import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel3_reactivex/angel3_reactivex.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import '../utils.dart'; void main() { group('DistinctUniqueStreamTransformer', () { test('works with the equals and hascode of the class', () async { final stream = Stream.fromIterable(const [ _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('c'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('c'), _TestObject('a') ]).distinctUnique(); await expectLater( stream, emitsInOrder([ const _TestObject('a'), const _TestObject('b'), const _TestObject('c'), emitsDone ])); }); test('works with a provided equals and hashcode', () async { final stream = Stream.fromIterable(const [ _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('c'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('c'), _TestObject('a') ]).distinctUnique( equals: (a, b) => a.key == b.key, hashCode: (o) => o.key.hashCode); await expectLater( stream, emitsInOrder([ const _TestObject('a'), const _TestObject('b'), const _TestObject('c'), emitsDone ])); }); test( 'sends an error to the subscription if an error occurs in the equals or hashmap methods', () async { final stream = Stream.fromIterable( const [_TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('c')]) .distinctUnique( equals: (a, b) => a.key == b.key, hashCode: (o) => throw Exception('Catch me if you can!')); stream.listen( null, onError: expectAsync2( (Exception e, StackTrace s) => expect(e, isException), count: 3, ), ); }); test('is reusable', () async { const data = [ _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('c'), _TestObject('a'), _TestObject('b'), _TestObject('c'), _TestObject('a') ]; final distinctUniqueStreamTransformer = DistinctUniqueStreamTransformer<_TestObject>(); final firstStream = Stream.fromIterable(data).transform(distinctUniqueStreamTransformer); final secondStream = Stream.fromIterable(data).transform(distinctUniqueStreamTransformer); await expectLater( firstStream, emitsInOrder([ const _TestObject('a'), const _TestObject('b'), const _TestObject('c'), emitsDone ])); await expectLater( secondStream, emitsInOrder([ const _TestObject('a'), const _TestObject('b'), const _TestObject('c'), emitsDone ])); }); test('Rx.distinctUnique accidental broadcast', () async { final controller = StreamController(); final stream =; stream.listen(null); expect(() => stream.listen(null), throwsStateError); controller.add(1); }); }); test('Rx.distinctUnique.nullable', () { nullableTest( (s) => s.distinctUnique(), ); }); } class _TestObject { final String key; const _TestObject(this.key); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || other is _TestObject && runtimeType == other.runtimeType && key == other.key; @override int get hashCode => key.hashCode; @override String toString() => key; }