import 'package:platform_reflection/mirrors.dart';

/// Registry of reflectable types and their metadata.
class ReflectionRegistry {
  /// Map of type to its property metadata
  static final _properties = <Type, Map<String, PropertyMetadata>>{};

  /// Map of type to its method metadata
  static final _methods = <Type, Map<String, MethodMetadata>>{};

  /// Map of type to its constructor metadata
  static final _constructors = <Type, List<ConstructorMetadata>>{};

  /// Map of type to its constructor factories
  static final _constructorFactories = <Type, Map<String, Function>>{};

  /// Registers a type as reflectable
  static void registerType(Type type) {
    _properties[type] = {};
    _methods[type] = {};
    _constructors[type] = [];
    _constructorFactories[type] = {};

  /// Registers a property for a type
  static void registerProperty(
    Type type,
    String name,
    Type propertyType, {
    bool isReadable = true,
    bool isWritable = true,
  }) {
    _properties[type]![name] = PropertyMetadata(
      name: name,
      type: propertyType,
      isReadable: isReadable,
      isWritable: isWritable,

  /// Registers a method for a type
  static void registerMethod(
    Type type,
    String name,
    List<Type> parameterTypes,
    bool returnsVoid,
    Type returnType, {
    List<String>? parameterNames,
    List<bool>? isRequired,
    List<bool>? isNamed,
  }) {
    final parameters = <ParameterMetadata>[];
    for (var i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
        name: parameterNames?[i] ?? 'param$i',
        type: parameterTypes[i],
        isRequired: isRequired?[i] ?? true,
        isNamed: isNamed?[i] ?? false,

    _methods[type]![name] = MethodMetadata(
      name: name,
      parameterTypes: parameterTypes,
      parameters: parameters,
      returnsVoid: returnsVoid,
      returnType: returnType,
      isStatic: false,

  /// Registers a constructor for a type
  static void registerConstructor(
    Type type,
    String name,
    Function factory, {
    List<Type>? parameterTypes,
    List<String>? parameterNames,
    List<bool>? isRequired,
    List<bool>? isNamed,
  }) {
    final parameters = <ParameterMetadata>[];
    if (parameterTypes != null) {
      for (var i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
          name: parameterNames?[i] ?? 'param$i',
          type: parameterTypes[i],
          isRequired: isRequired?[i] ?? true,
          isNamed: isNamed?[i] ?? false,

      name: name,
      parameterTypes: parameterTypes ?? [],
      parameters: parameters,
    _constructorFactories[type]![name] = factory;

  /// Gets property metadata for a type
  static Map<String, PropertyMetadata>? getProperties(Type type) =>

  /// Gets method metadata for a type
  static Map<String, MethodMetadata>? getMethods(Type type) => _methods[type];

  /// Gets constructor metadata for a type
  static List<ConstructorMetadata>? getConstructors(Type type) =>

  /// Gets a constructor factory for a type
  static Function? getConstructorFactory(Type type, String name) =>

  /// Checks if a type is registered
  static bool isRegistered(Type type) => _properties.containsKey(type);

/// Marks a class as reflectable, allowing runtime reflection capabilities.
class Reflectable {
  const Reflectable();

/// The annotation used to mark classes as reflectable.
const reflectable = Reflectable();