add: adding and updating draft documents

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Stewart 2024-06-25 12:40:04 -07:00
parent daced80f0d
commit cfd5b72230
7 changed files with 267 additions and 0 deletions

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# Protevus Platform: A Modern Server-Side Framework for Dart
## Introduction
In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the demand for high-performance, scalable, and efficient server-side solutions has never been greater. The Protevus Platform is an open-source application server platform that aims to address these needs by leveraging the power of the Dart programming language and the familiarity of the Laravel framework.
## Background
The Protevus Platform is inspired by the Laravel framework, a popular open-source web application framework for PHP. Laravel has gained widespread adoption due to its elegant syntax, robust feature set, and strong community support. However, as the demand for modern, high-performance server-side solutions continues to grow, there is a need for a framework that can leverage the advantages of newer programming languages while maintaining the familiarity and productivity of Laravel.
Enter Dart, a modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Google. Dart is designed for building high-performance, scalable applications, and it has gained traction in various domains, including web development, mobile app development, and server-side programming.
## The Protevus Platform
The Protevus Platform is an ambitious project that aims to bring the power and familiarity of the Laravel framework to the Dart ecosystem. By providing a Laravel-compatible API, the Protevus Platform enables developers to leverage their existing Laravel knowledge and experience while taking advantage of Dart's performance and scalability benefits.
### Key Features
- **Modular Architecture**: The Protevus Platform follows a modular design, allowing developers to easily extend and customize the framework to meet their specific requirements.
- **HTTP Routing and Middleware**: The platform includes a robust routing system and middleware support, enabling developers to define routes, handle incoming requests, and apply cross-cutting concerns.
- **Server-Side Rendering and Templating**: The Protevus Platform provides a powerful templating engine inspired by Laravel's Blade, allowing for efficient server-side rendering and dynamic content generation.
- **Database Abstraction and ORM**: The platform offers a database abstraction layer and an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system, similar to Laravel's Eloquent, for seamless database interaction and management.
- **Authentication and Authorization**: The Protevus Platform includes a comprehensive authentication and authorization system, ensuring secure access control and user management.
- **Event Broadcasting and Queueing**: Developers can leverage the platform's event broadcasting and queueing systems for real-time communication and asynchronous task processing.
- **Caching and Performance Optimization**: The platform provides caching mechanisms and performance optimization techniques to enhance application performance and scalability.
- **Extensibility and Customization**: The Protevus Platform is designed to be highly extensible and customizable, allowing developers to tailor the framework to their specific needs.
### Benefits
- **Familiarity and Productivity**: By providing a Laravel-compatible API, the Protevus Platform enables developers to leverage their existing Laravel knowledge and experience, reducing the learning curve and increasing productivity.
- **Performance and Scalability**: Dart's focus on performance and scalability, combined with the Protevus Platform's optimizations, ensures that applications built with the platform can handle high loads and scale efficiently.
- **Cross-Platform Capabilities**: Dart's cross-platform capabilities allow the Protevus Platform to target multiple platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop, enabling developers to build truly cross-platform applications.
- **Strong Typing and Tooling**: Dart's strong typing and robust tooling ecosystem, including features like code completion, refactoring, and static analysis, enhance developer productivity and code quality.
- **Open-Source and Community-Driven**: As an open-source project, the Protevus Platform benefits from the contributions and support of a vibrant community, fostering innovation and continuous improvement.
## Conclusion
The Protevus Platform represents a significant step forward in server-side development, combining the familiarity and productivity of the Laravel framework with the performance and scalability of the Dart programming language. By providing a Laravel-compatible API and leveraging Dart's cross-platform capabilities, the Protevus Platform empowers developers to build high-performance, scalable, and truly cross-platform applications.
With its modular architecture, robust feature set, and strong community support, the Protevus Platform is poised to become a game-changer in the world of server-side development, offering developers a powerful and familiar toolset for building modern, efficient, and scalable applications.

