update: updating ported files

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Stewart 2024-07-07 01:05:47 -07:00
parent 21daf4180e
commit e8b9a2f8e6
2 changed files with 794 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,792 @@
/// Static class to mimic PHP's filter constants and functions.
class Filter {
static const int defaultFilter = 0;
static const int requireArray = 1 << 0;
static const int forceArray = 1 << 1;
static const int nullOnFailure = 1 << 2;
static const int callback = 1 << 3;
* This file is part of the Protevus Platform.
* (C) Protevus <developers@protevus.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
static dynamic filterVar(dynamic value, int filter, Map<String, dynamic> options) {
// Implementation of filter_var would go here.
// This is a placeholder and should be implemented based on the specific filters needed.
return value;
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:sanitize_html/sanitize_html.dart';
import 'package:email_validator/email_validator.dart';
import 'package:validator_dart/validator_dart.dart';
/// A class that provides various filtering and validation methods for input data.
/// This class is designed to replicate the functionality of PHP's filter_var functions in Dart.
/// It includes methods for validating and sanitizing different types of data such as
/// integers, floats, booleans, emails, URLs, and IP addresses.
/// The class contains several constant values that are used as flags and filter types,
/// mirroring the constants used in PHP's filter_var functions.
/// Key methods:
/// - [filterHasVar]: Checks if a variable of a specified type exists.
/// - [filterId]: Returns the filter ID corresponding to a named filter.
/// - [filterVar]: Filters a variable with a specified filter and options.
/// The class also includes several private helper methods for specific filtering tasks.
/// Usage example:
/// ```dart
/// var result = Filter.filterVar('test@example.com', Filter.FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
/// print(result); // Outputs: test@example.com
/// ```
/// Note: This class is intended to be used as a direct replacement for PHP's filter_var
/// functions in Dart applications, particularly useful for porting PHP code to Dart.
class Filter {
// Constants
static const int INPUT_POST = 0;
static const int INPUT_GET = 1;
static const int INPUT_COOKIE = 2;
static const int INPUT_ENV = 4;
static const int INPUT_SERVER = 5;
static const int INPUT_SESSION = 6;
static const int INPUT_REQUEST = 99;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_NONE = 0;
static const int FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR = 33554432;
static const int FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY = 16777216;
static const int FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY = 67108864;
static const int FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE = 134217728;
static const int FILTER_VALIDATE_INT = 257;
static const int FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN = 258;
static const int FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT = 259;
static const int FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP = 272;
static const int FILTER_VALIDATE_URL = 273;
static const int FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL = 274;
static const int FILTER_VALIDATE_IP = 275;
static const int FILTER_DEFAULT = 516;
static const int FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW = 516;
static const int FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING = 513;
static const int FILTER_SANITIZE_STRIPPED = 513;
static const int FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED = 514;
static const int FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS = 515;
static const int FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL = 517;
static const int FILTER_SANITIZE_URL = 518;
static const int FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT = 519;
static const int FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT = 520;
static const int FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES = 521;
static const int FILTER_CALLBACK = 1024;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_OCTAL = 1;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_HEX = 2;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW = 4;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH = 8;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW = 16;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGH = 32;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_AMP = 64;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES = 128;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_EMPTY_STRING_NULL = 256;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION = 4096;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND = 8192;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_SCIENTIFIC = 16384;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED = 262144;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_QUERY_REQUIRED = 524288;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 = 1048576;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 = 2097152;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE = 4194304;
static const int FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE = 8388608;
/// Checks if a variable of the specified type exists.
/// This method determines whether a variable with the given [variableName]
/// exists for the specified input [type]. The input types are defined by
/// constants in the Filter class (e.g., INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, etc.).
/// Parameters:
/// - [type]: An integer representing the input type to check.
/// - [variableName]: The name of the variable to check for existence.
/// Returns:
/// - [bool]: true if the variable exists for the given input type, false otherwise.
/// Note:
/// - For INPUT_POST and INPUT_COOKIE, the implementation is not yet complete.
/// - For INPUT_GET, INPUT_SERVER, and INPUT_ENV, it checks the Platform.environment.
