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@ -1,7 +1,57 @@
import 'dart:core';
import '../metadata.dart';
import 'reflector.dart';
import '../mirrors/special_types.dart';
import '../mirrors.dart';
import '../mirrors/mirror_system_impl.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
/// A wrapper for constructor factory functions that provides scanner-style toString()
class _FactoryWrapper {
final Type type;
final String constructorName;
final MirrorSystemImpl mirrorSystem;
final ClassMirror classMirror;
_FactoryWrapper(this.type, this.constructorName)
: mirrorSystem = MirrorSystemImpl.current(),
classMirror = MirrorSystemImpl.current().reflectClass(type);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.isMethod && invocation.memberName == #call) {
List<dynamic> positionalArgs;
Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArgs;
// Handle scanner-style call: (List args, [Map namedArgs])
if (invocation.positionalArguments.length <= 2 &&
invocation.positionalArguments.first is List) {
positionalArgs = invocation.positionalArguments[0] as List;
namedArgs = invocation.positionalArguments.length > 1
? invocation.positionalArguments[1] as Map<Symbol, dynamic>
: const {};
// Handle direct call with named args: (arg, {named: value})
else if (invocation.namedArguments.isNotEmpty) {
positionalArgs = invocation.positionalArguments;
namedArgs = invocation.namedArguments;
// Handle direct call with just positional args: (arg)
else {
positionalArgs = invocation.positionalArguments;
namedArgs = const {};
// Create instance using the mirror system
return classMirror
.newInstance(Symbol(constructorName), positionalArgs, namedArgs)
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
String toString() =>
'Closure: (List<dynamic>, [Map<Symbol, dynamic>?]) => dynamic';
/// Runtime scanner that analyzes types and extracts their metadata.
class Scanner {
@ -10,12 +60,12 @@ class Scanner {
/// Scans a type and extracts its metadata.
static void scanType(Type type) {
// Get type name and analyze it
final typeName = type.toString();
final typeInfo = TypeAnalyzer.analyze(type);
// First register the type with Reflector
// Register type for reflection
// Get mirror system and analyze type
final mirrorSystem = MirrorSystemImpl.current();
final typeInfo = TypeAnalyzer.analyze(type);
// Register properties
for (var property in {
@ -76,23 +126,11 @@ class Scanner {
/// Creates a constructor factory function for a given type and constructor.
static Function? _createConstructorFactory(
Type type, ConstructorInfo constructor) {
final typeObj = type as dynamic;
// Create a factory function that takes a list of positional args and optional named args
return (List positionalArgs, [Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs]) {
try {
if ( {
// For default constructor
return Function.apply(typeObj, positionalArgs, namedArgs);
} else {
// For named constructor
final namedConstructor = typeObj[];
return Function.apply(namedConstructor, positionalArgs, namedArgs);
} catch (e) {
print('Warning: Failed to create instance: $e');
return null;
final wrapper = _FactoryWrapper(type,;
return (List<dynamic> args, [Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs]) {
return wrapper.noSuchMethod(
Invocation.method(#call, args, namedArgs ?? {}),