import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel3_reactivex/angel3_reactivex.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import '../utils.dart'; void main() { group('ExhaustMap', () { test('does not create a new Stream while emitting', () async { var calls = 0; final stream = Rx.range(0, 9).exhaustMap((i) { calls++; return Rx.timer(i, Duration(milliseconds: 100)); }); await expectLater(stream, emitsInOrder([0, emitsDone])); await expectLater(calls, 1); }); test('starts emitting again after previous Stream is complete', () async { final stream = Stream.fromIterable(const [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) .interval(Duration(milliseconds: 30)) .exhaustMap((i) async* { yield await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 70), () => i); }); await expectLater(stream, emitsInOrder([0, 3, 6, 9, emitsDone])); }); test('is reusable', () async { final transformer = ExhaustMapStreamTransformer( (int i) => Rx.timer(i, Duration(milliseconds: 100))); await expectLater( Rx.range(0, 9).transform(transformer), emitsInOrder([0, emitsDone]), ); await expectLater( Rx.range(0, 9).transform(transformer), emitsInOrder([0, emitsDone]), ); }); test('works as a broadcast stream', () async { final stream = Rx.range(0, 9) .asBroadcastStream() .exhaustMap((i) => Rx.timer(i, Duration(milliseconds: 100))); await expectLater(() { stream.listen(null); stream.listen(null); }, returnsNormally); }); test('should emit errors from source', () async { final streamWithError = Stream.error(Exception()) .exhaustMap((i) => Rx.timer(i, Duration(milliseconds: 100))); await expectLater(streamWithError, emitsError(isException)); }); test('should emit errors from mapped stream', () async { final streamWithError = Stream.value(1).exhaustMap( (_) => Stream.error(Exception('Catch me if you can!'))); await expectLater(streamWithError, emitsError(isException)); }); test('should emit errors thrown in the mapper', () async { final streamWithError = Stream.value(1).exhaustMap((_) { throw Exception('oh noes!'); }); await expectLater(streamWithError, emitsError(isException)); }); test('can be paused and resumed', () async { late StreamSubscription subscription; final stream = Rx.range(0, 9) .exhaustMap((i) => Rx.timer(i, Duration(milliseconds: 20))); subscription = stream.listen(expectAsync1((value) { expect(value, 0); subscription.cancel(); }, count: 1)); subscription.pause(); subscription.resume(); }); test('Rx.exhaustMap accidental broadcast', () async { final controller = StreamController(); final stream = => Stream.empty()); stream.listen(null); expect(() => stream.listen(null), throwsStateError); controller.add(1); }); test('Rx.exhaustMap.nullable', () { nullableTest( (s) => s.exhaustMap((v) => Stream.value(v)), ); }); }); }