update: updating files with detailed comments

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Stewart 2024-09-08 23:09:16 -07:00
parent 0a3d903320
commit 5fd57e1ebd
4 changed files with 122 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -7,15 +7,6 @@
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* This file is part of the Protevus Platform.
* (C) Protevus <developers@protevus.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
/// This library provides functionality for working with isolates in Dart.
/// It exports three main components:
/// 1. Executable: Defines the structure for tasks that can be executed in isolates.

View file

@ -11,25 +11,48 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:mirrors';
/// An abstract class representing an executable task in an isolate.
/// This class provides a framework for executing tasks in separate isolates,
/// with built-in communication capabilities.
abstract class Executable<T extends Object?> {
/// Constructor for the Executable class.
/// @param message A map containing the message data, including a SendPort.
Executable(this.message) : _sendPort = message["_sendPort"];
/// Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses.
/// This method should contain the main logic of the task to be executed.
/// @returns A Future that completes with the result of type T.
Future<T> execute();
/// The message data passed to the Executable.
final Map<String, dynamic> message;
/// A SendPort for communicating back to the main isolate.
final SendPort? _sendPort;
/// Creates an instance of a specified type using reflection.
/// @param typeName The name of the type to instantiate.
/// @param positionalArguments List of positional arguments for the constructor.
/// @param namedArguments Map of named arguments for the constructor.
/// @param constructorName The name of the constructor to use.
/// @returns An instance of the specified type U.
U instanceOf<U>(
String typeName, {
List positionalArguments = const [],
Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments = const {},
Symbol constructorName = Symbol.empty,
}) {
// Try to find the ClassMirror in the root library
ClassMirror? typeMirror = currentMirrorSystem()
.declarations[Symbol(typeName)] as ClassMirror?;
// If not found in the root library, search in all libraries
typeMirror ??= currentMirrorSystem()
@ -44,6 +67,7 @@ abstract class Executable<T extends Object?> {
) as ClassMirror?;
// Create and return a new instance of the specified type
return typeMirror!
@ -53,10 +77,16 @@ abstract class Executable<T extends Object?> {
.reflectee as U;
/// Sends a message back to the main isolate.
/// @param message The message to be sent.
void send(dynamic message) {
/// Logs a message by sending it back to the main isolate.
/// @param message The message to be logged.
void log(String message) {
_sendPort!.send({"_line_": message});

View file

@ -12,25 +12,64 @@ import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:protevus_isolate/isolate.dart';
/// A class that manages the execution of code in an isolate.
/// This class provides functionality to run code in a separate isolate,
/// allowing for concurrent execution and isolation of resources.
/// It handles the creation of the isolate, communication between the
/// main isolate and the spawned isolate, and manages the lifecycle
/// of the execution.
class IsolateExecutor<U> {
/// Creates an instance of IsolateExecutor.
/// [generator] is the [SourceGenerator] that provides the source code
/// to be executed in the isolate.
/// [packageConfigURI] is the optional URI of the package configuration file.
/// If provided, it will be used for package resolution in the isolate.
/// [message] is an optional map of data to be passed to the isolate.
/// This data will be available to the code running in the isolate.
this.generator, {
this.message = const {},
/// The source generator that provides the code to be executed.
final SourceGenerator generator;
/// A map of data to be passed to the isolate.
final Map<String, dynamic> message;
/// The URI of the package configuration file.
final Uri? packageConfigURI;
/// A completer that completes when the isolate execution is finished.
final Completer completer = Completer();
/// Stream of events from the isolate.
/// This stream emits any custom events sent from the isolate during execution.
Stream<dynamic> get events => _eventListener.stream;
/// Stream of console output from the isolate.
/// This stream emits any console output (print statements, etc.) from the isolate.
Stream<String> get console => _logListener.stream;
/// StreamController for managing console output from the isolate.
final StreamController<String> _logListener = StreamController<String>();
/// StreamController for managing custom events from the isolate.
final StreamController<dynamic> _eventListener = StreamController<dynamic>();
/// Executes the code in the isolate and returns the result.
/// This method spawns a new isolate, runs the provided code, and returns
/// the result. It handles error cases and ensures proper cleanup of resources.
/// Throws a [StateError] if the package configuration file is not found.
/// Returns a [Future] that completes with the result of the isolate execution.
Future<U> execute() async {
if (packageConfigURI != null &&
!File.fromUri(packageConfigURI!).existsSync()) {
@ -93,6 +132,21 @@ class IsolateExecutor<U> {
/// Runs an executable in an isolate.
/// This static method provides a convenient way to execute code in an isolate.
/// It creates a [SourceGenerator], sets up an [IsolateExecutor], and manages
/// the execution process.
/// [executable] is an instance of [Executable<T>] containing the code to be executed.
/// [imports] is an optional list of import statements to be included in the isolate.
/// [packageConfigURI] is the optional URI of the package configuration file.
/// [additionalContents] is optional additional code to be included in the isolate.
/// [additionalTypes] is an optional list of additional types to be included in the isolate.
/// [eventHandler] is an optional function to handle events from the isolate.
/// [logHandler] is an optional function to handle console output from the isolate.
/// Returns a [Future] that completes with the result of type [T] from the isolate execution.
static Future<T> run<T>(
Executable<T> executable, {
List<String> imports = const [],

