add: adding ported PHP code to Dart

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Stewart 2024-07-05 07:32:03 -07:00
parent 7b0a8738ce
commit fa59a8c7fc
4 changed files with 279 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* This file is part of the Protevus Platform.
* This file is a port of the PHP CountableInterface.php class to Dart
* (C) Protevus <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
/// An abstract class representing objects that can be counted.
/// Classes that implement this interface must provide a [count] getter
/// that returns the current count of the object.
abstract class Countable {
int get count;

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/// Static class to mimic PHP's filter constants and functions.
class Filter {
static const int defaultFilter = 0;
static const int requireArray = 1 << 0;
static const int forceArray = 1 << 1;
static const int nullOnFailure = 1 << 2;
static const int callback = 1 << 3;
static dynamic filterVar(dynamic value, int filter, Map<String, dynamic> options) {
// Implementation of filter_var would go here.
// This is a placeholder and should be implemented based on the specific filters needed.
return value;

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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
* This file is part of the Protevus Platform.
* This file is a port of the symfony InputBag.php class to Dart
* (C) Protevus <>
* (C) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
import 'package:protevus_http/foundation.dart';
import 'package:protevus_http/foundation_exception.dart';
/// InputBag is an abstract class that extends ParameterBag to handle user input values.
/// It provides methods for getting, setting, and filtering input parameters.
/// Key features:
/// - Retrieves scalar input values by name
/// - Replaces or adds new input values
/// - Sets input values with type checking
/// - Converts parameter values to enums
/// - Filters and transforms parameter values
/// This class implements type-safe operations and throws appropriate exceptions
/// for invalid inputs or operations. It's designed to work with various types of
/// input data such as GET, POST, REQUEST, and COOKIE parameters.
abstract class InputBag extends ParameterBag {
/// Retrieves a value from the input bag by its key.
/// This method overrides the base [ParameterBag.get] method to add additional
/// type checking for both the default value and the retrieved value.
/// Parameters:
/// - [key]: The key of the value to retrieve.
/// - [defaultValue]: The default value to return if the key is not found.
/// Must be a scalar value (num, String, bool) or implement [Stringable].
/// Returns:
/// The value associated with the key, or the default value if the key is not found.
/// Throws:
/// - [FormatException]: If the default value is not a scalar or [Stringable].
/// - [BadRequestException]: If the input value is not a scalar or [Stringable].
dynamic get(String key, [dynamic defaultValue]) {
if (defaultValue != null &&
!(defaultValue is num ||
defaultValue is String ||
defaultValue is bool ||
defaultValue is Stringable)) {
throw FormatException(
'Expected a scalar value as a 2nd argument to "get()", "${defaultValue.runtimeType}" given.');
var value = super.get(key, this);
if (value != null &&
identical(this, value) == false &&
!(value is num ||
value is String ||
value is bool ||
value is Stringable)) {
throw BadRequestException('Input value "$key" contains a non-scalar value.');
return identical(this, value) ? defaultValue : value;
/// Replaces the current input values with a new set of inputs.
/// This method overrides the base [ParameterBag.replace] method.
/// Instead of directly replacing the parameters, it uses the [add] method
/// to set the new input values, which ensures that each input is properly
/// validated and set according to the rules defined in the [set] method.
/// Parameters:
/// - [inputs]: A Map containing the new input values to replace the current ones.
void replace(Map<String, dynamic> inputs) {
/// Adds multiple input values to the InputBag.
/// This method overrides the base [ParameterBag.add] method.
/// It iterates through the provided map of inputs and sets each key-value pair
/// using the [set] method, which ensures that each input is properly
/// validated and set according to the rules defined in the [set] method.
/// Parameters:
/// - [inputs]: A Map containing the input values to be added to the InputBag.
void add(Map<String, dynamic> inputs) {
for (final entry in inputs.entries) {
set(entry.key, entry.value);
/// Sets an input value in the InputBag.
/// This method overrides the base [ParameterBag.set] method to add additional
/// type checking for the input value.
/// Parameters:
/// - [key]: The key under which to store the value.
/// - [value]: The value to store. Must be null, a scalar (num, String, bool),
/// a List, a Map, or implement [Stringable].
/// Throws:
/// - [FormatException]: If the value is not null, a scalar, List, Map, or [Stringable].
/// The method sets the value in the [parameters] map after successful validation.
