import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:platform_macroable/platform_macroable.dart'; import 'package:platform_reflection/mirrors.dart'; @reflectable class TestClass with Macroable {} @reflectable class MixinSource implements MacroProvider { String greet(String name) => 'Hello, $name!'; int add(int a, int b) => a + b; @override Map getMethods() { return { 'greet': greet, 'add': add, }; } } void main() { group('Macroable', () { late TestClass instance; setUp(() { instance = TestClass(); Macroable.flushMacros(); }); test('can register and call a macro', () { Macroable.macro( 'customMethod', (String arg) => 'Result: $arg'); expect( (instance as dynamic).customMethod('test'), equals('Result: test'), ); }); test('can check if macro exists', () { Macroable.macro('existingMethod', () => 'exists'); expect(Macroable.hasMacro('existingMethod'), isTrue); expect(Macroable.hasMacro('nonExistentMethod'), isFalse); }); test('can flush macros', () { Macroable.macro('method1', () => 'one'); Macroable.macro('method2', () => 'two'); Macroable.flushMacros(); expect(Macroable.hasMacro('method1'), isFalse); expect(Macroable.hasMacro('method2'), isFalse); }); test('can mix in methods from another object', () { final source = MixinSource(); Macroable.mixin(source); expect( (instance as dynamic).greet('John'), equals('Hello, John!'), ); expect( (instance as dynamic).add(2, 3), equals(5), ); }); test('mixin respects replace parameter', () { Macroable.macro('greet', (String name) => 'Hi, $name!'); final source = MixinSource(); Macroable.mixin(source, replace: false); expect( (instance as dynamic).greet('John'), equals('Hi, John!'), ); }); test('handles named parameters', () { Macroable.macro( 'formatName', ({String? title, required String first, required String last}) => '${title ?? ''} $first $last'.trim(), ); expect( (instance as dynamic).formatName(first: 'John', last: 'Doe'), equals('John Doe'), ); expect( (instance as dynamic).formatName( title: 'Mr.', first: 'John', last: 'Doe', ), equals('Mr. John Doe'), ); }); test('throws NoSuchMethodError for undefined macros', () { expect( () => (instance as dynamic).undefinedMethod(), throwsNoSuchMethodError, ); }); }); }