name: DumpCommand
class_comment: null
- name: Command
  type: class
  source: Illuminate\Console\Command
- name: Dispatcher
  type: class
  source: Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher
- name: Connection
  type: class
  source: Illuminate\Database\Connection
- name: ConnectionResolverInterface
  type: class
  source: Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolverInterface
- name: SchemaDumped
  type: class
  source: Illuminate\Database\Events\SchemaDumped
- name: Filesystem
  type: class
  source: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem
- name: Config
  type: class
  source: Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config
- name: AsCommand
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand
- name: signature
  visibility: protected
  comment: '# * The console command name.

    # *

    # * @var string'
- name: description
  visibility: protected
  comment: '# * The console command description.

    # *

    # * @var string'
- name: handle
  visibility: public
  - name: connections
  - name: dispatcher
  comment: "# * The console command name.\n# *\n# * @var string\n# */\n# protected\
    \ $signature = 'schema:dump\n# {--database= : The database connection to use}\n\
    # {--path= : The path where the schema dump file should be stored}\n# {--prune\
    \ : Delete all existing migration files}';\n# \n# /**\n# * The console command\
    \ description.\n# *\n# * @var string\n# */\n# protected $description = 'Dump the\
    \ given database schema';\n# \n# /**\n# * Execute the console command.\n# *\n\
    # * @param  \\Illuminate\\Database\\ConnectionResolverInterface  $connections\n\
    # * @param  \\Illuminate\\Contracts\\Events\\Dispatcher  $dispatcher\n# * @return\
    \ void"
- name: schemaState
  visibility: protected
  - name: connection
  comment: '# * Create a schema state instance for the given connection.

    # *

    # * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Connection  $connection

    # * @return mixed'
- name: path
  visibility: protected
  - name: connection
  comment: '# * Get the path that the dump should be written to.

    # *

    # * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Connection  $connection'
- Illuminate\Console\Command
- Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher
- Illuminate\Database\Connection
- Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolverInterface
- Illuminate\Database\Events\SchemaDumped
- Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem
- Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config
- Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand
interfaces: []