name: SignalableCommandInterface
class_comment: null
dependencies: []
properties: []
- name: getSubscribedSignals
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: "# * Interface for command reacting to signal.\n# *\n# * @author Gr\xE9\
    goire Pineau <>\n# */\n# interface SignalableCommandInterface\n\
    # {\n# /**\n# * Returns the list of signals to subscribe."
- name: handleSignal
  visibility: public
  - name: signal
  - name: previousExitCode
    default: '0'
  comment: '# * The method will be called when the application is signaled.

    # *

    # * @return int|false The exit code to return or false to continue the normal
traits: []
interfaces: []