183 lines
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183 lines
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import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
void main(List<String> args) async {
// Parse command line arguments
String? templateName;
String? projectType;
String? name;
for (var arg in args) {
final parts = arg.split(':');
if (parts.length == 2) {
switch (parts[0]) {
case 'template_name':
templateName = parts[1];
case 'type':
projectType = parts[1];
case 'name':
name = parts[1];
// Print received arguments for debugging
print('Received arguments:');
print('Template Name: $templateName');
print('Project Type: $projectType');
print('Name: $name');
// Validate inputs
if (templateName == null || projectType == null || name == null) {
print('Error: Missing required arguments');
'Usage: melos run template template_name:name type:dart|flutter name:project_name');
if (projectType != 'dart' && projectType != 'flutter') {
print('Error: type must be either "dart" or "flutter"');
// Convert name to snake_case
final snakeCaseName = name
(match) => '_${match.group(0)?.toLowerCase()}',
.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'^_'), '');
// Determine directories
final templateDir = Directory('templates/$templateName');
final targetBaseDir = (projectType == 'flutter') ? 'apps' : 'packages';
final targetDir = Directory('$targetBaseDir/$snakeCaseName');
// Validate template exists
if (!await templateDir.exists()) {
print('Error: Template "$templateName" not found in templates directory');
print('Available templates:');
await for (var entity in Directory('templates').list()) {
if (entity is Directory) {
print(' - ${path.basename(entity.path)}');
// Check if target directory already exists
if (await targetDir.exists()) {
print('Error: Target directory already exists at ${targetDir.path}');
try {
// Create target directory
await targetDir.create(recursive: true);
// Copy template files
await _copyDirectory(templateDir, targetDir);
// Process template files
await _processTemplateFiles(targetDir, {
'PROJECT_NAME_PASCAL_CASE': _toPascalCase(name),
'PROJECT_NAME_CAMEL_CASE': _toCamelCase(name),
'CREATION_TIMESTAMP': DateTime.now().toIso8601String(),
// Update pubspec.yaml if it exists
final pubspecFile = File('${targetDir.path}/pubspec.yaml');
if (await pubspecFile.exists()) {
await _updatePubspec(pubspecFile, name);
'Successfully created project from template "$templateName" at ${targetDir.path}');
print('Done! 🎉');
print('To get started, cd into ${targetDir.path}');
} catch (e) {
print('Error: $e');
// Cleanup on error
if (await targetDir.exists()) {
await targetDir.delete(recursive: true);
Future<void> _copyDirectory(Directory source, Directory target) async {
await for (var entity in source.list(recursive: false)) {
final targetPath =
path.join(target.path, path.relative(entity.path, from: source.path));
if (entity is Directory) {
await Directory(targetPath).create(recursive: true);
await _copyDirectory(entity, Directory(targetPath));
} else if (entity is File) {
await entity.copy(targetPath);
Future<void> _processTemplateFiles(
Directory directory, Map<String, String> replacements) async {
await for (var entity in directory.list(recursive: true)) {
if (entity is File) {
if (path.extension(entity.path) == '.tmpl') {
// Process template file
String content = await entity.readAsString();
for (var entry in replacements.entries) {
content = content.replaceAll('{{${entry.key}}}', entry.value);
// Write processed content to new file without .tmpl extension
final newPath = entity.path.replaceAll('.tmpl', '');
await File(newPath).writeAsString(content);
await entity.delete(); // Remove template file
} else {
// Process regular file (only process certain file types)
final ext = path.extension(entity.path);
if (['.dart', '.yaml', '.md', '.json'].contains(ext)) {
String content = await entity.readAsString();
for (var entry in replacements.entries) {
content = content.replaceAll('{{${entry.key}}}', entry.value);
await entity.writeAsString(content);
Future<void> _updatePubspec(File pubspecFile, String projectName) async {
final content = await pubspecFile.readAsString();
final yaml = loadYaml(content);
// Create new pubspec content with updated name
final newContent = content.replaceFirst(
'name: $projectName',
await pubspecFile.writeAsString(newContent);
String _toPascalCase(String input) {
return input
.split(RegExp(r'[_\- ]'))
.map((word) => word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substring(1).toLowerCase())
String _toCamelCase(String input) {
final pascal = _toPascalCase(input);
return pascal[0].toLowerCase() + pascal.substring(1);