void set(String key, dynamic value) {
if (value != null &&
!(value is num ||
value is String ||
value is bool ||
value is List ||
value is Map ||
value is Stringable)) {
throw FormatException(
'Expected a scalar, List, or Map as a 2nd argument to "set()", "${value.runtimeType}" given.');
parameters[key] = value;
/// Returns the parameter value converted to an enum.
/// This method attempts to convert the parameter value associated with [key] to an enum
/// of type [T]. The [values] list should contain all possible enum values.
/// Parameters:
/// - [key]: The key of the parameter to retrieve and convert.
/// - [values]: A list of all possible enum values of type [T].
/// - [defaultValue]: An optional default value to return if the key is not found.
/// Returns:
/// The enum value corresponding to the parameter value, or [defaultValue] if the key is not found.
/// Throws:
/// - [BadRequestException]: If the parameter value cannot be converted to the specified enum.
/// This exception wraps the original [UnexpectedValueException] thrown by the superclass.
T? getEnum<T extends Enum>(String key, List<T> values, [T? defaultValue]) {
try {
return super.getEnum(key, values, defaultValue);
} on UnexpectedValueException catch (e) {
throw BadRequestException(e.toString());
/// Retrieves a string value from the input bag by its key.
/// This method overrides the base [ParameterBag.getString] method.
/// It retrieves the value associated with the given [key] and converts it to a string.
/// Parameters:
/// - [key]: The key of the value to retrieve.
/// - [defaultValue]: The default value to return if the key is not found. Defaults to an empty string.
/// Returns:
/// A string representation of the value associated with the key, or the default value if the key is not found.
String getString(String key, [String defaultValue = '']) {
return get(key, defaultValue).toString();
/// Filters and transforms a parameter value.
/// This method retrieves a value from the input parameters and applies a specified filter to it.
/// Parameters:
/// - [key]: The key of the parameter to filter.
/// - [defaultValue]: The default value to use if the key is not found in the parameters.
/// - [filter]: An optional integer representing the filter to apply. If null, [Filter.defaultFilter] is used.
/// - [options]: Additional options for the filter. Can be a Map or an integer representing flags.
/// Returns:
/// The filtered value, or null if the filtering fails and the FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE flag is set.
/// Throws:
/// - [BadRequestException]: If the input value is a List and neither FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY nor FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY flags are set.
/// - [FormatException]: If FILTER_CALLBACK is used without providing a proper callback function.
/// - [BadRequestException]: If the input value is invalid and the FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE flag is not set.
/// This method handles various scenarios:
/// - Converts options to a Map if it's not already one.
/// - Checks for List inputs and appropriate flags.
/// - Validates the callback function when FILTER_CALLBACK is used.
/// - Applies the filter using [Filter.filterVar].
/// - Handles the FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE flag.
dynamic filter(String key, {dynamic defaultValue, int? filter, dynamic options}) {
var value = has(key) ? parameters[key] : defaultValue;
// Always turn options into a Map - this allows filter_var option shortcuts.
if (options is! Map && options != null) {
options = {'flags': options};
options ??= {};
if (value is List && !((options['flags'] ?? 0) & (Filter.requireArray | Filter.forceArray))) {
throw BadRequestException(
'Input value "$key" contains a List, but "FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY" or "FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY" flags were not set.');
if ((filter ?? 0) & Filter.callback != 0 && options['options'] is! Function) {
throw FormatException(
'A Function must be passed when FILTER_CALLBACK is used, "${options['options'].runtimeType}" given.');
options['flags'] ??= 0;
bool nullOnFailure = (options['flags'] & Filter.nullOnFailure) != 0;
options['flags'] |= Filter.nullOnFailure;
var filteredValue = Filter.filterVar(value, filter ?? Filter.defaultFilter, options);
if (filteredValue != null || nullOnFailure) {
return filteredValue;
throw BadRequestException(
'Input value "$key" is invalid and flag "FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE" was not set.');

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/// Abstract class representing a Stringable object.
/// This class is the Dart equivalent of PHP's Stringable interface.
/// Classes that implement this abstract class must provide an implementation
/// for the toString() method.
abstract class Stringable {
/// Converts the object to its string representation.
/// This method should be implemented by any class that wants to be Stringable.
/// It's the equivalent of PHP's __toString() magic method.
/// Returns:
/// A string representation of the object.
String toString();