/// - For other input types, it always returns false.
static bool filterHasVar(int type, String variableName) {
switch (type) {
return Platform.environment.containsKey(variableName);
// TODO: Implement POST variable check
return false;
// TODO: Implement COOKIE variable check
return false;
return Platform.environment.containsKey(variableName);
return Platform.environment.containsKey(variableName);
return false;
/// Returns the filter ID corresponding to a named filter.
/// This method takes a [filterName] as input and returns the corresponding
/// filter constant value. If no matching filter is found, it returns null.
/// Parameters:
/// - [filterName]: A string representing the name of the filter.
/// Returns:
/// - An integer representing the filter constant, or null if no match is found.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// int? emailFilterId = Filter.filterId('validate_email');
/// print(emailFilterId); // Outputs: 274 (FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)
/// ```
static int? filterId(String filterName) {
switch (filterName) {
case 'int':
case 'boolean':
case 'float':
case 'validate_regexp':
case 'validate_url':
case 'validate_email':
case 'validate_ip':
case 'string':
case 'stripped':
case 'encoded':
case 'special_chars':
case 'unsafe_raw':
case 'email':
case 'url':
case 'number_int':
case 'number_float':
case 'magic_quotes':
case 'callback':
return null;
/// Filters a variable with a specified filter and options.
/// This method applies various filtering and validation techniques to the input [variable]
/// based on the specified [filter] and [options]. It supports both scalar and array inputs,
/// and can handle different types of filters such as validation and sanitization.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The input to be filtered. Can be a scalar value or an array.
/// - [filter]: An integer constant representing the filter to be applied. Defaults to [FILTER_DEFAULT].
/// - [options]: Additional options for the filter. Can be an integer (flags) or a Map containing 'flags' and 'options'.
/// Returns:
/// - The filtered variable if successful.
/// - `false` if the filter fails and [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] is not set.
/// - `null` if the filter fails and [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] is set.
/// - An array of filtered values if the input is an array and [FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY] or [FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY] is set.
/// This method supports various filter types including boolean validation, email validation,
/// float and integer validation, IP and URL validation, regular expression matching,
/// and various sanitization filters for emails, URLs, numbers, and special characters.
/// The behavior of the filter can be modified using flags such as [FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY],
static dynamic filterVar(dynamic variable,
[int filter = FILTER_DEFAULT, dynamic options = 0]) {
int flags = 0;
Map<String, dynamic> opts = {};
if (!((filter >= 0x0200 && filter <= 0x020a) ||
(filter >= 0x0100 && filter <= 0x0114) ||
filter == FILTER_CALLBACK)) {
return false;
if (options is Map<String, dynamic>) {
if (options.containsKey('flags')) {
flags = options['flags'] as int;
if (options.containsKey('options')) {
opts = options['options'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
} else {
flags = options as int;
if (variable is List) {
if (!(flags & FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY != 0 ||
flags & FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY != 0) ||
return (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) ? null : false;
int subFlags = flags;
if (subFlags & FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY != 0) {
if (subFlags & FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < variable.length; i++) {
variable[i] = filterVar(
variable[i], filter, {'flags': subFlags, 'options': opts});
return variable;
if (flags & FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY != 0) {
return (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) ? null : false;
if (variable is! String) {
return (flags & FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY != 0) ? [false] : false;
String variableString = variable;
switch (filter) {
return _filterBoolean(variableString, flags);
return _filterEmail(variableString, flags);
return _filterFloat(variableString, flags);
return _filterInt(variableString, flags, opts);
return _filterIp(variableString, flags);
return _filterUrl(variableString, flags);
return _filterRegexp(variableString, flags, opts);
return _sanitizeEmail(variableString);
return Uri.encodeComponent(variableString);
return variableString
.replaceAll("'", "\\'")
.replaceAll('"', '\\"')
.replaceAll('\\', '\\\\');
return _sanitizeNumberFloat(variableString, flags);
return variableString.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[^\d-]'), '');
return _sanitizeSpecialChars(variableString, flags);
return sanitizeHtml(variableString);
return _sanitizeUrl(variableString);
return variableString;
/// Filters a string variable to determine its boolean value.
