update: updating project readme

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Patrick Stewart 2024-06-21 21:56:57 -07:00
parent 77b6c8fd18
commit e90f44491a

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@ -1,92 +1,49 @@
# Fabric Framework
# Protevus Platform
Welcome to the Fabric Framework, a comprehensive port of Laravel's Illuminate components to Dart. Fabric aims to provide a robust, scalable, and feature-rich framework for building modern web applications using Dart.
> **Note:** This repository contains the core code of the Protevus Platform. If you want to build an application using Protevus, visit the main [Protevus repository](https://github.com/protevus/protevus).
## Overview
Protevus Platform is a highly versatile and extensible application server platform for the Dart programming language. Inspired by the Laravel framework, Protevus aims to provide a familiar and Laravel-compatible API, allowing developers to leverage their existing Laravel knowledge and experience in the Dart ecosystem.
Fabric is designed to mirror Laravel's Illuminate components, ensuring a familiar structure for developers accustomed to Laravel while leveraging Dart's modern language features. The framework consists of various packages that collectively offer a complete solution for web development.
## Features
## Goals
1. **Maintain Laravel's Structure:** Keep the directory and component structure identical to Laravel, but adhere to Dart best practices.
2. **Ensure Modularity:** Port each Illuminate component as a separate Dart package for modular usage.
3. **Enable Rapid Development:** Provide a running base application quickly to facilitate real-time testing and development.
## Key Features
- **Modular Packages:** Each Illuminate component is available as a standalone Dart package.
- **Comprehensive Routing:** Powerful routing capabilities inspired by Laravel.
- **Dependency Injection:** Built-in support for dependency injection to promote loose coupling.
- **Middleware Support:** Use middleware for filtering HTTP requests entering your application.
- **Authentication & Authorization:** Robust tools for user authentication and authorization.
- **Database Abstraction:** Database-agnostic query builder and ORM.
- **Queueing System:** Manage background tasks and queues.
- **Event Broadcasting:** Real-time event broadcasting for modern applications.
- **Laravel API Compatibility**: Protevus Platform offers a high degree of compatibility with the Laravel API, enabling developers to seamlessly transition from Laravel to the Dart ecosystem.
- **Modular Architecture**: The platform follows a modular design, separating core components and libraries from specific application implementations, promoting reusability and maintainability.
- **High Performance**: Built on top of the multi-threaded Conduit API, Protevus Platform delivers exceptional performance and scalability for demanding applications.
- **Extensibility**: With its modular architecture and support for custom extensions, Protevus Platform can be tailored to meet diverse project requirements.
- **Community-Driven**: Protevus Platform embraces open-source principles and encourages community contributions, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
- **Modular Packages**: Each Illuminate component is available as a standalone Dart package.
- **Comprehensive Routing**: Powerful routing capabilities inspired by Laravel.
- **Dependency Injection**: Built-in support for dependency injection to promote loose coupling.
- **Middleware Support**: Use middleware for filtering HTTP requests entering your application.
- **Authentication & Authorization**: Robust tools for user authentication and authorization.
- **Database Abstraction**: Database-agnostic query builder and ORM.
- **Queueing System**: Manage background tasks and queues.
- **Event Broadcasting**: Real-time event broadcasting for modern applications.
- **Full-Stack Experience**: Protevus Platform offers a complete full-stack development experience, including backend development with server-side views and the ability to build cross-platform frontends using Flutter.
## Getting Started
### Prerequisites
To get started with Protevus Platform, follow these steps:
- Dart 3.0 or higher
- A basic understanding of Dart and Laravel
1. **Install Dependencies**: Ensure you have the Dart SDK and the necessary dependencies installed on your system.
2. **Clone the Repository**: Clone the Protevus Platform repository to your local machine.
3. **Build and Run**: Follow the instructions in the repository's documentation to build and run the platform.
### Installation
## Documentation
1. **Clone the Repository:**
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/fabric-framework.git
cd fabric-framework
2. **Install Dependencies:**
dart pub get
### Usage
Fabric is structured to be as familiar as possible to Laravel developers. Heres a quick example of setting up a simple application:
1. **Create a New Dart File:**
import 'package:fabric/fabric.dart';
void main() {
final app = Application();
app.get('/', (Request req) {
return Response.ok('Hello, World!');
2. **Run the Application:**
dart run
### Documentation
Comprehensive documentation is available to help you get started with Fabric. Visit [Fabric Documentation](https://yourdocumentationlink.com) for detailed guides, tutorials, and API references.
Comprehensive documentation for Protevus Platform is available at [protevus.com/docs/platform](https://protevus.com/docs/platform). The documentation covers installation, configuration, usage, and advanced topics, including guides and examples.
## Contributing
We welcome contributions from the community. If youre interested in contributing, please read our [Contributing Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) for information on how to get started.
### Reporting Issues
If you encounter any issues or bugs, please report them on our [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/yourusername/fabric-framework/issues).
We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to contribute to Protevus Platform, please follow the guidelines outlined in the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) file.
## License
Fabric is open-source software licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).
Protevus Platform is released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
## Acknowledgements
## Support and Community
Fabric is inspired by Laravel, and we extend our gratitude to the Laravel community for their continuous efforts in building and maintaining an excellent PHP framework.
If you have any questions, issues, or suggestions, please join our community:
- **GitHub Discussions**: [github.com/protevus/platform/discussions](https://github.com/protevus/platform/discussions)
- **Twitter**: [@Protevus](https://twitter.com/Protevus)