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# Platform Reflection
A powerful cross-platform reflection system for Dart that provides runtime type introspection and manipulation. This implementation offers a carefully balanced approach between functionality and performance, providing reflection capabilities without the limitations of `dart:mirrors`.
## Table of Contents
- [Features](#features)
- [Architecture](#architecture)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Core Components](#core-components)
- [Usage Guide](#usage-guide)
- [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
- [Performance Considerations](#performance-considerations)
- [Migration Guide](#migration-guide)
- [API Reference](#api-reference)
- [Limitations](#limitations)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
## Features
### Core Features
- ✅ Platform independent reflection system
- ✅ No dependency on `dart:mirrors`
- ✅ Pure runtime reflection
- ✅ Library scanning and reflection
- ✅ Explicit registration for performance
- ✅ Type-safe operations
- ✅ Comprehensive error handling
### Reflection Capabilities
- ✅ Class reflection with inheritance
- ✅ Method invocation with named parameters
- ✅ Property access/mutation
- ✅ Constructor resolution and invocation
- ✅ Type introspection and relationships
- ✅ Library dependency tracking
- ✅ Parameter inspection and validation
- ✅ Top-level variable support
### Performance Features
- ✅ Cached class mirrors
- ✅ Optimized type compatibility checking
- ✅ Efficient parameter resolution
- ✅ Smart library scanning
- ✅ Memory-efficient design
- ✅ Lazy initialization support
## Architecture
### Core Components
├── core/
│ ├── library_scanner.dart # Library scanning and analysis
│ ├── reflector.dart # Central reflection registry
│ ├── runtime_reflector.dart # Runtime reflection implementation
│ └── scanner.dart # Type scanning and analysis
├── mirrors/
│ ├── base_mirror.dart # Base mirror implementations
│ ├── class_mirror_impl.dart # Class reflection
│ ├── instance_mirror_impl.dart # Instance reflection
│ ├── library_mirror_impl.dart # Library reflection
│ ├── method_mirror_impl.dart # Method reflection
│ └── ... (other mirrors)
├── annotations.dart # Reflection annotations
├── exceptions.dart # Error handling
├── metadata.dart # Metadata definitions
└── types.dart # Special type implementations
### Design Principles
1. **Explicit Registration**
- Clear registration of reflectable types
- Controlled reflection surface
- Optimized runtime performance
2. **Type Safety**
- Strong type checking
- Compile-time validations
- Runtime type verification
3. **Performance First**
- Minimal runtime overhead
- Efficient metadata storage
- Optimized lookup mechanisms
4. **Platform Independence**
- Cross-platform compatibility
- No platform-specific dependencies
- Consistent behavior
## Installation
platform_reflection: ^0.1.0
## Core Components
### Reflector
Central management class for reflection operations:
class Reflector {
// Type registration
static void register(Type type);
static void registerProperty(Type type, String name, Type propertyType);
static void registerMethod(Type type, String name, List<Type> parameterTypes);
static void registerConstructor(Type type, String name, {Function? creator});
// Metadata access
static TypeMetadata? getTypeMetadata(Type type);
static Map<String, PropertyMetadata>? getPropertyMetadata(Type type);
static Map<String, MethodMetadata>? getMethodMetadata(Type type);
// Utility methods
static void reset();
static bool isReflectable(Type type);
### RuntimeReflector
Runtime reflection implementation:
class RuntimeReflector {
// Instance creation
InstanceMirror createInstance(Type type, {
List<dynamic>? positionalArgs,
Map<String, dynamic>? namedArgs,
String? constructorName,
// Reflection operations
InstanceMirror reflect(Object object);
ClassMirror reflectClass(Type type);
TypeMirror reflectType(Type type);
LibraryMirror reflectLibrary(Uri uri);
### LibraryScanner
Library scanning and analysis:
class LibraryScanner {
// Library scanning
static LibraryInfo scanLibrary(Uri uri);
// Analysis methods
static List<FunctionInfo> getTopLevelFunctions(Uri uri);
static List<VariableInfo> getTopLevelVariables(Uri uri);
static List<DependencyInfo> getDependencies(Uri uri);
## Usage Guide
### Basic Registration
class User {
String name;
int age;
final String id;
User(this.name, this.age, {required this.id});
void birthday() {
String greet(String greeting) {
return '$greeting $name!';
// Register class and members
void registerUser() {
// Register properties
Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'name', String);
Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'age', int);
Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'id', String, isWritable: false);
// Register methods
parameterNames: [],
isRequired: [],
parameterNames: ['greeting'],
isRequired: [true],
// Register constructor
parameterTypes: [String, int, String],
parameterNames: ['name', 'age', 'id'],
isRequired: [true, true, true],
isNamed: [false, false, true],
creator: (String name, int age, {required String id}) =>
User(name, age, id: id),
### Instance Manipulation
void manipulateInstance() {
