import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel3_reactivex/angel3_reactivex.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; List> _getStreams() { var a = Stream.fromIterable(const [0, 1, 2]), b = Stream.fromIterable(const [3, 4, 5]); return [a, b]; } List> _getStreamsIncludingEmpty() { var a = Stream.fromIterable(const [0, 1, 2]), b = Stream.fromIterable(const [3, 4, 5]), c = Stream.empty(); return [c, a, b]; } void main() { test('Rx.concatEager', () async { const expectedOutput = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var count = 0; final stream = Rx.concatEager(_getStreams()); stream.listen(expectAsync1((result) { // test to see if the combined output matches expect(result, expectedOutput[count++]); }, count: expectedOutput.length)); }); test('Rx.concatEager.single', () async { final stream = Rx.concatEager([ Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ]); await expectLater(stream, emitsInOrder([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, emitsDone])); }); test('Rx.concatEager.eagerlySubscription', () async { var subscribed2 = false; var subscribed3 = false; final stream = Rx.concatEager([ Rx.timer(1, Duration(milliseconds: 100)).doOnDone( expectAsync0(() => expect(subscribed2 && subscribed3, true))), Rx.timer([2, 3, 4], Duration(milliseconds: 100)) .exhaustMap((v) => Stream.fromIterable(v)) .doOnListen(() => subscribed2 = true) .doOnDone(expectAsync0(() => expect(subscribed3, true))), Rx.timer(5, Duration(milliseconds: 100)) .doOnListen(() => subscribed3 = true), ]); await expectLater( stream, emitsInOrder([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, emitsDone, ]), ); }); test('Rx.concatEager.single.subscription', () async { final stream = Rx.concatEager(_getStreams()); stream.listen(null); await expectLater(() => stream.listen((_) {}), throwsA(isStateError)); }); test('Rx.concatEager.withEmptyStream', () async { const expectedOutput = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var count = 0; final stream = Rx.concatEager(_getStreamsIncludingEmpty()); stream.listen(expectAsync1((result) { // test to see if the combined output matches expect(result, expectedOutput[count++]); }, count: expectedOutput.length)); }); test('Rx.concatEager.withBroadcastStreams', () async { const expectedOutput = [1, 2, 3, 4, 99, 98, 97, 96, 999, 998, 997]; final ctrlA = StreamController.broadcast(), ctrlB = StreamController.broadcast(), ctrlC = StreamController.broadcast(); var x = 0, y = 100, z = 1000, count = 0; Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 10), (_) { ctrlA.add(++x); ctrlB.add(--y); if (x <= 3) ctrlC.add(--z); if (x == 3) ctrlC.close(); if (x == 4) { _.cancel(); ctrlA.close(); ctrlB.close(); } }); final stream = Rx.concatEager([,,]); stream.listen(expectAsync1((result) { // test to see if the combined output matches expect(result, expectedOutput[count++]); }, count: expectedOutput.length)); }); test('Rx.concatEager.asBroadcastStream', () async { final stream = Rx.concatEager(_getStreams()).asBroadcastStream(); // listen twice on same stream stream.listen(null); stream.listen(null); // code should reach here await expectLater(stream.isBroadcast, isTrue); }); test('Rx.concatEager.error.shouldThrowA', () async { final streamWithError = Rx.concatEager(_getStreams()..add(Stream.error(Exception()))); streamWithError.listen(null, onError: expectAsync2((Exception e, StackTrace s) { expect(e, isException); })); }); test('Rx.concatEager.pause.resume', () async { final first = Stream.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 10), (index) => const [1, 2, 3, 4][index]), second = Stream.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 10), (index) => const [5, 6, 7, 8][index]), last = Stream.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 10), (index) => const [9, 10, 11, 12][index]); late StreamSubscription subscription; // ignore: deprecated_member_use subscription = Rx.concatEager([first, second, last]).listen(expectAsync1((value) { expect(value, 1); subscription.cancel(); }, count: 1)); subscription.pause(Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 80))); }); test('Rx.concatEager.empty', () { expect(Rx.concatEager(const []), emitsDone); }); test('Rx.concatEager.iterate.once', () async { var iterationCount = 0; final stream = Rx.concatEager(() sync* { ++iterationCount; yield Stream.value(1); yield Stream.value(2); yield Stream.value(3); }()); await expectLater( stream, emitsInOrder([ 1, 2, 3, emitsDone, ]), ); expect(iterationCount, 1); }); }