/// This method takes a string [variable] and optional [flags] as input. It
/// checks if the string represents a valid boolean value using the
/// [Validator.isBoolean] method. If the string is a valid boolean, it returns
/// `true` for values like 'true', '1', 'on', or 'yes' (case-insensitive), and
/// `false` otherwise. If the string is not a valid boolean and the
/// [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is set, it returns `null`. If the flag is not
/// set, it returns `false`.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string variable to filter as a boolean.
/// - [flags]: Optional flags to modify the behavior of the filter.
/// Returns:
/// - [bool]: The boolean value of the string, or `null` if the string is not a
/// valid boolean and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is set.
static dynamic _filterBoolean(String variable, int flags) {
if (Validator.isBoolean(variable)) {
return ['true', '1', 'on', 'yes'].contains(variable.toLowerCase());
} else if (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) {
return null;
} else {
return false;
/// Filters and validates an email address string.
/// This method takes a string [variable] representing an email address and
/// optional [flags] as input. It uses the [EmailValidator] to check if the
/// provided string is a valid email address.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be validated as an email address.
/// - [flags]: Optional flags to modify the behavior of the filter.
/// Returns:
/// - If the email is valid, it returns the original [variable].
/// - If the email is invalid and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is set,
/// it returns `null`.
/// - If the email is invalid and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is not set,
/// it returns `false`.
/// The method uses the [EmailValidator.validate] function to perform the
/// email validation.
static dynamic _filterEmail(String variable, int flags) {
if (EmailValidator.validate(variable)) {
return variable;
} else if (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) {
return null;
} else {
return false;
/// Filters and validates a string variable as a float.
/// This method takes a string [variable] and optional [flags] as input.
/// It attempts to parse the string as a float value, considering the
/// provided flags.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be filtered and validated as a float.
/// - [flags]: Optional flags to modify the behavior of the filter.
/// Returns:
/// - If the string is a valid float, it returns the parsed [double] value.
/// - If the string is not a valid float and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag
/// is set, it returns `null`.
/// - If the string is not a valid float and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag
/// is not set, it returns `false`.
/// The method trims the input string and, if [FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND] is set,
/// removes commas from the string before parsing. It uses [Validator.isFloat]
/// to check if the string represents a valid float.
static dynamic _filterFloat(String variable, int flags) {
variable = variable.trim();
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND != 0) {
variable = variable.replaceAll(',', '');
if (Validator.isFloat(variable)) {
return double.parse(variable);
} else if (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) {
return null;
} else {
return false;
/// Filters and validates a string variable as an integer.
/// This method takes a string [variable], optional [flags], and [opts] as input.
/// It attempts to parse the string as an integer value, considering the
/// provided flags and options.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be filtered and validated as an integer.
/// - [flags]: Optional flags to modify the behavior of the filter.
/// - [opts]: A map of additional options, such as 'min_range' and 'max_range'.
/// Returns:
/// - If the string is a valid integer within the specified range (if any),
/// it returns the parsed [int] value.
/// - If the string is not a valid integer or is out of the specified range,
/// and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is set, it returns `null`.
/// - If the string is not a valid integer or is out of the specified range,
/// and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is not set, it returns `false`.
/// The method supports parsing hexadecimal (with '0x' prefix) and octal
/// (with '0' prefix) numbers if the corresponding flags are set.
static dynamic _filterInt(
String variable, int flags, Map<String, dynamic> opts) {
variable = variable.trim();
int? value;
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_HEX != 0 &&
RegExp(r'^0x[0-9a-f]+$', caseSensitive: false).hasMatch(variable)) {
value = int.tryParse(variable.substring(2), radix: 16);
} else if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_OCTAL != 0 &&
RegExp(r'^0[0-7]+$').hasMatch(variable)) {
value = int.tryParse(variable.substring(1), radix: 8);
} else {
value = int.tryParse(variable);
if (value != null) {
if (opts.containsKey('min_range') && value < opts['min_range']) {
return (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) ? null : false;
if (opts.containsKey('max_range') && value > opts['max_range']) {
return (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) ? null : false;
return value;
} else if (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) {
return null;
} else {
return false;
/// Filters and validates an IP address string.
