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2024-07-05 04:20:02 +00:00
* This file is part of the Protevus Platform.
* This file is a port of the symfony HeaderBag.php class to Dart
* (C) Protevus <>
* (C) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
import 'dart:collection';
2024-07-05 04:20:02 +00:00
/// HeaderBag is a class that manages HTTP headers.
/// This class provides functionality to store, retrieve, and manipulate HTTP headers.
/// It supports operations such as adding, removing, and checking for the presence of headers,
/// as well as special handling for Cache-Control directives.
/// Key features:
/// - Case-insensitive header names
/// - Support for multiple values per header
/// - Special handling for Cache-Control headers
/// - Methods to add, remove, and check headers
/// - Implements Iterable for easy traversal of headers
/// Usage:
/// ```dart
/// var headers = HeaderBag();
/// headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
/// headers.add({'Accept': ['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml']});
/// print(headers.get('content-type')); // Prints: application/json
/// ```
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/// This class is particularly useful for HTTP clients and servers that need to
/// manage complex header scenarios, including multiple header values and
/// Cache-Control directives.
class HeaderBag extends IterableBase<MapEntry<String, List<String?>>> {
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/// A constant string containing uppercase letters and underscore.
/// This constant is used for case-insensitive string operations,
/// particularly in header name formatting. It includes the underscore
/// character followed by all uppercase letters of the English alphabet.
/// The string is defined as:
/// - Underscore: '_'
/// - Uppercase letters: 'A' through 'Z'
/// This constant is typically used in conjunction with the 'lower' constant
/// for case conversion operations within the HeaderBag class.
static const String upper = '_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
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/// A constant string containing lowercase letters and hyphen.
/// This constant is used for case-insensitive string operations,
/// particularly in header name formatting. It includes the hyphen
/// character followed by all lowercase letters of the English alphabet.
/// The string is defined as:
/// - Hyphen: '-'
/// - Lowercase letters: 'a' through 'z'
/// This constant is typically used in conjunction with the 'upper' constant
/// for case conversion operations within the HeaderBag class.
static const String lower = '-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
/// A map to store the headers.
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/// This private field stores all the HTTP headers in the HeaderBag.
/// The keys of the map are header names (stored in lowercase),
/// and the values are lists of header values.
/// Using a list for values allows for multiple values per header,
/// which is common in HTTP headers (e.g., multiple Set-Cookie headers).
/// The use of nullable String (String?) in the list allows for the
/// possibility of null values, which might occur in some edge cases.
final Map<String, List<String?>> _headers = {};
/// A map to store cache control directives.
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/// This map holds key-value pairs representing Cache-Control directives.
/// Keys are directive names (e.g., "max-age", "no-cache"), and values are
/// the corresponding directive values or true for valueless directives.
/// This map is used internally to manage and manipulate Cache-Control
/// header information efficiently, allowing for easy addition, removal,
/// and retrieval of individual directives.
final Map<String, dynamic> _cacheControl = {};
/// Constructor for HeaderBag
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/// Creates a new HeaderBag instance with the given headers.
/// @param headers An optional map of headers to initialize the HeaderBag with.
/// The map keys are header names, and the values are lists of
/// header values. If not provided, an empty map is used.
/// This constructor initializes the HeaderBag by setting each header in the
/// provided map using the `set` method, which ensures proper formatting and
/// handling of special headers like 'Cache-Control'.
HeaderBag([Map<String, List<String?>> headers = const {}]) {
headers.forEach((key, values) {
set(key, values);
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/// Returns a string representation of the headers.
/// This method creates a formatted string of all headers in the HeaderBag.
/// The headers are sorted alphabetically by key, and each header is
/// presented on a new line with the header name capitalized appropriately.
/// The header names are right-padded to align all header values.
/// If the HeaderBag is empty, an empty string is returned.
/// @return A formatted string representation of all headers.
String toString() {
if (_headers.isEmpty) {
return '';
var sortedHeaders = SplayTreeMap<String, List<String?>>.from(_headers);
var max = => k.length).reduce((a, b) => a > b ? a : b) + 1;
var content = StringBuffer();
for (var entry in sortedHeaders.entries) {
var name = entry.key.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'-([a-z])'), (match) => '-${!.toUpperCase()}');
for (var value in entry.value) {
content.write('${name.padRight(max)}: $value\r\n');
return content.toString();
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/// Returns all headers or headers for a specific key.
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/// If a [key] is provided, this method returns a map containing only that key
/// (in lowercase) and its associated list of values. If the key doesn't exist,
/// an empty list is returned for that key.
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/// If no [key] is provided, this method returns all headers in the HeaderBag.
/// @param key The optional key to retrieve specific headers.
