", () async {
Map line = await r.line([0, 0], [-20, -90]).run(connection);
expect(line.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
[0, 0],
[-20, -90]
expect(line.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(line['type'], equals('LineString'));
test("should create a line from many long/lat arrays", () async {
Map line = await r.line([0, 0], [-20, -90], [3, 3]).run(connection);
expect(line.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
[0, 0],
[-20, -90],
[3, 3]
expect(line.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(line['type'], equals('LineString'));
test("should create a line from two points", () async {
Map line = await r.line(r.point(0, 0), r.point(-20, -90)).run(connection);
expect(line.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
[0, 0],
[-20, -90]
expect(line.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(line['type'], equals('LineString'));
test("should create a line from many points", () async {
Map line = await r
.line(r.point(0, 0), r.point(-20, -90), r.point(3, 3))
expect(line.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
[0, 0],
[-20, -90],
[3, 3]
expect(line.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(line['type'], equals('LineString'));
test("should create a line from a combination of arrays and points",
() async {
Map line = await r
.line(r.point(0, 0), [-20, -90], r.point(3, 3))
expect(line.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
[0, 0],
[-20, -90],
[3, 3]
expect(line.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(line['type'], equals('LineString'));
test("should be able to fill() to create a polygon from a line", () async {
Map line = await r
.line(r.point(0, 0), [-20, -90], r.point(3, 3))
expect(line.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
[0, 0],
[-20, -90],
[3, 3],
[0, 0]
expect(line.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(line['type'], equals('Polygon'));
test("point command -> should create a point given a longitude and latitude",
() async {
Map point = await r.point(90, 90).run(connection);
expect(point.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(point['coordinates'], equals([90, 90]));
expect(point.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(point['type'], equals('Point'));
group("polygon command -> ", () {
test("should create a polygon given three long/lat arrays", () async {
Map poly = await r.polygon([0, 0], [40, 40], [20, 0]).run(connection);
expect(poly.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(poly['coordinates'][0].length, equals(4));
expect(poly.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(poly['type'], equals('Polygon'));
test("should create a polygon given many long/lat arrays", () async {
Map poly = await r.polygon(
[0, 0], [40, 40], [20, 0], [50, -10], [-90, 80]).run(connection);
expect(poly.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(poly['coordinates'][0].length, equals(6));
expect(poly.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(poly['type'], equals('Polygon'));
Point point1 = r.point(0, 0);
Point point2 = r.point(40, 0);
Point point3 = r.point(40, 40);
Point point4 = r.point(20, 50);
Point point5 = r.point(0, 40);
test("should create a polygon given three points", () async {
Map poly = await r.polygon(point1, point2, point3).run(connection);
expect(poly.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(poly['coordinates'][0].length, equals(4));
expect(poly.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(poly['type'], equals('Polygon'));
test("should create a polygon given many points", () async {
Map poly = await r
.polygon(point1, point2, point3, point4, point5)
expect(poly.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(poly['coordinates'][0].length, equals(6));
expect(poly.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(poly['type'], equals('Polygon'));
test("should allow a subPolygon to be removed from a polygon", () async {
Map poly = await r
.polygon(point1, point2, point3, point4, point5)
.polygonSub(r.circle(r.point(20, 20), 1))
expect(poly.containsKey('coordinates'), equals(true));
expect(poly['coordinates'][0].length, equals(6));
expect(poly.containsKey('type'), equals(true));
expect(poly['type'], equals('Polygon'));
"getIntersecting command -> should return a cursor containing all intersecting records of a table",
() async {
List insertedData = [
'location': r.polygon(
r.point(0, 0), r.point(40, 0), r.point(40, 40), r.point(0, 40)),
'name': 'a'
'location': r.polygon(
r.point(40, 0), r.point(80, 0), r.point(80, 40), r.point(40, 40)),
'name': 'a'
'location': r.polygon(
r.point(40, 40), r.point(80, 40), r.point(80, 80), r.point(40, 80)),
'name': 'a'
await r.tableCreate(tableName).run(connection);
await r
.indexCreate('location', {'geo': true}).run(connection);
await r.table(tableName).indexWait('location').run(connection);
await r.table(tableName).insert(insertedData).run(connection);
Cursor intersecting = await r.table(tableName).getIntersecting(
r.circle(r.point(40, 20), 1), {'index': 'location'}).run(connection);
List v = await intersecting.toList();
expect(v.length, equals(2));
group("getNearest command -> ", () {
test("should get a list of documents nearest a point", () async {
List l = await r
.getNearest(r.point(80.5, 20), {'index': 'location'}).run(connection);
//expect(l is List, equals(true));
expect(l.length, equals(1));
test("remove the test database", () async {
Map response = await r.dbDrop(testDbName).run(connection);
expect(response.containsKey('config_changes'), equals(true));
expect(response['dbs_dropped'], equals(1));
expect(response['tables_dropped'], equals(1));