View file

@ -20,7 +20,14 @@ import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:protevus_isolate/isolate.dart';
/// A class responsible for generating source code for isolate execution.
class SourceGenerator {
/// Constructs a SourceGenerator instance.
/// [executableType]: The Type of the executable class.
/// [imports]: List of import statements to include in the generated source.
/// [additionalTypes]: List of additional Types to include in the generated source.
/// [additionalContents]: Optional additional content to append to the generated source.
this.executableType, {
this.imports = const [],
@ -28,24 +35,40 @@ class SourceGenerator {
/// The Type of the executable class.
Type executableType;
/// Returns the name of the executable type.
String get typeName =>
/// List of import statements to include in the generated source.
final List<String> imports;
/// Optional additional content to append to the generated source.
final String? additionalContents;
/// List of additional Types to include in the generated source.
final List<Type> additionalTypes;
/// Generates the complete script source for isolate execution.
/// Returns a Future<String> containing the generated source code.
Future<String> get scriptSource async {
final typeSource = (await _getClass(executableType)).toSource();
final builder = StringBuffer();
// Add standard imports
builder.writeln("import 'dart:async';");
builder.writeln("import 'dart:isolate';");
builder.writeln("import 'dart:mirrors';");
// Add custom imports
for (final anImport in imports) {
builder.writeln("import '$anImport';");
// Add main function for isolate execution
Future main (List<String> args, Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
@ -56,14 +79,20 @@ Future main (List<String> args, Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
// Add executable class source
// Add Executable base class source
builder.writeln((await _getClass(Executable)).toSource());
// Add additional types' sources
for (final type in additionalTypes) {
final source = await _getClass(type);
// Add additional contents if provided
if (additionalContents != null) {
@ -71,6 +100,10 @@ Future main (List<String> args, Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
return builder.toString();
/// Retrieves the ClassDeclaration for a given Type.
/// [type]: The Type to retrieve the ClassDeclaration for.
/// Returns a Future<ClassDeclaration>.
static Future<ClassDeclaration> _getClass(Type type) async {
final uri =
await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(reflectClass(type).location!.sourceUri);
@ -88,6 +121,11 @@ Future main (List<String> args, Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
/// Creates an AnalysisContext for a given file path.
/// [path]: The file path to create the context for.
/// [resourceProvider]: Optional ResourceProvider, defaults to PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE.
/// Returns an AnalysisContext.
AnalysisContext _createContext(
String path, {
ResourceProvider? resourceProvider,