/// This method takes a string [variable] representing an IP address and
/// [flags] as input. It validates the IP address based on the provided flags
/// and returns the result.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be validated as an IP address.
/// - [flags]: Flags to modify the behavior of the filter.
/// Returns:
/// - If the IP is valid and passes all flag checks, it returns the original [variable].
/// - If the IP is invalid or fails flag checks, and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is set,
/// it returns `null`.
/// - If the IP is invalid or fails flag checks, and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is not set,
/// it returns `false`.
/// The method supports IPv4 and IPv6 validation, and can check for private and reserved IP ranges.
/// Use [FILTER_FLAG_IPV4] and [FILTER_FLAG_IPV6] flags to specify IP version(s) to validate.
/// Use [FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE] to disallow private IP ranges.
/// Use [FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE] to disallow reserved IP ranges.
static dynamic _filterIp(String variable, int flags) {
bool isIPv4 = flags & FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 != 0;
bool isIPv6 = flags & FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 != 0;
if ((isIPv4 && _isIPv4(variable)) || (isIPv6 && _isIPv6(variable))) {
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE != 0 && _isPrivateIP(variable)) {
return (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) ? null : false;
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE != 0 && _isReservedIP(variable)) {
return (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) ? null : false;
return variable;
} else if (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) {
return null;
} else {
return false;
/// Checks if the given string is a valid IPv4 address.
/// This method uses the [Validator.isIP] function to validate the IP address
/// and additionally checks if it contains a dot (.) to ensure it's IPv4.
/// Parameters:
/// - [ip]: A string representing the IP address to check.
/// Returns:
/// - [bool]: true if the string is a valid IPv4 address, false otherwise.
static bool _isIPv4(String ip) {
return Validator.isIP(ip) && ip.contains('.');
/// Checks if the given string is a valid IPv6 address.
/// This method uses the [Validator.isIP] function to validate the IP address
/// and additionally checks if it contains a colon (:) to ensure it's IPv6.
/// Parameters:
/// - [ip]: A string representing the IP address to check.
/// Returns:
/// - [bool]: true if the string is a valid IPv6 address, false otherwise.
static bool _isIPv6(String ip) {
return Validator.isIP(ip) && ip.contains(':');
/// Checks if the given IP address is a private IP address.
/// This method determines whether the provided IP address falls within
/// the ranges reserved for private networks as defined by RFC 1918 for IPv4
/// and RFC 4193 for IPv6.
/// For IPv4, it checks the following private ranges:
/// - to
/// - to
/// - to
/// For IPv6, it checks if the address starts with 'FD' or 'FC' (case-insensitive),
/// which indicates a Unique Local Address (ULA).
/// Parameters:
/// - [ip]: A string representing the IP address to check.
/// Returns:
/// - [bool]: true if the IP address is private, false otherwise.
/// Note: This method assumes that the input has already been validated as a
/// valid IP address using [_isIPv4] or [_isIPv6].
static bool _isPrivateIP(String ip) {
if (_isIPv4(ip)) {
List<String> octets = ip.split('.');
int first = int.parse(octets[0]);
int second = int.parse(octets[1]);
return (first == 10) ||
(first == 172 && second >= 16 && second <= 31) ||
(first == 192 && second == 168);
} else if (_isIPv6(ip)) {
// For IPv6, we'll check if it starts with FD or FC
return ip.toLowerCase().startsWith('fd') ||
return false;
/// Checks if the given IP address is a reserved IP address.
/// This method determines whether the provided IP address falls within
/// the ranges reserved for special use as defined by various RFCs.
/// For IPv4, it checks the following reserved ranges:
/// - to (Current network)
/// - to (Loopback)
/// - to (Multicast and Reserved)
/// For IPv6, it checks:
/// - Addresses starting with 'FF' (Multicast)
/// - The loopback address '::1'
/// Parameters:
/// - [ip]: A string representing the IP address to check.
/// Returns:
/// - [bool]: true if the IP address is reserved, false otherwise.