/// @return A map of headers. If a key is provided, the map will contain only
/// that key-value pair. If no key is provided, all headers are returned.
Map<String, List<String?>> all([String? key]) {
if (key != null) {
return {key.toLowerCase(): _headers[key.toLowerCase()] ?? []};
return _headers;
/// Returns the parameter keys.
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/// This method retrieves all the keys from the internal _headers map
/// and returns them as a list of strings. The keys represent the names
/// of all the headers stored in this HeaderBag.
/// @return A list of strings containing all the header names.
List<String> keys() {
return _headers.keys.toList();
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/// Replaces the current HTTP headers with a new set of headers.
/// This method first clears all existing headers in the HeaderBag,
/// then adds the new headers provided in the [headers] parameter.
/// @param headers A map of new headers to replace the existing ones.
/// The map keys are header names, and the values are
/// lists of header values.
void replace(Map<String, List<String?>> headers) {
/// Adds new headers to the current HTTP headers set.
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/// This method takes a map of headers and adds them to the existing headers
/// in the HeaderBag. If a header with the same name already exists, its values
/// are appended to the existing values.
/// @param headers A map where keys are header names and values are lists of
/// header values to be added.
/// Each header in the input map is added using the `set` method, which handles
/// the details of appending values and updating special headers like 'Cache-Control'.
void add(Map<String, List<String?>> headers) {
headers.forEach((key, values) {
set(key, values);
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/// Returns the first value of the specified HTTP header.
/// This method retrieves the first value of the header specified by [key].
/// If the header doesn't exist or has no values, it returns the [defaultValue].
/// @param key The name of the HTTP header to retrieve.
/// @param defaultValue An optional default value to return if the header
/// doesn't exist or has no values. Defaults to null if not specified.
/// @return The first value of the specified header, or the default value
/// if the header doesn't exist or has no values.
String? get(String key, [String? defaultValue]) {
var headers = all(key)[key.toLowerCase()];
if (headers == null || headers.isEmpty) {
return defaultValue;
return headers[0];
/// Sets a header by name.
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/// This method sets or adds a header to the HeaderBag. It can handle both
/// single values and lists of values.
/// @param key The name of the header to set. This will be converted to lowercase.
/// @param values The value or list of values to set for the header.
/// @param replace Whether to replace the existing values (if any) or append to them.
/// Defaults to true.
/// If [replace] is true or the header doesn't exist, it will overwrite any existing
/// values. If [replace] is false and the header exists, it will append the new values.
/// For the 'cache-control' header, this method also updates the internal
/// cache control directives by parsing the new header value.
void set(String key, dynamic values, [bool replace = true]) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
List<String?> valueList;
if (values is List) {
valueList = List<String?>.from(values);
if (replace || !_headers.containsKey(key)) {
_headers[key] = valueList;
} else {
_headers[key] = List<String?>.from(_headers[key]!)..addAll(valueList);
} else {
if (replace || !_headers.containsKey(key)) {
_headers[key] = [values];
} else {
if (key == 'cache-control') {
_cacheControl.addAll(_parseCacheControl(_headers[key]!.join(', ')));
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/// Checks if a specific HTTP header is present in the HeaderBag.
/// This method determines whether a header with the given [key] exists
/// in the HeaderBag. The header name (key) is case-insensitive.
/// @param key The name of the HTTP header to check for.
/// @return true if the header exists, false otherwise.
bool hasHeader(String key) {
return _headers.containsKey(key.toLowerCase());
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/// Checks if a specific HTTP header contains a given value.
/// This method determines whether the header specified by [key] contains
/// the given [value]. The header name (key) is case-insensitive.
/// @param key The name of the HTTP header to check.
/// @param value The value to search for in the header.
/// @return true if the header contains the value, false otherwise.
/// If the header doesn't exist, this method returns false.
bool containsHeaderValue(String key, String value) {
return _headers[key.toLowerCase()]?.contains(value) ?? false;
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/// Removes a header from the HeaderBag.
/// This method removes the header specified by [key] from the HeaderBag.
/// The key is case-insensitive and will be converted to lowercase before removal.
/// If the removed header is 'cache-control', this method also clears
/// the internal cache control directives.
/// @param key The name of the header to remove.
void remove(String key) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
if (key == 'cache-control') {
/// Returns the HTTP header value converted to a date.
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/// This method retrieves the value of the specified HTTP header and attempts
/// to parse it as a DateTime object. If the header doesn't exist or its value
/// is null, the method returns the provided default value.
/// @param key The name of the HTTP header to retrieve and parse as a date.
/// @param defaultValue An optional DateTime object to return if the header
/// doesn't exist or its value is null. Defaults to null if not specified.
