name: Autoconfigure
class_comment: null
dependencies: []
properties: []
- name: __construct
  visibility: public
  - name: tags
    default: 'null'
  - name: calls
    default: 'null'
  - name: bind
    default: 'null'
  - name: lazy
    default: 'null'
  - name: public
    default: 'null'
  - name: shared
    default: 'null'
  - name: autowire
    default: 'null'
  - name: properties
    default: 'null'
  - name: configurator
    default: 'null'
  - name: constructor
    default: 'null'
  comment: '# * An attribute to tell how a base type should be autoconfigured.

    # *

    # * @author Nicolas Grekas <>

    # */

    # #[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_CLASS | \Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)]

    # class Autoconfigure

    # {

    # /**

    # * @param array<array-key, array<array-key, mixed>>|string[]|null $tags         The
    tags to add to the service

    # * @param array<array<mixed>>|null                                $calls        The
    calls to be made when instantiating the service

    # * @param array<string, mixed>|null                               $bind         The
    bindings to declare for the service

    # * @param bool|string|null                                        $lazy         Whether
    the service is lazy-loaded

    # * @param bool|null                                               $public       Whether
    to declare the service as public

    # * @param bool|null                                               $shared       Whether
    to declare the service as shared

    # * @param bool|null                                               $autowire     Whether
    to declare the service as autowired

    # * @param array<string, mixed>|null                               $properties   The
    properties to define when creating the service

    # * @param array<class-string, string>|string|null                 $configurator
    A PHP function, reference or an array containing a class/Reference and a method
    to call after the service is fully initialized

    # * @param string|null                                             $constructor  The
    public static method to use to instantiate the service'
traits: []
interfaces: []