update(conduit): refactor from common to openapi

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Stewart 2024-08-04 17:38:53 -07:00
parent 64ad47ef08
commit 9171dcecf8
2 changed files with 545 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* This file is part of the Protevus Platform.
* (C) Protevus <developers@protevus.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
/// This library exports the 'documentable' module from the Protevus OpenAPI package.
/// It provides access to the documentable-related functionality defined in the
/// 'src/documentable.dart' file of the 'protevus_openapi' package.
/// This library is useful for working with documentable objects within the
/// Protevus platform, allowing developers to utilize the pre-defined
/// documentable-related features and structures.
library documentable;
export 'package:protevus_openapi/src/documentable.dart';

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@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
* This file is part of the Protevus Platform.
* (C) Protevus <developers@protevus.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:protevus_openapi/v3.dart';
import 'package:protevus_openapi/object.dart';
/// Defines methods for documenting OpenAPI components.
/// The documentation process calls methods from objects of this type. You implement methods from
/// this interface to add reusable components to your OpenAPI document. You may use these components
/// when documenting other components or when implementing [APIOperationDocumenter].
/// You must implement [documentComponents].
/// ApplicationChannel, Controller, ManagedEntity, and AuthServer all implement this interface.
abstract class APIComponentDocumenter {
/// Instructs this object to add its components to the provided [context].
/// You may register components with [context] in this method. The order in which components
/// are registered does not matter.
/// Example:
/// class Car implements APIComponentDocumenter {
/// @override
/// void documentComponents(APIDocumentContext context) {
/// context.schema.register("Car", APISchemaObject.object({
/// "make": APISchemaObject.string(),
/// "model": APISchemaObject.string(),
/// "year": APISchemaObject.integer(),
/// }));
/// }
/// }
/// See [APIDocumentContext] for more details.
void documentComponents(APIDocumentContext context);
/// Defines methods for documenting OpenAPI operations in a Controller.
/// The documentation process calls these methods for every Controller in your ApplicationChannel.
/// You implement [documentOperations] to create or modify [APIOperation] objects that describe the
/// HTTP operations that a controller handler.
abstract class APIOperationDocumenter {
/// Returns a map of API paths handled by this object.
/// This method is implemented by Router to provide the paths of an OpenAPI document
/// and typically shouldn't be overridden by another controller.
Map<String, APIPath> documentPaths(APIDocumentContext context);
/// Documents the API operations handled by this object.
/// You implement this method to create or modify [APIOperation] objects that describe the
/// HTTP operations that a controller handles. Each controller in the channel, starting with
/// the entry point, have this method.
/// By default, a controller returns the operations created by its linked controllers.
/// Endpoint controllers should override this method to create a [Map] of [APIOperation] objects, where the
/// key is a [String] representation of the status code the response is for. Example:
/// @override
/// Map<String, APIOperation> documentOperations(APIDocumentContext context, APIPath path) {
/// if (path.containsPathParameters(['id'])) {
/// return {
/// "get": APIOperation("Get one thing", {
/// "200": APIResponse(...)
/// })
/// };
/// }
/// return {
/// "get": APIOperation("Get some things", {
/// "200": APIResponse(...)
/// })
/// };
/// }
/// Middleware controllers should override this method to call the superclass' implementation (which gathers
/// the operation objects from an endpoint controller) and then modify those operations before returning them.
/// @override
/// Map<String, APIOperation> documentOperations(APIDocumentContext context, APIPath path) {
/// final ops = super.documentOperation(context, path);
/// // add x-api-key header parameter to each operation
/// ops.values.forEach((op) {
/// op.addParameter(new APIParameter.header("x-api-key, schema: new APISchemaObject.string()));
/// });
/// return ops;
/// }
Map<String, APIOperation> documentOperations(
APIDocumentContext context,
String route,
APIPath path,
/// An object that contains information about [APIDocument] being generated.
/// This class serves as a context for the API documentation process, providing access to various
/// component collections and utility methods for managing the documentation generation.
/// Component registries for each type of component - e.g. [schema], [responses] - are used to
/// register and reference those types.
class APIDocumentContext {
/// Creates a new [APIDocumentContext] instance.
/// This constructor initializes the context with the provided [document] and sets up
/// various [APIComponentCollection] instances for different types of API components.