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# Protevus Platform Authors
## Core Team
- John Doe <> (Project Lead)
- Jane Smith <> (Lead Developer)
- Bob Johnson <> (Developer)
## Contributors
- Alice Williams <>
- Implemented the ORM module
- Contributed to the database abstraction layer
- Charlie Brown <>
- Implemented the authentication and authorization system
- Contributed to the event broadcasting and queueing system
- Eve Green <>
- Improved the routing system
- Contributed to the middleware implementation
- Michael Davis <>
- Worked on the caching and performance optimization features
- Contributed to the documentation
# Additional contributors (in alphabetical order)
- David Thompson
- Emily Wilson
- Oliver Thompson
- Sophia Anderson

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# Protevus Platform Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
We, as members, contributors, and leaders of the Protevus Platform community, pledge to make participation in our project and community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:
- Using welcoming and inclusive language
- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
- Focusing on what is best for the community
- Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
- The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
- Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
- Public or private harassment
- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned with this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at [insert email

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# Contributing to the Protevus Platform
Welcome to the Protevus Platform project! We appreciate your interest in contributing to our open-source application server platform. This document outlines the guidelines and best practices for contributing to the project.
## Code of Conduct
By participating in this project, you are expected to uphold our [Code of Conduct]( Please review it to understand the behavior standards expected of all contributors.
## Ways to Contribute
There are many ways to contribute to the Protevus Platform project, including:
- Reporting bugs or issues
- Suggesting new features or improvements
- Submitting pull requests with bug fixes or new features
- Improving documentation
- Participating in discussions and providing feedback
## Getting Started
1. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your contribution.
2. Follow the project's coding standards and conventions.
3. Write clear and descriptive commit messages.
4. Test your changes locally before submitting a pull request.
5. Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.
## Branching Conventions
When creating a new branch for your contribution, please follow these naming conventions:
topic names.
If the scope of the issue changes for any reason, please create a new branch with the appropriate naming convention.
## Local Testing
While we provide CI/CD through GitHub Actions, it is recommended to set up your local testing environment to run tests before pushing commits. Follow the instructions in the project's documentation or the CI configuration files to set up your local testing environment.
### Running Tests
Currently, there are three sets of tests that need to be run:
melos test-unit
# These two need to be run inside packages/conduit
dart test -j1 test/* # use dart test -j1 for Windows and macOS
dart tool/generated_test_runner.dart
The first command will run all the unit tests in the Conduit package and its dependencies. The last two commands test CLI components and string-compiled code, respectively.
## Pull Request Requirements
Document the intent and purpose of the pull request.
All non-documentation pull requests must include automated tests that cover the new code, including failure cases.
If tests work locally but not on the CI, please mention @j4qfrost on the pull request or reach out on the Discord server.
## Commits and Versioning
The project uses melos for tooling, which provides autoversioning based on conventional commits. Commits to the master branch will usually be squashed from pull requests, so ensure that the pull request title uses conventional commits to trigger versioning and publishing CI. You do not need to use conventional commits on each commit to your branch.
## Licensing
Protevus Platform is released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Protevus Platform project! We look forward to your contributions and appreciate your efforts to make this project better.

