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2024-09-02 17:44:11 +00:00
name: PropertyInfoLoader
class_comment: null
- name: PropertyAccessExtractorInterface
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyAccessExtractorInterface
- name: PropertyListExtractorInterface
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyListExtractorInterface
- name: PropertyTypeExtractorInterface
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyTypeExtractorInterface
- name: PropertyInfoType
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Type
- name: TypeInfoType
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\Type
- name: CollectionType
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\Type\CollectionType
- name: IntersectionType
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\Type\IntersectionType
- name: ObjectType
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\Type\ObjectType
- name: UnionType
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\Type\UnionType
- name: TypeIdentifier
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\TypeIdentifier
- name: All
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\All
- name: NotBlank
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank
- name: NotNull
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotNull
- name: Type
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Type
- name: AutoMappingStrategy
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\AutoMappingStrategy
- name: ClassMetadata
type: class
source: Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata
- name: AutoMappingTrait
type: class
source: AutoMappingTrait
properties: []
- name: getPropertyTypes
visibility: private
- name: className
- name: property
comment: "# * Guesses and loads the appropriate constraints using PropertyInfo.\n\
# *\n# * @author K\xE9vin Dunglas <>\n# */\n# final class PropertyInfoLoader\
\ implements LoaderInterface\n# {\n# use AutoMappingTrait;\n# \n# public function\
\ __construct(\n# private PropertyListExtractorInterface $listExtractor,\n# private\
\ PropertyTypeExtractorInterface $typeExtractor,\n# private PropertyAccessExtractorInterface\
\ $accessExtractor,\n# private ?string $classValidatorRegexp = null,\n# ) {\n\
# }\n# \n# public function loadClassMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata): bool\n\
# {\n# $className = $metadata->getClassName();\n# if (!$properties = $this->listExtractor->getProperties($className))\
\ {\n# return false;\n# }\n# \n# $loaded = false;\n# $enabledForClass = $this->isAutoMappingEnabledForClass($metadata,\
\ $this->classValidatorRegexp);\n# foreach ($properties as $property) {\n# if\
\ (false === $this->accessExtractor->isWritable($className, $property)) {\n# continue;\n\
# }\n# \n# if (!property_exists($className, $property)) {\n# continue;\n# }\n\
# \n# $types = $this->getPropertyTypes($className, $property);\n# if (null ===\
\ $types) {\n# continue;\n# }\n# \n# $enabledForProperty = $enabledForClass;\n\
# $hasTypeConstraint = false;\n# $hasNotNullConstraint = false;\n# $hasNotBlankConstraint\
\ = false;\n# $allConstraint = null;\n# foreach ($metadata->getPropertyMetadata($property)\
\ as $propertyMetadata) {\n# // Enabling or disabling auto-mapping explicitly\
\ always takes precedence\n# if (AutoMappingStrategy::DISABLED === $propertyMetadata->getAutoMappingStrategy())\
\ {\n# continue 2;\n# }\n# \n# if (AutoMappingStrategy::ENABLED === $propertyMetadata->getAutoMappingStrategy())\
\ {\n# $enabledForProperty = true;\n# }\n# \n# foreach ($propertyMetadata->getConstraints()\
\ as $constraint) {\n# if ($constraint instanceof Type) {\n# $hasTypeConstraint\
\ = true;\n# } elseif ($constraint instanceof NotNull) {\n# $hasNotNullConstraint\
\ = true;\n# } elseif ($constraint instanceof NotBlank) {\n# $hasNotBlankConstraint\
\ = true;\n# } elseif ($constraint instanceof All) {\n# $allConstraint = $constraint;\n\