/// These collections are used to manage and reference reusable components throughout
/// the API documentation process.
/// The following component collections are initialized:
/// - [schema]: For reusable [APISchemaObject] components.
/// - [responses]: For reusable [APIResponse] components.
/// - [parameters]: For reusable [APIParameter] components.
/// - [requestBodies]: For reusable [APIRequestBody] components.
/// - [headers]: For reusable [APIHeader] components.
/// - [securitySchemes]: For reusable [APISecurityScheme] components.
/// - [callbacks]: For reusable [APICallback] components.
/// Each collection is associated with its corresponding component map in the [document].
: schema = APIComponentCollection<APISchemaObject>._(
responses = APIComponentCollection<APIResponse>._(
parameters = APIComponentCollection<APIParameter>._(
requestBodies = APIComponentCollection<APIRequestBody>._(
headers = APIComponentCollection<APIHeader>._(
securitySchemes = APIComponentCollection<APISecurityScheme>._(
callbacks = APIComponentCollection<APICallback>._(
/// The OpenAPI document being created and populated during the documentation process.
/// This [APIDocument] instance represents the root of the OpenAPI specification
/// structure. It contains all the components, paths, and other information
/// that will be included in the final OpenAPI document.
final APIDocument document;
/// Reusable [APISchemaObject] components.
/// This collection manages and provides access to reusable schema components
/// in the OpenAPI document. These components can be registered, referenced,
/// and retrieved throughout the API documentation process.
/// Schema components are used to define the structure of request and response
/// bodies, as well as other data structures used in the API.
final APIComponentCollection<APISchemaObject> schema;
/// Reusable [APIResponse] components.
/// This collection manages and provides access to reusable response components
/// in the OpenAPI document. These components can be registered, referenced,
/// and retrieved throughout the API documentation process.
/// Response components are used to define standard responses that can be
/// reused across multiple operations in the API, promoting consistency
/// and reducing duplication in the API specification.
final APIComponentCollection<APIResponse> responses;
/// Reusable [APIParameter] components.
/// This collection manages and provides access to reusable parameter components
/// in the OpenAPI document. These components can be registered, referenced,
/// and retrieved throughout the API documentation process.
/// Parameter components are used to define common parameters that can be
/// reused across multiple operations in the API, such as query parameters,
/// path parameters, or header parameters. This promotes consistency and
/// reduces duplication in the API specification.
final APIComponentCollection<APIParameter> parameters;
/// Reusable [APIRequestBody] components.
/// This collection manages and provides access to reusable request body components
/// in the OpenAPI document. These components can be registered, referenced,
/// and retrieved throughout the API documentation process.
/// Request body components are used to define standard request bodies that can be
/// reused across multiple operations in the API, promoting consistency
/// and reducing duplication in the API specification.
final APIComponentCollection<APIRequestBody> requestBodies;
/// Reusable [APIHeader] components.
/// This collection manages and provides access to reusable header components
/// in the OpenAPI document. These components can be registered, referenced,
/// and retrieved throughout the API documentation process.
/// Header components are used to define common headers that can be
/// reused across multiple operations in the API. This promotes consistency
/// and reduces duplication in the API specification. Headers can be used
/// for various purposes, such as authentication tokens, API versioning,
/// or custom metadata.
final APIComponentCollection<APIHeader> headers;
/// Reusable [APISecurityScheme] components.
/// This collection manages and provides access to reusable security scheme components
/// in the OpenAPI document. These components can be registered, referenced,
/// and retrieved throughout the API documentation process.
/// Security scheme components are used to define the security mechanisms that can be
/// used across the API. This includes authentication methods such as API keys,
/// HTTP authentication, OAuth2 flows, and OpenID Connect. By defining these
/// security schemes as reusable components, they can be easily applied to
/// different operations or the entire API, ensuring consistent security
/// documentation and implementation.
final APIComponentCollection<APISecurityScheme> securitySchemes;
/// Reusable [APICallback] components.
/// This collection manages and provides access to reusable callback components
/// in the OpenAPI document. These components can be registered, referenced,
/// and retrieved throughout the API documentation process.
