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# Protevus Platform API Documentation
This document provides an overview of the APIs and interfaces available in the Protevus Platform. It serves as a reference for developers working with the platform, allowing them to understand and utilize the various components and modules effectively.
## Foundation
The Foundation module provides the core functionality and services required by the Protevus Platform.
### Application
The `Application` class is the entry point for the Protevus Platform. It manages the application lifecycle, configuration, and dependency injection.
class Application {
// ...
/// Initializes the application.
Future<void> initialize();
/// Runs the application.
Future<void> run();
/// Terminates the application.
Future<void> terminate();
// ...
### Configuration
The Configuration class provides access to the application's configuration settings.
class Configuration {
// ...
/// Gets the value of a configuration setting.
dynamic get(String key);
/// Sets the value of a configuration setting.
void set(String key, dynamic value);
// ...
### HTTP
The HTTP module handles HTTP requests and responses, routing, middleware, and controller dispatching.
#### Router
The Router class defines the application's routes and maps them to controllers or middleware.
class Router {
// ...
/// Registers a GET route.
void get(String path, dynamic handler);
/// Registers a POST route.
void post(String path, dynamic handler);
// ...
#### Request
The Request class represents an incoming HTTP request.
class Request {
// ...
/// Gets the request method (GET, POST, etc.).
String get method;
/// Gets the request URL.
Uri get url;
/// Gets the request headers.
Map<String, String> get headers;
// ...
#### Response
The Response class represents an outgoing HTTP response.
class Response {
// ...
/// Sets the response status code.
void setStatusCode(int statusCode);
/// Sets a response header.
void setHeader(String name, String value);
/// Writes the response body.
void write(String body);
// ...
### View
The View module handles server-side rendering of views and templating.
#### ViewFactory
The ViewFactory class is responsible for creating and rendering views.
class ViewFactory {
// ...
/// Creates a new view instance.
View make(String view, Map<String, dynamic> data);
/// Renders a view and returns the rendered output.
String render(String view, Map<String, dynamic> data);
// ...
#### View
The View class represents a server-side view.
class View {
// ...
/// Renders the view and returns the rendered output.
String render();
// ...
### Database
The Database module provides an abstraction layer for interacting with databases, including query builders, object-relational mapping (ORM), and schema migrations.
##### QueryBuilder
The QueryBuilder class allows you to construct and execute database queries.
class QueryBuilder {
// ...
/// Adds a WHERE clause to the query.
QueryBuilder where(String column, dynamic value);
/// Executes the query and returns the results.
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> get();
// ...
#### Model
The Model class represents a database table and provides an ORM-like interface for interacting with the data.
class Model {
// ...
/// Creates a new instance of the model.
Model({Map<String, dynamic> attributes});
/// Saves the model instance to the database.
Future<void> save();
// ...
### Authentication and Authorization
The Authentication and Authorization module handles user authentication, authorization, and access control mechanisms.
#### AuthManager
The AuthManager class manages user authentication and provides methods for logging in, logging out, and checking authentication status.
class AuthManager {
// ...
/// Attempts to log in a user with the provided credentials.
Future<bool> login(String email, String password);
/// Logs out the currently authenticated user.
Future<void> logout();
/// Checks if a user is authenticated.
bool isAuthenticated();
// ...
#### Gate
The Gate class provides an interface for defining and checking user permissions and authorizations.
class Gate {
// ...
/// Defines a new permission or authorization.
void define(String ability, dynamic callback);
/// Checks if the current user has the specified permission or authorization.
Future<bool> allows(String ability);
// ...
### Events and Queues
The Events and Queues module handles real-time event broadcasting and background job processing.
#### EventDispatcher
The EventDispatcher class is responsible for dispatching and listening to application events.
class EventDispatcher {
// ...
/// Dispatches an event.
void dispatch(Event event);
/// Registers an event listener.
void listen(String eventName, EventListener listener);
// ...
#### Queue
The Queue class manages background job processing and task scheduling.
class Queue {
// ...
/// Pushes a new job onto the queue.
void push(Job job);
/// Processes the next job in the queue.
Future<void> processNext();
// ...