# }\n# }\n# }\n# \n# if (!$enabledForProperty) {\n# continue;\n# }\n# \n# $loaded\
\ = true;\n# \n# // BC layer for PropertyTypeExtractorInterface::getTypes().\n\
# // Can be removed as soon as PropertyTypeExtractorInterface::getTypes() is removed\
\ (8.0).\n# if (\\is_array($types)) {\n# $builtinTypes = [];\n# $nullable = false;\n\
# $scalar = true;\n# \n# foreach ($types as $type) {\n# $builtinTypes[] = $type->getBuiltinType();\n\
# \n# if ($scalar && !\\in_array($type->getBuiltinType(), ['int', 'float', 'string',\
\ 'bool'], true)) {\n# $scalar = false;\n# }\n# \n# if (!$nullable && $type->isNullable())\
\ {\n# $nullable = true;\n# }\n# }\n# \n# if (!$hasTypeConstraint) {\n# if (1\
\ === \\count($builtinTypes)) {\n# if ($types[0]->isCollection() && \\count($collectionValueType\
\ = $types[0]->getCollectionValueTypes()) > 0) {\n# [$collectionValueType] = $collectionValueType;\n\
# $this->handleAllConstraintLegacy($property, $allConstraint, $collectionValueType,\
\ $metadata);\n# }\n# \n# $metadata->addPropertyConstraint($property, $this->getTypeConstraintLegacy($builtinTypes[0],\
\ $types[0]));\n# } elseif ($scalar) {\n# $metadata->addPropertyConstraint($property,\
\ new Type(['type' => 'scalar']));\n# }\n# }\n# \n# if (!$nullable && !$hasNotBlankConstraint\
\ && !$hasNotNullConstraint) {\n# $metadata->addPropertyConstraint($property,\
\ new NotNull());\n# }\n# } else {\n# if ($hasTypeConstraint) {\n# continue;\n\
# }\n# \n# $type = $types;\n# $nullable = false;\n# \n# if ($type instanceof UnionType\
\ && $type->isNullable()) {\n# $nullable = true;\n# $type = $type->asNonNullable();\n\
# }\n# \n# if ($type instanceof CollectionType) {\n# $this->handleAllConstraint($property,\
\ $allConstraint, $type->getCollectionValueType(), $metadata);\n# }\n# \n# if\
\ (null !== $typeConstraint = $this->getTypeConstraint($type)) {\n# $metadata->addPropertyConstraint($property,\
\ $typeConstraint);\n# }\n# \n# if (!$nullable && !$hasNotBlankConstraint && !$hasNotNullConstraint)\
\ {\n# $metadata->addPropertyConstraint($property, new NotNull());\n# }\n# }\n\
# }\n# \n# return $loaded;\n# }\n# \n# /**\n# * BC layer for PropertyTypeExtractorInterface::getTypes().\n\
# * Can be removed as soon as PropertyTypeExtractorInterface::getTypes() is removed\
\ (8.0).\n# *\n# * @return TypeInfoType|list<PropertyInfoType>|null"
- name: getTypeConstraintLegacy
visibility: private
- name: builtinType
- name: type
comment: '# * BC layer for PropertyTypeExtractorInterface::getTypes().
# * Can be removed as soon as PropertyTypeExtractorInterface::getTypes() is removed
- name: getTypeConstraint
visibility: private
- name: type
comment: null
- name: handleAllConstraint
visibility: private
- name: property
- name: allConstraint
- name: type
- name: metadata
comment: null
- name: handleAllConstraintLegacy
visibility: private
- name: property
- name: allConstraint
- name: propertyInfoType
- name: metadata
comment: '# * BC layer for PropertyTypeExtractorInterface::getTypes().
# * Can be removed as soon as PropertyTypeExtractorInterface::getTypes() is removed
- Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyAccessExtractorInterface
- Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyListExtractorInterface
- Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyTypeExtractorInterface
- Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\Type\CollectionType
- Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\Type\IntersectionType
- Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\Type\ObjectType
- Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\Type\UnionType
- Symfony\Component\TypeInfo\TypeIdentifier
- Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\All
- Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank
- Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotNull
- Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Type
- Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\AutoMappingStrategy
- Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata
- AutoMappingTrait
- LoaderInterface