210 lines
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210 lines
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import 'dart:io';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:converter/src/utils/yaml_utils.dart';
import 'package:converter/src/utils/name_utils.dart';
import 'package:converter/src/utils/class_generator_utils.dart';
import 'package:converter/src/utils/type_utils.dart';
import 'package:converter/src/utils/type_conversion_utils.dart';
/// Generates a Dart interface from a contract
String generateInterface(Map<String, dynamic> interface) {
final buffer = StringBuffer();
final name = interface['name'] as String;
final docstring = interface['docstring'] as String?;
// Add documentation
if (docstring != null) {
buffer.writeln('/// ${docstring.replaceAll('\n', '\n/// ')}');
// Begin interface definition
buffer.writeln('abstract class $name {');
// Generate properties
final properties = interface['properties'] as List?;
if (properties != null) {
for (final prop in properties) {
final propName = NameUtils.toDartName(prop['name'] as String);
final propType =
TypeConversionUtils.pythonToDartType(prop['type'] as String);
buffer.writeln(' $propType get $propName;');
// Only generate setter if is_readonly is explicitly false
final isReadonly = prop['is_readonly'];
if (isReadonly != null && !isReadonly) {
buffer.writeln(' set $propName($propType value);');
if (properties.isNotEmpty) buffer.writeln();
// Generate methods
final methods = interface['methods'] as List?;
if (methods != null) {
for (final method in methods) {
final methodName = NameUtils.toDartName(method['name'] as String);
final returnType =
TypeConversionUtils.pythonToDartType(method['return_type'] as String);
final methodDoc = method['docstring'] as String?;
final decorators = TypeUtils.castToMapList(method['decorators'] as List?);
final isProperty = decorators.any((d) => d['name'] == 'property');
if (methodDoc != null) {
buffer.writeln(' /// ${methodDoc.replaceAll('\n', '\n /// ')}');
if (isProperty) {
// Generate as a getter
buffer.writeln(' $returnType get $methodName;');
} else {
// Generate as a method
final isAsync = method['is_async'] == true;
if (isAsync) {
buffer.write(' Future<$returnType> $methodName(');
} else {
buffer.write(' $returnType $methodName(');
// Generate parameters
final params = method['arguments'] as List?;
if (params != null && params.isNotEmpty) {
final paramStrings = <String>[];
for (final param in params) {
final paramName = NameUtils.toDartName(param['name'] as String);
final paramType =
TypeConversionUtils.pythonToDartType(param['type'] as String);
final isOptional = param['is_optional'] == true;
if (isOptional) {
paramStrings.add('[$paramType $paramName]');
} else {
paramStrings.add('$paramType $paramName');
buffer.write(paramStrings.join(', '));
return buffer.toString();
/// Generates a Dart class implementation from a contract
String generateClass(Map<String, dynamic> classContract) {
final buffer = StringBuffer();
final name = classContract['name'] as String;
final bases = TypeUtils.castToStringList(classContract['bases'] as List?);
final docstring = classContract['docstring'] as String?;
// Add documentation
if (docstring != null) {
buffer.writeln('/// ${docstring.replaceAll('\n', '\n/// ')}');
// Begin class definition
buffer.write('class $name');
if (bases.isNotEmpty) {
final implementsStr = bases.join(', ');
buffer.write(' implements $implementsStr');
buffer.writeln(' {');
// Generate required interface implementations first
if (bases.contains('BaseChain')) {
bases, classContract));
// Generate properties from contract properties
final properties =
TypeUtils.castToMapList(classContract['properties'] as List?);
if (properties.isNotEmpty) {
// Generate constructor
if (properties.isNotEmpty || bases.contains('BaseChain')) {
buffer.write(ClassGeneratorUtils.generateConstructor(name, properties));
// Generate additional methods
final methods = TypeUtils.castToMapList(classContract['methods'] as List?);
if (methods.isNotEmpty) {
for (final method in methods) {
if (method['name'] != '__init__') {
return buffer.toString();
/// Main code generator class
class DartCodeGenerator {
final String outputDir;
Future<void> generateFromYaml(String yamlPath) async {
final file = File(yamlPath);
final content = await file.readAsString();
final yamlDoc = loadYaml(content) as YamlMap;
final contracts = YamlUtils.convertYamlToMap(yamlDoc);
// Generate interfaces
for (final interface in contracts['interfaces'] ?? []) {
final code = generateInterface(interface as Map<String, dynamic>);
final fileName = '${interface['name'].toString().toLowerCase()}.dart';
final outputFile =
File(path.join(outputDir, 'lib', 'src', 'interfaces', fileName));
await outputFile.create(recursive: true);
await outputFile.writeAsString(code);
// Generate classes
for (final classContract in contracts['classes'] ?? []) {
final code = generateClass(classContract as Map<String, dynamic>);
final fileName = '${classContract['name'].toString().toLowerCase()}.dart';
final outputFile =
File(path.join(outputDir, 'lib', 'src', 'implementations', fileName));
await outputFile.create(recursive: true);
await outputFile.writeAsString(code);
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
final parser = ArgParser()
abbr: 'c', help: 'Path to the YAML contracts file', mandatory: true)
abbr: 'o',
help: 'Output directory for generated Dart code',
mandatory: true);
try {
final results = parser.parse(arguments);
final contractsFile = results['contracts'] as String;
final outputDir = results['output'] as String;
final generator = DartCodeGenerator(outputDir);
await generator.generateFromYaml(contractsFile);
print('Code generation completed successfully.');
} catch (e) {
print('Error: $e');
'Usage: dart generate_dart_code.dart --contracts <file> --output <dir>');