name: CheckCircularReferencesPass class_comment: '# * Checks your services for circular references. # * # * References from method calls are ignored since we might be able to resolve # * these references depending on the order in which services are called. # * # * Circular reference from method calls will only be detected at run-time. # * # * @author Johannes M. Schmitt ' dependencies: - name: ContainerBuilder type: class source: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder - name: ServiceCircularReferenceException type: class source: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException properties: [] methods: - name: process visibility: public parameters: - name: container comment: "# * Checks your services for circular references.\n# *\n# * References\ \ from method calls are ignored since we might be able to resolve\n# * these references\ \ depending on the order in which services are called.\n# *\n# * Circular reference\ \ from method calls will only be detected at run-time.\n# *\n# * @author Johannes\ \ M. Schmitt \n# */\n# class CheckCircularReferencesPass\ \ implements CompilerPassInterface\n# {\n# private array $currentPath;\n# private\ \ array $checkedNodes;\n# \n# /**\n# * Checks the ContainerBuilder object for\ \ circular references." - name: checkOutEdges visibility: private parameters: - name: edges comment: '# * Checks for circular references. # * # * @param ServiceReferenceGraphEdge[] $edges An array of Edges # * # * @throws ServiceCircularReferenceException when a circular reference is found' traits: - Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder - Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException interfaces: - CompilerPassInterface