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# FileSystem Package Gap Analysis
## Overview
This document analyzes the gaps between our current filesystem handling (in Core package) and Laravel's FileSystem package functionality, identifying what needs to be implemented as a standalone FileSystem package.
> **Related Documentation**
> - See [FileSystem Package Specification](filesystem_package_specification.md) for current implementation
> - See [Laravel Compatibility Roadmap](laravel_compatibility_roadmap.md) for overall status
> - See [Foundation Integration Guide](foundation_integration_guide.md) for integration patterns
> - See [Testing Guide](testing_guide.md) for testing approaches
> - See [Getting Started Guide](getting_started.md) for development setup
## Implementation Gaps
### 1. Missing Package Structure
// Need to create dedicated FileSystem package:
├── lib/
│ ├── src/
│ │ ├── filesystem.dart
│ │ ├── filesystem_manager.dart
│ │ ├── drivers/
│ │ │ ├── local_driver.dart
│ │ │ ├── s3_driver.dart
│ │ │ └── gcs_driver.dart
│ │ └── contracts/
│ │ ├── filesystem.dart
│ │ └── driver.dart
│ └── filesystem.dart
├── test/
└── example/
### 2. Missing Core Features
// 1. Filesystem Manager
class FilesystemManager {
// Need to implement:
Filesystem disk([String? name]);
void extend(String driver, FilesystemDriver Function() callback);
FilesystemDriver createDriver(Map<String, dynamic> config);
// 2. Filesystem Implementation
class Filesystem {
// Need to implement:
Future<bool> exists(String path);
Future<String> get(String path);
Future<void> put(String path, dynamic contents, [Map<String, String>? options]);
Future<void> delete(String path);
Future<void> copy(String from, String to);
Future<void> move(String from, String to);
Future<String> url(String path);
Future<Stream<List<int>>> readStream(String path);
Future<void> writeStream(String path, Stream<List<int>> contents);
// 3. Driver Implementations
class LocalDriver {
// Need to implement:
Future<void> ensureDirectory(String path);
Future<void> setVisibility(String path, String visibility);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getMetadata(String path);
### 3. Missing Laravel Features
// 1. Cloud Storage
class S3Driver {
// Need to implement:
Future<void> upload(String path, dynamic contents, String visibility);
Future<String> temporaryUrl(String path, Duration expiration);
Future<void> setVisibility(String path, String visibility);
// 2. Directory Operations
class DirectoryOperations {
// Need to implement:
Future<List<String>> files(String directory);
Future<List<String>> allFiles(String directory);
Future<List<String>> directories(String directory);
Future<List<String>> allDirectories(String directory);
Future<void> makeDirectory(String path);
Future<void> deleteDirectory(String directory);
// 3. File Visibility
class VisibilityConverter {
// Need to implement:
String toOctal(String visibility);
String fromOctal(String permissions);
bool isPublic(String path);
bool isPrivate(String path);
## Integration Gaps
### 1. Container Integration
// Need to implement:
class FilesystemServiceProvider {
void register() {
// Register filesystem manager
container.singleton<FilesystemManager>((c) =>
config: c.make<ConfigContract>()
// Register default filesystem
container.singleton<Filesystem>((c) =>
### 2. Config Integration
// Need to implement:
// config/filesystems.dart
class FilesystemsConfig {
static Map<String, dynamic> get config => {
'default': 'local',
'disks': {
'local': {
'driver': 'local',
'root': 'storage/app'
's3': {
'driver': 's3',
'key': env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
'secret': env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
'region': env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'),
'bucket': env('AWS_BUCKET')
### 3. Event Integration
// Need to implement:
class FilesystemEvents {
// File events
static const String writing = 'filesystem.writing';
static const String written = 'filesystem.written';
static const String deleting = 'filesystem.deleting';
static const String deleted = 'filesystem.deleted';
// Directory events
static const String makingDirectory = 'filesystem.making_directory';
static const String madeDirectory = 'filesystem.made_directory';
static const String deletingDirectory = 'filesystem.deleting_directory';
static const String deletedDirectory = 'filesystem.deleted_directory';
## Documentation Gaps
### 1. Missing API Documentation
// Need to document:
/// Manages filesystem operations across multiple storage drivers.
/// Provides a unified API for working with files across different storage systems:
/// ```dart
/// // Store a file
/// await storage.put('avatars/user1.jpg', fileContents);
/// // Get a file
/// var contents = await storage.get('avatars/user1.jpg');
/// ```
class Filesystem {
/// Stores a file at the specified path.