/// Callback components are used to define asynchronous, out-of-band requests
/// that may be initiated by the API provider after the initial request has been
/// processed. They are typically used for webhooks or other event-driven
/// interactions. By defining callbacks as reusable components, they can be
/// easily referenced and applied to different operations in the API specification,
/// promoting consistency and reducing duplication.
final APIComponentCollection<APICallback> callbacks;
/// A list of deferred operations to be executed during the finalization process.
/// This list stores functions that represent asynchronous operations that need to be
/// performed before the API documentation is finalized. These operations are typically
/// added using the [defer] method and are executed in order during the [finalize] process.
List<Function> _deferredOperations = [];
/// Schedules an asynchronous operation to be executed during the documentation process.
/// Documentation methods are synchronous. Asynchronous methods may be called and awaited on
/// in [document]. All [document] closures will be executes and awaited on before finishing [document].
/// These closures are called in the order they were added.
void defer(FutureOr Function() document) {
/// Finalizes the API document and returns it as a serializable [Map].
/// This method is invoked by the command line tool for creating OpenAPI documents.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> finalize() async {
final dops = _deferredOperations;
_deferredOperations = [];
await Future.forEach(dops, (Function dop) => dop());
.expand((p) => p!.operations.values)
.where((op) => op!.security != null)
.expand((op) => op!.security!)
.forEach((req) {
req.requirements!.forEach((schemeName, scopes) {
final scheme = document.components!.securitySchemes[schemeName];
if (scheme!.type == APISecuritySchemeType.oauth2) {
for (final flow in scheme.flows!.values) {
for (final scope in scopes) {
if (!flow!.scopes!.containsKey(scope)) {
flow.scopes![scope] = "";
return document.asMap();
/// A collection of reusable OpenAPI objects.
/// This class manages a collection of reusable OpenAPI components of type [T],
/// which must extend [APIObject]. It provides methods for registering, retrieving,
/// and referencing components within an OpenAPI document.
/// The collection supports two ways of referencing components:
/// 1. By name: Components can be registered with a string name and retrieved using that name.
/// 2. By type: Components can be associated with a Dart Type and retrieved using that Type.
/// This class is typically used within an [APIDocumentContext] to manage different
/// types of OpenAPI components such as schemas, responses, parameters, etc.
/// Key features:
/// - Register components with [register]
/// - Retrieve components by name with [getObject] or the [] operator
/// - Retrieve components by Type with [getObjectWithType]
/// - Check if a Type has been registered with [hasRegisteredType]
/// The class also handles deferred resolution of Type-based references, allowing
/// components to be referenced before they are fully defined.
class APIComponentCollection<T extends APIObject> {
/// Creates a new [APIComponentCollection] instance.
/// This constructor is private and is used internally to initialize
/// the component collection with a specific type name and component map.
/// [_typeName] is a string that represents the type of components in this collection.
/// It is used to construct the reference URIs for the components.
/// [_componentMap] is a map that stores the actual components, with their names as keys.
/// This map is used to register and retrieve components by name.
APIComponentCollection._(this._typeName, this._componentMap);
/// The name of the component type managed by this collection.
/// This string is used to construct reference URIs for components in the OpenAPI document.
/// It typically corresponds to the plural form of the component type, such as "schemas",
/// "responses", "parameters", etc.
final String _typeName;
/// A map that stores the components of type [T] with their names as keys.
/// This map is used to store and retrieve components that have been registered
/// with the [APIComponentCollection]. The keys are the names given to the
/// components when they are registered, and the values are the actual component
/// objects of type [T].
/// This map is populated by the [register] method and accessed by various
/// other methods in the class to retrieve registered components.
final Map<String, T> _componentMap;
/// A map that associates Dart types with their corresponding API components.
/// This map is used to store references between Dart types and their registered
/// API components. When a component is registered with a specific type using
/// the [register] method, an entry is added to this map.
/// The keys are Dart [Type] objects representing the types associated with
/// the components, and the values are the corresponding API components of type [T].
/// This map is used internally to resolve type-based references and to check
/// if a specific type has been registered using [hasRegisteredType].
final Map<Type, T> _typeReferenceMap = {};
/// A map that stores [Completer] objects for deferred type resolution.
/// This map is used to handle cases where a component is referenced by its Type
/// before it has been registered. The keys are Dart [Type] objects, and the values
/// are [Completer] objects that will be completed when the corresponding component
/// is registered.