/// Note: This method assumes that the input has already been validated as a
/// valid IP address using [_isIPv4] or [_isIPv6].
static bool _isReservedIP(String ip) {
if (_isIPv4(ip)) {
List<String> octets = ip.split('.');
int first = int.parse(octets[0]);
return (first == 0) || (first == 127) || (first >= 224 && first <= 255);
} else if (_isIPv6(ip)) {
return ip.toLowerCase().startsWith('ff') || ip == '::1';
return false;
/// Filters and validates a URL string.
/// This method takes a string [variable] representing a URL and optional [flags]
/// as input. It uses the [Validator.isURL] method to check if the provided string
/// is a valid URL. If the URL is valid, it further checks for specific path and
/// query requirements based on the provided flags.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be validated as a URL.
/// - [flags]: Optional flags to modify the behavior of the filter.
/// Returns:
/// - If the URL is valid and meets all flag requirements, it returns the original [variable].
/// - If the URL is invalid or doesn't meet flag requirements, and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE]
/// flag is set, it returns `null`.
/// - If the URL is invalid or doesn't meet flag requirements, and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE]
/// flag is not set, it returns `false`.
/// The method supports the following flags:
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED]: Requires the URL to have a non-empty path.
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_QUERY_REQUIRED]: Requires the URL to have a non-empty query string.
/// - [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE]: Returns null instead of false on failure.
static dynamic _filterUrl(String variable, int flags) {
if (Validator.isURL(variable)) {
Uri parsedUrl = Uri.parse(variable);
if ((flags & FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED != 0 && parsedUrl.path.isEmpty) ||
parsedUrl.query.isEmpty)) {
return (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) ? null : false;
return variable;
} else if (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) {
return null;
} else {
return false;
/// Filters a string variable using a regular expression.
/// This method takes a string [variable], [flags], and [opts] as input.
/// It attempts to match the [variable] against a regular expression
/// provided in the [opts] map.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be filtered using the regular expression.
/// - [flags]: Optional flags to modify the behavior of the filter.
/// - [opts]: A map of options, which should include a 'regexp' key with
/// a non-empty regular expression string as its value.
/// Returns:
/// - If the regular expression matches the [variable], it returns the original [variable].
/// - If the regular expression doesn't match, or if 'regexp' is missing from [opts],
/// and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is set, it returns `null`.
/// - If the regular expression doesn't match, or if 'regexp' is missing from [opts],
/// and the [FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE] flag is not set, it returns `false`.
/// The method prints a warning if the 'regexp' option is missing from [opts].
static dynamic _filterRegexp(
String variable, int flags, Map<String, dynamic> opts) {
if (opts.containsKey('regexp') && opts['regexp'].isNotEmpty) {
if (RegExp(opts['regexp']).hasMatch(variable)) {
return variable;
} else {
print("Warning: 'regexp' option missing");
return (flags & FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE != 0) ? null : false;
/// Sanitizes an email address string by removing invalid characters.
/// This method takes a [variable] string representing an email address and
/// filters out any characters that are not typically allowed in email addresses.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be sanitized as an email address.
/// Returns:
/// - A sanitized string containing only valid email address characters.
/// The method uses a predefined set of valid characters including:
/// - Lowercase and uppercase letters (a-z, A-Z)
/// - Numbers (0-9)
/// - Special characters commonly allowed in email addresses:
/// !#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~@.[]
/// Any character not in this set is removed from the input string.
static String _sanitizeEmail(String variable) {
const validChars =
return variable
.where((char) => validChars.contains(char))
/// Sanitizes a string representation of a floating-point number.
/// This method takes a [variable] string representing a number and [flags] to
/// control the sanitization process. It removes all characters that are not
/// typically part of a floating-point number representation.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be sanitized as a floating-point number.
/// - [flags]: Integer flags to control which parts of the number to allow.
/// Returns:
/// - A sanitized string containing only characters valid for the specified
/// floating-point number format.
/// The method supports the following flags:
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION]: If set, allows decimal points in the result.
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND]: If set, allows comma as a thousand separator.
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_SCIENTIFIC]: If set, allows 'e' or 'E' for scientific notation.
