name: MetadataAwareNameConverter
class_comment: null
- name: LogicException
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\LogicException
- name: ClassMetadataFactoryInterface
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Factory\ClassMetadataFactoryInterface
- name: AbstractNormalizer
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\AbstractNormalizer
properties: []
- name: getCacheValueForAttributesMetadata
  visibility: private
  - name: class
  - name: context
  comment: "# * @author Fabien Bourigault <>\n# */\n# final\
    \ class MetadataAwareNameConverter implements NameConverterInterface\n# {\n# /**\n\
    # * @var array<string, array<string, string|null>>\n# */\n# private static array\
    \ $normalizeCache = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * @var array<string, array<string, string|null>>\n\
    # */\n# private static array $denormalizeCache = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * @var array<string,\
    \ array<string, string>>\n# */\n# private static array $attributesMetadataCache\
    \ = [];\n# \n# public function __construct(\n# private readonly ClassMetadataFactoryInterface\
    \ $metadataFactory,\n# private readonly ?NameConverterInterface $fallbackNameConverter\
    \ = null,\n# ) {\n# }\n# \n# public function normalize(string $propertyName, ?string\
    \ $class = null, ?string $format = null, array $context = []): string\n# {\n#\
    \ $class = 1 < \\func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(1) : null;\n# $format = 2 < \\\
    func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(2) : null;\n# $context = 3 < \\func_num_args()\
    \ ? func_get_arg(3) : [];\n# \n# if (null === $class) {\n# return $this->normalizeFallback($propertyName,\
    \ $class, $format, $context);\n# }\n# \n# if (!\\array_key_exists($class, self::$normalizeCache)\
    \ || !\\array_key_exists($propertyName, self::$normalizeCache[$class])) {\n# self::$normalizeCache[$class][$propertyName]\
    \ = $this->getCacheValueForNormalization($propertyName, $class);\n# }\n# \n# return\
    \ self::$normalizeCache[$class][$propertyName] ?? $this->normalizeFallback($propertyName,\
    \ $class, $format, $context);\n# }\n# \n# public function denormalize(string $propertyName,\
    \ ?string $class = null, ?string $format = null, array $context = []): string\n\
    # {\n# $class = 1 < \\func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(1) : null;\n# $format = 2\
    \ < \\func_num_args() ? func_get_arg(2) : null;\n# $context = 3 < \\func_num_args()\
    \ ? func_get_arg(3) : [];\n# \n# if (null === $class) {\n# return $this->denormalizeFallback($propertyName,\
    \ $class, $format, $context);\n# }\n# \n# $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($class,\
    \ $context);\n# if (!\\array_key_exists($cacheKey, self::$denormalizeCache) ||\
    \ !\\array_key_exists($propertyName, self::$denormalizeCache[$cacheKey])) {\n\
    # self::$denormalizeCache[$cacheKey][$propertyName] = $this->getCacheValueForDenormalization($propertyName,\
    \ $class, $context);\n# }\n# \n# return self::$denormalizeCache[$cacheKey][$propertyName]\
    \ ?? $this->denormalizeFallback($propertyName, $class, $format, $context);\n#\
    \ }\n# \n# private function getCacheValueForNormalization(string $propertyName,\
    \ string $class): ?string\n# {\n# if (!$this->metadataFactory->hasMetadataFor($class))\
    \ {\n# return null;\n# }\n# \n# $attributesMetadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($class)->getAttributesMetadata();\n\
    # if (!\\array_key_exists($propertyName, $attributesMetadata)) {\n# return null;\n\
    # }\n# \n# if (null !== $attributesMetadata[$propertyName]->getSerializedName()\
    \ && null !== $attributesMetadata[$propertyName]->getSerializedPath()) {\n# throw\
    \ new LogicException(\\sprintf('Found SerializedName and SerializedPath attributes\
    \ on property \"%s\" of class \"%s\".', $propertyName, $class));\n# }\n# \n# return\
    \ $attributesMetadata[$propertyName]->getSerializedName() ?? null;\n# }\n# \n\
    # private function normalizeFallback(string $propertyName, ?string $class = null,\
    \ ?string $format = null, array $context = []): string\n# {\n# return $this->fallbackNameConverter\
    \ ? $this->fallbackNameConverter->normalize($propertyName, $class, $format, $context)\
    \ : $propertyName;\n# }\n# \n# private function getCacheValueForDenormalization(string\
    \ $propertyName, string $class, array $context): ?string\n# {\n# $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($class,\
    \ $context);\n# if (!\\array_key_exists($cacheKey, self::$attributesMetadataCache))\
    \ {\n# self::$attributesMetadataCache[$cacheKey] = $this->getCacheValueForAttributesMetadata($class,\
    \ $context);\n# }\n# \n# return self::$attributesMetadataCache[$cacheKey][$propertyName]\
    \ ?? null;\n# }\n# \n# private function denormalizeFallback(string $propertyName,\
    \ ?string $class = null, ?string $format = null, array $context = []): string\n\
    # {\n# return $this->fallbackNameConverter ? $this->fallbackNameConverter->denormalize($propertyName,\
    \ $class, $format, $context) : $propertyName;\n# }\n# \n# /**\n# * @return array<string,\
    \ string>"
- name: getCacheKey
  visibility: private
  - name: class
  - name: context
  comment: null
- Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\LogicException
- Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Factory\ClassMetadataFactoryInterface
- Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\AbstractNormalizer
- NameConverterInterface