/// When a component is requested by type using [getObjectWithType] and it hasn't
/// been registered yet, a new [Completer] is added to this map. Later, when the
/// component is registered using [register], the corresponding [Completer] is
/// completed, allowing any pending references to be resolved.
/// This mechanism enables forward references in the API documentation process,
/// allowing components to be used before they are fully defined.
final Map<Type, Completer<T>> _resolutionMap = {};
/// Registers a component with a given name and optionally associates it with a Type.
/// [component] will be stored in the OpenAPI document. The component will be usable
/// by other objects by its [name].
/// If this component is represented by a class, provide it as [representation].
/// Objects may reference either [name] or [representation] when using a component.
void register(String name, T component, {Type? representation}) {
if (_componentMap.containsKey(name)) {
if (representation != null &&
_typeReferenceMap.containsKey(representation)) {
_componentMap[name] = component;
if (representation != null) {
final refObject = getObject(name);
_typeReferenceMap[representation] = refObject;
if (_resolutionMap.containsKey(representation)) {
/// Returns a reference object in this collection with the given [name].
/// See [getObject].
T operator [](String name) => getObject(name);
/// Returns an object that references a component named [name].
/// This method creates and returns a reference object of type [T] that points to
/// a component in the OpenAPI document with the given [name]. The returned object
/// is always a reference; it does not contain the actual values of the component.
/// An object is always returned, even if no component named [name] exists.
/// If after [APIDocumentContext.finalize] is called and no object
/// has been registered for [name], an error is thrown.
T getObject(String name) {
final obj = _getInstanceOf();
obj.referenceURI = Uri(path: "/components/$_typeName/$name");
return obj;
/// Returns an object that references a component registered for [type].
/// This method creates and returns a reference object of type [T] that points to
/// a component in the OpenAPI document associated with the given [type].
/// An object is always returned, even if no component named has been registered
/// for [type]. If after [APIDocumentContext.finalize] is called and no object
/// has been registered for [type], an error is thrown.
T getObjectWithType(Type type) {
final obj = _getInstanceOf();
obj.referenceURI =
Uri(path: "/components/$_typeName/conduit-typeref:$type");
if (_typeReferenceMap.containsKey(type)) {
obj.referenceURI = _typeReferenceMap[type]!.referenceURI;
} else {
final completer =
_resolutionMap.putIfAbsent(type, () => Completer<T>.sync());
completer.future.then((refObject) {
obj.referenceURI = refObject.referenceURI;
return obj;
/// Creates and returns an empty instance of type [T].
/// This method is used internally to create empty instances of various API components
/// based on the generic type [T]. It supports the following types:
/// - [APISchemaObject]
/// - [APIResponse]
/// - [APIParameter]
/// - [APIRequestBody]
/// - [APIHeader]
/// - [APISecurityScheme]
/// - [APICallback]
/// For each supported type, it calls the corresponding `empty()` constructor
/// and casts the result to type [T].
/// If [T] is not one of the supported types, this method throws a [StateError]
/// with a message indicating that it cannot reference an API object of that type.
/// Returns: An empty instance of type [T].
/// Throws: [StateError] if [T] is not a supported API object type.
T _getInstanceOf() {
switch (T) {
case const (APISchemaObject):
return APISchemaObject.empty() as T;
case const (APIResponse):
return APIResponse.empty() as T;
case const (APIParameter):
return APIParameter.empty() as T;
case const (APIRequestBody):
return APIRequestBody.empty() as T;
case const (APIHeader):
return APIHeader.empty() as T;
case const (APISecurityScheme):
return APISecurityScheme.empty() as T;
case const (APICallback):
return APICallback.empty() as T;
throw StateError("cannot reference API object of type $T");
/// Checks if a specific Type has been registered with this component collection.
/// This method returns true if a component has been registered for the given [type]
/// using the [register] method with a non-null [representation] parameter.
/// Parameters:
/// [type] - The Type to check for registration.
/// Returns:
/// A boolean value indicating whether the [type] has been registered (true) or not (false).
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final collection = APIComponentCollection<APISchemaObject>(...);
/// collection.register('User', userSchema, representation: User);
/// assert(collection.hasRegisteredType(User) == true);
/// assert(collection.hasRegisteredType(String) == false);
/// ```
bool hasRegisteredType(Type type) {
return _typeReferenceMap.containsKey(type);