/// If a flag is not set, the corresponding feature (fraction, thousand separator,
/// or scientific notation) will be removed from the result.
static String _sanitizeNumberFloat(String variable, int flags) {
String result = variable.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[^\d+\-.,eE]'), '');
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION == 0) {
result = result.replaceAll('.', '');
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND == 0) {
result = result.replaceAll(',', '');
result = result.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[eE]'), '');
return result;
/// Sanitizes a string by handling special characters based on provided flags.
/// This method takes a [variable] string and a set of [flags] to control
/// how special characters should be handled. It uses [sanitizeHtml] as an
/// initial sanitization step and then applies additional transformations
/// based on the provided flags.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be sanitized.
/// - [flags]: An integer representing bitwise flags to control sanitization.
/// Returns:
/// - A sanitized string with special characters handled according to the flags.
/// The method supports the following flags:
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW]: Removes characters with ASCII values 0-31.
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH]: Removes characters with ASCII values 127-255.
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW]: Encodes characters with ASCII values 0-31 to HTML entities.
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGH]: Encodes characters with ASCII values 127-255 to HTML entities.
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_AMP]: Encodes ampersands to '&#38;'.
/// - [FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES]: Prevents encoding of single and double quotes.
/// Note: This method first applies [sanitizeHtml] and then processes the result
/// based on the provided flags.
static String _sanitizeSpecialChars(String variable, int flags) {
String result = sanitizeHtml(variable);
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW != 0) {
result = result.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[\x00-\x1F]'), '');
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH != 0) {
result = result.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[\x7F-\xFF]'), '');
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW != 0) {
result = result.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp(r'[\x00-\x1F]'), (Match m) => '&#${m[0]!.codeUnitAt(0)};');
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGH != 0) {
result = result.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp(r'[\x7F-\xFF]'), (Match m) => '&#${m[0]!.codeUnitAt(0)};');
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_AMP != 0) {
result = result.replaceAll('&', '&#38;');
if (flags & FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES != 0) {
result = result.replaceAll('&#39;', "'").replaceAll('&#34;', '"');
return result;
/// Sanitizes a URL string by removing invalid characters.
/// This method takes a [variable] string representing a URL and filters out
/// any characters that are not typically allowed in URLs according to RFC 3986.
/// Parameters:
/// - [variable]: The string to be sanitized as a URL.
/// Returns:
/// - A sanitized string containing only valid URL characters.
/// The method uses a predefined set of valid characters including:
/// - Lowercase and uppercase letters (a-z, A-Z)
/// - Numbers (0-9)
/// - Special characters allowed in URLs: -._~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=
/// Any character not in this set is removed from the input string.
static String _sanitizeUrl(String variable) {
const validChars =
return variable
.where((char) => validChars.contains(char))

View file

@ -203,21 +203,21 @@ abstract class InputBag extends ParameterBag {
options ??= {};
if (value is List && !((options['flags'] ?? 0) & (Filter.requireArray | Filter.forceArray))) {
if (value is List && !((options['flags'] ?? 0) & (Filter.FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY | Filter.FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY))) {
throw BadRequestException(
'Input value "$key" contains a List, but "FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY" or "FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY" flags were not set.');
if ((filter ?? 0) & Filter.callback != 0 && options['options'] is! Function) {
if ((filter ?? 0) & Filter.FILTER_CALLBACK != 0 && options['options'] is! Function) {
throw FormatException(
'A Function must be passed when FILTER_CALLBACK is used, "${options['options'].runtimeType}" given.');
options['flags'] ??= 0;
bool nullOnFailure = (options['flags'] & Filter.nullOnFailure) != 0;
options['flags'] |= Filter.nullOnFailure;
bool nullOnFailure = (options['flags'] & Filter.FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE) != 0;
options['flags'] |= Filter.FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE;
var filteredValue = Filter.filterVar(value, filter ?? Filter.defaultFilter, options);
var filteredValue = Filter.filterVar(value, filter ?? Filter.FILTER_DEFAULT, options);
if (filteredValue != null || nullOnFailure) {
return filteredValue;