376 lines
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376 lines
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import 'dart:math';
import 'package:platform_contracts/contracts.dart';
import 'collection.dart';
import 'enumerable.dart';
/// A memory efficient collection that only loads items as needed.
class LazyCollection<T>
implements Enumerable<T>, Iterable<T>, CanBeEscapedWhenCastToString {
/// The source iterable that will be lazily evaluated.
final Iterable<T> Function() _source;
/// Whether the collection should be escaped when cast to string.
bool _shouldEscape = false;
/// Create a new lazy collection.
LazyCollection(Iterable<T> items) : _source = (() => items);
/// Create a lazy collection from a callback.
LazyCollection.from(Iterable<T> Function() callback) : _source = callback;
Iterable<T> all() => _source();
double? avg([num Function(T element)? callback]) {
var count = 0;
num sum = 0;
for (var item in _source()) {
sum += callback?.call(item) ?? (item is num ? item : 0);
return count > 0 ? sum / count : null;
Collection<T> diff(Iterable<T> items) {
return Collection(_source().where((item) => !items.contains(item)));
LazyCollection<T> filter(bool Function(T element) test) {
return LazyCollection.from(() => _source().where(test));
T? tryFirst([bool Function(T element)? predicate]) {
if (predicate == null) {
final iterator = _source().iterator;
return iterator.moveNext() ? iterator.current : null;
for (var item in _source()) {
if (predicate(item)) return item;
return null;
T? tryLast([bool Function(T element)? predicate]) {
if (predicate == null) {
var result = null;
for (var item in _source()) {
result = item;
return result;
T? result;
for (var item in _source()) {
if (predicate(item)) result = item;
return result;
Collection<R> mapItems<R>(R Function(T element) toElement) {
return Collection(_source().map(toElement));
T? max([dynamic Function(T element)? callback]) {
final iterator = _source().iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return null;
var result = iterator.current;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final current = iterator.current;
final comp1 = callback?.call(result);
final comp2 = callback?.call(current);
if (comp1 != null &&
comp2 != null &&
comp1 is Comparable &&
comp2 is Comparable) {
if (comp2.compareTo(comp1) > 0) result = current;
} else if (result is Comparable && current is Comparable) {
if (current.compareTo(result) > 0) result = current;
return result;
T? min([dynamic Function(T element)? callback]) {
final iterator = _source().iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return null;
var result = iterator.current;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final current = iterator.current;
final comp1 = callback?.call(result);
final comp2 = callback?.call(current);
if (comp1 != null &&
comp2 != null &&
comp1 is Comparable &&
comp2 is Comparable) {
if (comp2.compareTo(comp1) < 0) result = current;
} else if (result is Comparable && current is Comparable) {
if (current.compareTo(result) < 0) result = current;
return result;
Collection<T> random([int? number]) {
final items = _source().toList();
if (items.isEmpty) return Collection<T>();
final random = Random();
if (number == null) {
return Collection([items[random.nextInt(items.length)]]);
return Collection(items.take(number));
Collection<T> skip(int count) {
return Collection(_source().skip(count));
Collection<T> take(int limit) {
return Collection(_source().take(limit));
Collection<T> unique([Object? Function(T element)? callback]) {
final seen = Set();
return Collection(_source().where((item) {
final key = callback?.call(item) ?? item;
return seen.add(key);
/// Create a lazy collection by chunking the source into smaller collections.
LazyCollection<List<T>> chunk(int size) {
if (size <= 0) return LazyCollection(<List<T>>[]);
return LazyCollection.from(() sync* {
var chunk = <T>[];
for (var item in _source()) {
if (chunk.length == size) {
yield List.unmodifiable(chunk);
chunk = <T>[];
if (chunk.isNotEmpty) {
yield List.unmodifiable(chunk);
/// Create a lazy collection that will only evaluate items matching the predicate.
LazyCollection<T> takeUntil(bool Function(T element) predicate) {
return LazyCollection.from(() sync* {
for (var item in _source()) {
if (predicate(item)) break;
yield item;
/// Create a lazy collection that will only evaluate items while the predicate is true.
LazyCollection<T> takeWhileCondition(bool Function(T element) predicate) {
return LazyCollection.from(() sync* {
for (var item in _source()) {
if (!predicate(item)) break;
yield item;
/// Create a lazy collection that will skip items until the predicate is true.
LazyCollection<T> skipUntil(bool Function(T element) predicate) {
return LazyCollection.from(() sync* {
var yielding = false;
for (var item in _source()) {
if (!yielding && predicate(item)) {
yielding = true;
if (yielding) {
yield item;
/// Create a lazy collection that will skip items while the predicate is true.
LazyCollection<T> skipWhileCondition(bool Function(T element) predicate) {
return LazyCollection.from(() sync* {
var yielding = false;
for (var item in _source()) {
if (!yielding && !predicate(item)) {
yielding = true;
if (yielding) {
yield item;
/// Create a lazy collection that will map and flatten the results.
LazyCollection<R> flatMap<R>(Iterable<R> Function(T element) callback) {
return LazyCollection.from(() sync* {
for (var item in _source()) {
yield* callback(item);
// Iterable implementation
Iterator<T> get iterator => _source().iterator;
T get first {
final iterator = _source().iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
throw StateError('No elements');
return iterator.current;
T get last {
final iterator = _source().iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
throw StateError('No elements');
T result = iterator.current;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
result = iterator.current;
return result;
bool any(bool Function(T) test) => _source().any(test);
Iterable<R> cast<R>() => _source().cast<R>();
bool contains(Object? element) => _source().contains(element);
T elementAt(int index) => _source().elementAt(index);
bool every(bool Function(T) test) => _source().every(test);
Iterable<R> expand<R>(Iterable<R> Function(T) f) => _source().expand(f);
T firstWhere(bool Function(T) test, {T Function()? orElse}) =>
_source().firstWhere(test, orElse: orElse);
R fold<R>(R initialValue, R Function(R, T) combine) =>
_source().fold(initialValue, combine);
Iterable<T> followedBy(Iterable<T> other) => _source().followedBy(other);
void forEach(void Function(T) action) => _source().forEach(action);
String join([String separator = ""]) => _source().join(separator);
T lastWhere(bool Function(T) test, {T Function()? orElse}) =>
_source().lastWhere(test, orElse: orElse);
Iterable<R> map<R>(R Function(T) f) => _source().map(f);
T reduce(T Function(T, T) combine) => _source().reduce(combine);
T get single => _source().single;
T singleWhere(bool Function(T) test, {T Function()? orElse}) =>
_source().singleWhere(test, orElse: orElse);
Iterable<T> skipWhile(bool Function(T) test) => _source().skipWhile(test);
Iterable<T> takeWhile(bool Function(T) test) => _source().takeWhile(test);
List<T> toList({bool growable = true}) =>
_source().toList(growable: growable);
Set<T> toSet() => _source().toSet();
Iterable<T> where(bool Function(T) test) => _source().where(test);
Iterable<R> whereType<R>() => _source().whereType<R>();
bool get isEmpty => !iterator.moveNext();
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
int get length {
var count = 0;
for (var _ in this) {
return count;
// CanBeEscapedWhenCastToString implementation
LazyCollection<T> escapeWhenCastingToString([bool escape = true]) {
_shouldEscape = escape;
return this;
String toString() {
if (_shouldEscape) {
return _source().map((item) => _escape(item.toString())).toString();
return _source().toString();
/// Escape special characters in a string.
String _escape(String value) {
return value
.replaceAll('&', '&')
.replaceAll('"', '"')
.replaceAll("'", ''')
.replaceAll('<', '<')
.replaceAll('>', '>');