/// @return A DateTime object representing the parsed header value, or the
/// default value if the header doesn't exist or its value is null.
/// @throws Exception if the header value cannot be parsed as a valid date.
/// Throws an exception when the HTTP header is not parseable.
DateTime? getDate(String key, [DateTime? defaultValue]) {
var value = get(key);
if (value == null) {
return defaultValue;
try {
return DateTime.parse(value);
} catch (e) {
throw Exception('The "$key" HTTP header is not parseable ($value).');
/// Adds a custom Cache-Control directive.
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/// This method adds a new directive to the Cache-Control header or updates
/// an existing one. The directive is specified by [key], and an optional
/// [value] can be provided.
/// @param key The name of the Cache-Control directive to add or update.
/// @param value The value of the directive. Defaults to true if not specified.
/// After updating the internal cache control directives, this method
/// regenerates the Cache-Control header string and sets it using the `set` method.
void addCacheControlDirective(String key, [dynamic value = true]) {
_cacheControl[key] = value;
set('Cache-Control', getCacheControlHeader());
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/// Checks if a specific Cache-Control directive is present.
/// This method determines whether a Cache-Control directive with the given [key]
/// exists in the internal cache control directives map.
/// @param key The name of the Cache-Control directive to check for.
/// @return true if the directive exists, false otherwise.
bool hasCacheControlDirective(String key) {
return _cacheControl.containsKey(key);
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/// Returns the value of a specific Cache-Control directive.
/// This method retrieves the value associated with the given Cache-Control
/// directive [key] from the internal cache control directives map.
/// @param key The name of the Cache-Control directive to retrieve.
/// @return The value of the specified Cache-Control directive, or null if
/// the directive doesn't exist. The return type is dynamic as
/// Cache-Control directive values can be of various types.
dynamic getCacheControlDirective(String key) {
return _cacheControl[key];
/// Removes a Cache-Control directive.
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/// This method removes the specified Cache-Control directive from the internal
/// cache control directives map and updates the Cache-Control header accordingly.
/// @param key The name of the Cache-Control directive to remove.
/// After removing the directive from the internal map, this method regenerates
/// the Cache-Control header string and sets it using the `set` method.
void removeCacheControlDirective(String key) {
set('Cache-Control', getCacheControlHeader());
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/// Returns an iterator for the headers.
/// This method provides an iterator that allows iteration over all headers
/// in the HeaderBag. Each iteration yields a MapEntry where the key is the
/// header name (as a String) and the value is a List of String? representing
/// the header values.
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/// This implementation directly returns the iterator of the internal _headers
/// map entries, allowing for efficient iteration over all headers.
/// @return An Iterator<MapEntry<String, List<String?>>> for iterating over
/// all headers in the HeaderBag.
Iterator<MapEntry<String, List<String?>>> get iterator {
return _headers.entries.iterator;
/// Returns the number of headers.
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/// This getter provides the count of unique headers in the HeaderBag.
/// It directly returns the length of the internal _headers map,
/// which represents the number of distinct header names stored.
/// @return An integer representing the number of headers in the HeaderBag.
int get length {
return _headers.length;
/// Generates the Cache-Control header value.
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/// This method creates a string representation of the Cache-Control header
/// based on the directives stored in the internal _cacheControl map.
/// The method performs the following steps:
/// 1. Creates a sorted copy of the _cacheControl map using a SplayTreeMap.
/// 2. Iterates through the entries of the sorted map.
/// 3. Formats each entry as "key=value".
/// 4. Joins all formatted entries with ", " as separator.
/// @return A string representation of the Cache-Control header, where
/// directives are sorted alphabetically by key and separated by commas.
/// For example: "max-age=300, must-revalidate, no-cache".
String getCacheControlHeader() {
var sortedCacheControl = SplayTreeMap<String, dynamic>.from(_cacheControl);
return => '${e.key}=${e.value}').join(', ');
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/// Parses a Cache-Control HTTP header string into a map of directives.
/// This method takes a Cache-Control header value as a string and converts it
/// into a map where keys are directive names and values are directive values.
/// The method performs the following steps:
/// 1. Splits the header string by commas to separate individual directives.
/// 2. For each directive, splits by '=' to separate the name and value.
/// 3. Trims whitespace from directive names and values.
/// 4. If a directive has no value (no '='), it's set to true.
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/// @param header A string containing the Cache-Control header value.
/// @return A Map<String, dynamic> where keys are directive names (String)
/// and values are either String (for directives with values) or
/// bool (true for directives without values).
Map<String, dynamic> _parseCacheControl(String header) {
var parts = header.split(',').map((e) => e.split('=')).toList();
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
for (var part in parts) {
map[part[0].trim()] = part.length > 1 ? part[1].trim() : true;
return map;