/// Options can include:
/// - visibility: 'public' or 'private'
/// - mime: MIME type of the file
Future<void> put(String path, dynamic contents, [Map<String, String>? options]);
### 2. Missing Usage Examples
// Need examples for:
// 1. Basic File Operations
var storage = Storage.disk();
await storage.put('file.txt', 'Hello World');
var contents = await storage.get('file.txt');
await storage.delete('file.txt');
// 2. Stream Operations
var fileStream = File('large.zip').openRead();
await storage.writeStream('uploads/large.zip', fileStream);
var downloadStream = await storage.readStream('uploads/large.zip');
// 3. Cloud Storage
var s3 = Storage.disk('s3');
await s3.put(
{'visibility': 'public'}
var url = await s3.url('images/photo.jpg');
### 3. Missing Test Coverage
// Need tests for:
void main() {
group('Local Driver', () {
test('handles file operations', () async {
var storage = Filesystem(LocalDriver(root: 'storage'));
await storage.put('test.txt', 'contents');
expect(await storage.exists('test.txt'), isTrue);
expect(await storage.get('test.txt'), equals('contents'));
await storage.delete('test.txt');
expect(await storage.exists('test.txt'), isFalse);
group('S3 Driver', () {
test('handles cloud operations', () async {
var storage = Filesystem(S3Driver(config));
await storage.put('test.txt', 'contents', {
'visibility': 'public'
var url = await storage.url('test.txt');
expect(url, startsWith('https://'));
## Implementation Priority
1. **High Priority**
- Create FileSystem package structure
- Implement core filesystem
- Add local driver
- Add basic operations
2. **Medium Priority**
- Add cloud drivers
- Add streaming support
- Add directory operations
- Add container integration
3. **Low Priority**
- Add helper functions
- Add testing utilities
- Add debugging tools
## Next Steps
1. **Package Creation**
- Create package structure
- Move filesystem code from Core
- Add package dependencies
- Setup testing
2. **Core Implementation**
- Implement FilesystemManager
- Implement Filesystem
- Implement LocalDriver
- Add cloud drivers
3. **Integration Implementation**
- Add container integration
- Add config support
- Add event support
- Add service providers
Would you like me to:
1. Create the FileSystem package structure?
2. Start implementing core features?
3. Create detailed implementation plans?
## Development Guidelines
### 1. Getting Started
Before implementing filesystem features:
1. Review [Getting Started Guide](getting_started.md)
2. Check [Laravel Compatibility Roadmap](laravel_compatibility_roadmap.md)
3. Follow [Testing Guide](testing_guide.md)
4. Use [Foundation Integration Guide](foundation_integration_guide.md)
5. Review [FileSystem Package Specification](filesystem_package_specification.md)
### 2. Implementation Process
For each filesystem feature:
1. Write tests following [Testing Guide](testing_guide.md)
2. Implement following Laravel patterns
3. Document following [Getting Started Guide](getting_started.md#documentation)
4. Integrate following [Foundation Integration Guide](foundation_integration_guide.md)
### 3. Quality Requirements
All implementations must:
1. Pass all tests (see [Testing Guide](testing_guide.md))
2. Meet Laravel compatibility requirements
3. Follow integration patterns (see [Foundation Integration Guide](foundation_integration_guide.md))
4. Match specifications in [FileSystem Package Specification](filesystem_package_specification.md)
### 4. Integration Considerations
When implementing filesystem features:
1. Follow patterns in [Foundation Integration Guide](foundation_integration_guide.md)
2. Ensure Laravel compatibility per [Laravel Compatibility Roadmap](laravel_compatibility_roadmap.md)
3. Use testing approaches from [Testing Guide](testing_guide.md)
4. Follow development setup in [Getting Started Guide](getting_started.md)
### 5. Performance Guidelines
Filesystem system must:
1. Handle large files efficiently
2. Use streaming where appropriate
3. Minimize memory usage
4. Support concurrent operations
5. Meet performance targets in [Laravel Compatibility Roadmap](laravel_compatibility_roadmap.md#performance-benchmarks)
### 6. Testing Requirements
Filesystem tests must:
1. Cover all file operations
2. Test streaming behavior
3. Verify cloud storage
4. Check metadata handling
5. Follow patterns in [Testing Guide](testing_guide.md)
### 7. Documentation Requirements
Filesystem documentation must:
1. Explain filesystem patterns
2. Show driver examples
3. Cover error handling
4. Include performance tips
5. Follow standards in [Getting Started Guide](getting_started.md#documentation)