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![]() |
name: ResourceCollection
class_comment: null
- name: Countable
type: class
source: Countable
- name: Request
type: class
source: Illuminate\Http\Request
- name: CollectsResources
type: class
source: Illuminate\Http\Resources\CollectsResources
- name: AbstractCursorPaginator
type: class
source: Illuminate\Pagination\AbstractCursorPaginator
- name: AbstractPaginator
type: class
source: Illuminate\Pagination\AbstractPaginator
- name: IteratorAggregate
type: class
source: IteratorAggregate
- name: CollectsResources
type: class
source: CollectsResources
- name: collects
visibility: public
comment: '# * The resource that this resource collects.
# *
# * @var string'
- name: collection
visibility: public
comment: '# * The mapped collection instance.
# *
# * @var \Illuminate\Support\Collection'
- name: preserveAllQueryParameters
visibility: protected
comment: '# * Indicates if all existing request query parameters should be added
to pagination links.
# *
# * @var bool'
- name: queryParameters
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The query parameters that should be added to the pagination links.
# *
# * @var array|null'
- name: __construct
visibility: public
- name: resource
comment: "# * The resource that this resource collects.\n# *\n# * @var string\n\
# */\n# public $collects;\n# \n# /**\n# * The mapped collection instance.\n# *\n\
# * @var \\Illuminate\\Support\\Collection\n# */\n# public $collection;\n# \n\
# /**\n# * Indicates if all existing request query parameters should be added\
\ to pagination links.\n# *\n# * @var bool\n# */\n# protected $preserveAllQueryParameters\
\ = false;\n# \n# /**\n# * The query parameters that should be added to the pagination\
\ links.\n# *\n# * @var array|null\n# */\n# protected $queryParameters;\n# \n\
# /**\n# * Create a new resource instance.\n# *\n# * @param mixed $resource\n\
# * @return void"
- name: preserveQuery
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Indicate that all current query parameters should be appended to pagination
# *
# * @return $this'
- name: withQuery
visibility: public
- name: query
comment: '# * Specify the query string parameters that should be present on pagination
# *
# * @param array $query
# * @return $this'
- name: count
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Return the count of items in the resource collection.
# *
# * @return int'
- name: toArray
visibility: public
- name: request
comment: '# * Transform the resource into a JSON array.
# *
# * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
# * @return array|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|\JsonSerializable'
- name: toResponse
visibility: public
- name: request
comment: '# * Create an HTTP response that represents the object.
# *
# * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
# * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse'
- name: preparePaginatedResponse
visibility: protected
- name: request
comment: '# * Create a paginate-aware HTTP response.
# *
# * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
# * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse'
- Countable
- Illuminate\Http\Request
- Illuminate\Http\Resources\CollectsResources
- Illuminate\Pagination\AbstractCursorPaginator
- Illuminate\Pagination\AbstractPaginator
- IteratorAggregate
- CollectsResources
- Countable