# Platform Reflection Capabilities This document outlines the key capabilities of the Platform Reflection library, demonstrating its features and usage patterns. ## Core Reflection Features ### 1. Class Reflection ```dart @reflectable class User { String name; int age; final String id; List<String> tags; User(this.name, this.age, {required this.id, List<String>? tags}) : tags = tags ?? []; String greet() => "Hi $name!"; void addTag(String tag) => tags.add(tag); String getName() => name; } // Registration Reflector.register(User); Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'name', String); Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'age', int); Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'id', String, isWritable: false); Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'tags', List<String>, isWritable: false); Reflector.registerMethod(User, 'greet', [], false); Reflector.registerMethod(User, 'addTag', [String], true); Reflector.registerMethod(User, 'getName', [], false); Reflector.registerConstructor(User, '', parameterTypes: [String, int, String, List<String>], parameterNames: ['name', 'age', 'id', 'tags'], isRequired: [true, true, true, false], isNamed: [false, false, true, true], ); ``` ### 2. Instance Creation and Manipulation ```dart final reflector = RuntimeReflector.instance; // Create instance final user = reflector.createInstance( User, positionalArgs: ['John Doe', 30], namedArgs: {'id': 'user1', 'tags': ['admin', 'user']}, ) as User; // Get mirror final mirror = reflector.reflect(user); // Property access and modification print('Name: ${mirror.getField(const Symbol('name')).reflectee}'); mirror.setField(const Symbol('name'), 'Jane Doe'); // Method invocation final greeting = mirror.invoke(const Symbol('greet'), []).reflectee as String; mirror.invoke(const Symbol('addTag'), ['vip']); ``` ### 3. Type Information ```dart final classMirror = reflector.reflectClass(User); print('Type name: ${classMirror.name}'); // Properties classMirror.declarations.values .whereType<VariableMirror>() .forEach((prop) { print('Property: ${prop.name}: ${prop.type.name}'); if (!prop.isFinal && !prop.isWritable) print(' (read-only)'); }); // Methods classMirror.declarations.values .whereType<MethodMirror>() .where((method) => !method.isConstructor) .forEach((method) { print('Method: ${method.name}'); }); // Constructors classMirror.declarations.values .whereType<MethodMirror>() .where((method) => method.isConstructor) .forEach((constructor) { print('Constructor: ${constructor.name}'); }); ``` ## Error Handling ```dart try { final mirror = reflector.reflect(unregisteredInstance); } on ReflectionException catch (e) { print('Reflection error: ${e.message}'); } ``` ## Platform Support - ✅ VM (Full support) - ✅ Web (Full support) - ✅ Flutter (Full support) - ✅ AOT compilation (Full support) ## Performance Considerations 1. **Registration Impact** - One-time registration cost - Optimized runtime performance - Minimal memory overhead 2. **Metadata Caching** - Efficient metadata storage - Fast lookup mechanisms - Memory-conscious design ## Best Practices 1. **Early Registration** ```dart void main() { registerReflectableTypes(); runApp(); } ``` 2. **Caching Mirrors** ```dart class UserService { final Map<User, InstanceMirror> _mirrors = {}; InstanceMirror getMirror(User user) { return _mirrors.putIfAbsent(user, () => reflector.reflect(user)); } } ``` 3. **Comprehensive Error Handling** ```dart try { final result = mirror.invoke(const Symbol('method'), args); } on ReflectionException catch (e) { handleReflectionError(e); } ``` This document provides an overview of the Platform Reflection library's capabilities. For detailed API documentation, please refer to the [API Reference](../README.md#api-reference).