# Laravel Illuminate Support Package Specification name: support description: Core support utilities and helper functions for the framework version: 1.0.0 dependencies: required: collections: ^1.0.0 contracts: ^1.0.0 macroable: ^1.0.0 components: # Core String Manipulation Str: description: String manipulation utilities methods: - after - before - between - camel - contains - endsWith - finish - is - isAscii - kebab - length - limit - lower - orderedUuid - padBoth - padLeft - padRight - plural - random - replace - replaceArray - replaceFirst - replaceLast - singular - slug - snake - start - startsWith - studly - title - ucfirst - upper - uuid - words # Service Provider System ServiceProvider: description: Base service provider for package registration and bootstrapping methods: - register - boot - provides - when - defer # Facade System Facade: description: Base facade class for static proxy interface methods: - getFacadeAccessor - getFacadeRoot - clearResolvedInstance - setFacadeApplication - resolveFacadeInstance # Collection Handling Collection: description: Wrapper for array manipulation with fluent interface methods: - all - average - chunk - collapse - combine - concat - contains - count - diff - each - every - except - filter - first - flatMap - flatten - flip - forget - get - groupBy - has - implode - intersect - isEmpty - isNotEmpty - keyBy - keys - last - map - mapInto - mapSpread - mapToGroups - mapWithKeys - max - median - merge - min - mode - only - pad - partition - pipe - pluck - random - reduce - reject - reverse - search - shift - shuffle - slice - sort - sortBy - sortByDesc - splice - split - sum - take - tap - times - toArray - toJson - transform - union - unique - values - when - where - whereIn - whereNotIn - zip # Helper Traits traits: Macroable: description: Allows dynamic method registration on classes methods: - macro - mixin - hasMacro - flushMacros Conditionable: description: Adds fluent conditional execution methods: - when - unless Tappable: description: Provides tap helper for debugging and chaining methods: - tap # Optional Features optional: - name: HtmlString description: HTML string wrapper that prevents double encoding - name: MessageBag description: Error message container - name: Optional description: Nullable object wrapper - name: Pluralizer description: Word pluralization utilities # Helper Functions helpers: array: - array_add - array_collapse - array_divide - array_dot - array_except - array_first - array_flatten - array_forget - array_get - array_has - array_last - array_only - array_pluck - array_prepend - array_pull - array_random - array_set - array_sort - array_sort_recursive - array_where - array_wrap string: - camel_case - class_basename - e - ends_with - kebab_case - preg_replace_array - snake_case - starts_with - str_after - str_before - str_contains - str_finish - str_is - str_limit - str_plural - str_random - str_singular - str_slug - str_start - studly_case - title_case misc: - app - auth - back - base_path - bcrypt - blank - broadcast - cache - config - cookie - csrf_field - csrf_token - dd - decrypt - dispatch - encrypt - env - event - factory - filled - info - logger - method_field - now - old - optional - policy - redirect - report - request - rescue - resolve - response - retry - session - tap - throw_if - throw_unless - today - trans - trans_choice - url - validator - view - with # Testing Utilities testing: fakes: - EventFake - MailFake - NotificationFake - QueueFake - BusFake