final reflector = RuntimeReflector.instance;
// Create instance
final user = reflector.createInstance(
positionalArgs: ['John', 30],
namedArgs: {'id': '123'},
) as User;
// Get mirror
final mirror = reflector.reflect(user);
// Property access
final name = mirror.getField(const Symbol('name')).reflectee as String;
final age = mirror.getField(const Symbol('age')).reflectee as int;
// Property modification
mirror.setField(const Symbol('name'), 'Jane');
mirror.setField(const Symbol('age'), 31);
// Method invocation
mirror.invoke(const Symbol('birthday'), []);
final greeting = mirror.invoke(
const Symbol('greet'),
).reflectee as String;
### Library Reflection
void reflectLibrary() {
final reflector = RuntimeReflector.instance;
// Get library mirror
final library = reflector.reflectLibrary(
// Access top-level function
final result = library.invoke(
const Symbol('utilityFunction'),
[arg1, arg2],
// Access top-level variable
final value = library.getField(const Symbol('constant')).reflectee;
// Get library dependencies
final dependencies = library.libraryDependencies;
for (final dep in dependencies) {
print('Import: ${dep.targetLibrary.uri}');
print('Is deferred: ${dep.isDeferred}');
### Type Relationships
void checkTypes() {
final reflector = RuntimeReflector.instance;
// Get class mirrors
final userMirror = reflector.reflectClass(User);
final baseMirror = reflector.reflectClass(BaseClass);
// Check inheritance
final isSubclass = userMirror.isSubclassOf(baseMirror);
// Check type compatibility
final isCompatible = userMirror.isAssignableTo(baseMirror);
// Get superclass
final superclass = userMirror.superclass;
// Get interfaces
final interfaces = userMirror.interfaces;
## Advanced Usage
### Generic Type Handling
class Container<T> {
T value;
void handleGenericType() {
// Register with specific type
final stringContainer = reflector.createInstance(
positionalArgs: ['Hello'],
) as Container<String>;
final mirror = reflector.reflect(stringContainer);
final value = mirror.getField(const Symbol('value')).reflectee as String;
### Error Handling
void demonstrateErrorHandling() {
try {
// Attempt to reflect unregistered type
} on NotReflectableException catch (e) {
print('Type not registered: $e');
try {
// Attempt to access non-existent member
final mirror = reflector.reflect(user);
mirror.getField(const Symbol('nonexistent'));
} on MemberNotFoundException catch (e) {
print('Member not found: $e');
try {
// Attempt invalid method invocation
final mirror = reflector.reflect(user);
mirror.invoke(const Symbol('greet'), [42]); // Wrong argument type
} on InvalidArgumentsException catch (e) {
print('Invalid arguments: $e');
## Performance Considerations
### Registration Impact
- Explicit registration adds startup cost
- Improved runtime performance
- Reduced memory usage
- Controlled reflection surface
### Optimization Techniques
1. **Lazy Loading**
// Only register when needed
if (Reflector.getTypeMetadata(User) == null) {
2. **Metadata Caching**
// Cache metadata access
final metadata = Reflector.getTypeMetadata(User);
final properties = metadata.properties;
final methods = metadata.methods;
3. **Instance Reuse**
// Reuse instance mirrors
final mirror = reflector.reflect(user);
// Store mirror for repeated use
### Memory Management
- Cached class mirrors
- Efficient parameter resolution
- Smart library scanning
- Minimal metadata storage
## Migration Guide
### From dart:mirrors
// Old dart:mirrors code
import 'dart:mirrors';
final mirror = reflect(instance);
final value = mirror.getField(#propertyName).reflectee;
// New platform_reflection code
import 'package:platform_reflection/reflection.dart';
final mirror = reflector.reflect(instance);
final value = mirror.getField(const Symbol('propertyName')).reflectee;
### Registration Requirements
// Add registration code
void registerTypes() {
Reflector.registerProperty(MyClass, 'property', String);
Reflector.registerMethod(MyClass, 'method', [int]);
## API Reference
### Core Classes
- `Reflector`: Central reflection management
- `RuntimeReflector`: Runtime reflection operations
- `LibraryScanner`: Library scanning and analysis
### Mirrors
- `InstanceMirror`: Instance reflection
- `ClassMirror`: Class reflection
- `MethodMirror`: Method reflection
- `LibraryMirror`: Library reflection
- `TypeMirror`: Type reflection
### Metadata
- `TypeMetadata`: Type information
- `PropertyMetadata`: Property information
- `MethodMetadata`: Method information
- `ConstructorMetadata`: Constructor information
### Exceptions
- `NotReflectableException`
- `ReflectionException`
- `InvalidArgumentsException`
- `MemberNotFoundException`
## Limitations
Current Implementation Gaps:
1. **Type System**
- Limited generic variance support
- Basic type relationship checking
2. **Reflection Features**
- No extension method support
- Limited annotation metadata
- No cross-package private member access
3. **Language Features**
- No operator overloading reflection
- No dynamic code generation
- Limited mixin support
## Contributing
See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for detailed contribution guidelines.
## License
MIT License - see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.