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Protevus Platform is a highly versatile and extensible application server platform for the Dart programming language. Inspired by the Laravel framework, Protevus aims to provide a familiar and Laravel-compatible API, allowing developers to leverage their existing Laravel knowledge and experience in the Dart ecosystem.
## AI Assistance
The Protevus Platform project utilizes AI assistance in various aspects of its development process. We believe in leveraging the capabilities of AI to enhance productivity, code quality, and overall project progress while maintaining transparency and adhering to ethical practices.
### AI Tools and Models
The following AI tools and models have been employed in the development of the Protevus Platform:
- **Claude** (Anthropic): A conversational AI assistant trained by Anthropic. Claude has been utilized for research, ideation, and problem-solving during the development process. Claude assists with documentation, code generation, code refactoring, and code testing.
- **Keymate** ( A conversational chatGPT AI assistant trained by Protevus using long-term memory provided by Keymate is used to provide context and project scope during development. Keymate assists with porting, refactoring and testing of code.
- **Code Copilot** ( A conversational chatGPT AI assistant trained by PromptSpellSmith. Code Copilot is used to provide validation during development. Code Copilot assists with code validation, code generation and refactoring.
- **Cody** (sourcegraph): A conversational AI coding assistant trained by Sourcegraph. Cody lives inside our IDE and is used to provide code completion, code navigation and code documentation during development. Cody assists with advanced search and codebase context that help developers understand, write, and fix code faster.
### Guidelines and Limitations
While AI assistance has been invaluable in accelerating certain aspects of development, it is important to note the following guidelines and limitations:
- All code generated or modified with the help of AI tools undergoes thorough manual review, testing, and validation by the project's core team to ensure quality, security, and adherence to project standards.
- AI-generated code is treated as a starting point or reference, and human developers are responsible for understanding, modifying, and maintaining the codebase.
- Sensitive or confidential information is never shared with AI models, and appropriate measures are taken to protect intellectual property and data privacy.
- The project's core team retains full ownership and responsibility for the codebase and its development.
We believe in the responsible and ethical use of AI assistance and are committed to fostering an open and transparent development process. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of AI in the Protevus Platform project, please feel free to reach out to the project maintainers.
## Features
- **Laravel API Compatibility**: Protevus Platform offers a high degree of compatibility with the Laravel API, enabling developers to seamlessly transition from Laravel to the Dart ecosystem.

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# Protevus Platform Security
The Protevus Platform team takes security seriously and is committed to ensuring the security and integrity of the project. This document outlines the security practices, policies, and guidelines followed by the project.
## Reporting Security Vulnerabilities
If you discover a security vulnerability within the Protevus Platform, we appreciate your help in disclosing it responsibly. Please follow these steps:
1. **Do not** create a public issue or disclose the vulnerability publicly.
2. Send an email to the Protevus Platform security team at []( with details about the vulnerability, including:
- A brief description of the vulnerability
- Steps to reproduce the issue
- Any potential impact or consequences
- Your contact information (optional)
3. The security team will acknowledge your report and work with you to investigate and address the vulnerability.
4. Once the vulnerability has been addressed, you will be credited in the release notes and the security advisory.
We appreciate your cooperation in responsibly disclosing security vulnerabilities, as it helps us maintain the integrity and security of the Protevus Platform.
## Security Practices
The Protevus Platform team follows industry-standard security practices to ensure the security and integrity of the project:
- **Code Reviews**: All code contributions undergo thorough code reviews by the core team to identify and mitigate potential security risks.
- **Secure Coding Practices**: The project adheres to secure coding practices, including input validation, output encoding, and protection against common web application vulnerabilities (e.g., XSS, CSRF, SQL injection).
- **Dependency Management**: Third-party dependencies are regularly monitored and updated to address known vulnerabilities.
- **Security Testing**: The project undergoes regular security testing, including static code analysis, dynamic application security testing (DAST), and penetration testing.
- **Secure Development Lifecycle**: The project follows a secure development lifecycle, incorporating security considerations throughout the development process, from design to deployment.
## Security Advisories
In the event of a security vulnerability being discovered and addressed, the Protevus Platform team will release a security advisory containing the following information:
- A description of the vulnerability
- Affected versions
- Mitigation steps or patches
- Credit to the individuals who reported the vulnerability (if desired)
Security advisories will be published on the project's website and communicated to the community through appropriate channels.
## Responsible Disclosure
The Protevus Platform team believes in responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities. We will work with researchers and security professionals to address vulnerabilities in a timely and responsible manner, ensuring that the necessary fixes and mitigations are in place before publicly disclosing the details of the vulnerability.
## Conclusion
The security and integrity of the Protevus Platform are of utmost importance to the project team. We are committed to following industry-standard security practices, responsibly disclosing and addressing vulnerabilities, and maintaining open communication with the community regarding security matters.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the security of the Protevus Platform, please contact the security team at [](