import 'dart:io'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:platform_mirrors/mirrors.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; // Test classes @reflectable class TestUser { final String id; String name; int? age; List<String> tags; TestUser(,, {this.age, List<String>? tags}) : tags = tags ?? []; static TestUser create(String id, String name) => TestUser(id, name); void addTag(String tag) { tags.add(tag); } String greet() => 'Hello, $name!'; } @reflectable abstract class BaseEntity { String get id; Map<String, dynamic> toJson(); } @reflectable class TestProduct implements BaseEntity { @override final String id; final String name; final double price; const TestProduct(,, this.price); factory TestProduct.create(String name, double price) { return TestProduct(, name, price); } @override Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => { 'id': id, 'name': name, 'price': price, }; } void main() { group('PackageAnalyzer Tests', () { late Directory tempDir; late String libPath; setUp(() async { // Create temporary directory structure tempDir = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('package_analyzer_test_'); libPath = path.join(tempDir.path, 'lib'); await Directory(libPath).create(); // Create test files await File(path.join(libPath, 'test_user.dart')).writeAsString(''' import 'package:platform_mirrors/mirrors.dart'; @reflectable class TestUser { final String id; String name; int? age; List<String> tags; TestUser(,, {this.age, List<String>? tags}) : tags = tags ?? []; static TestUser create(String id, String name) => TestUser(id, name); void addTag(String tag) { tags.add(tag); } String greet() => 'Hello, \$name!'; } '''); await File(path.join(libPath, 'test_product.dart')).writeAsString(''' import 'package:platform_mirrors/mirrors.dart'; @reflectable abstract class BaseEntity { String get id; Map<String, dynamic> toJson(); } @reflectable class TestProduct implements BaseEntity { @override final String id; final String name; final double price; const TestProduct(,, this.price); factory TestProduct.create(String name, double price) { return TestProduct(, name, price); } @override Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => { 'id': id, 'name': name, 'price': price, }; } '''); }); tearDown(() async { // Clean up temporary directory await tempDir.delete(recursive: true); // Reset reflection registry ReflectionRegistry.reset(); }); test('discovers all types in package', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); expect(types, isNotEmpty); // Verify type names are registered final typeNames = => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t)).toSet(); expect(typeNames, containsAll(['TestUser', 'BaseEntity', 'TestProduct'])); }); test('analyzes class properties correctly', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final userType = types.firstWhere((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t) == 'TestUser'); final metadata = ReflectionRegistry.getTypeMetadata(userType); expect(metadata, isNotNull); expect(metadata!.properties, hasLength(4)); final idProperty =['id']!; expect(PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(idProperty.type), equals('String')); expect(idProperty.isWritable, isFalse); final nameProperty =['name']!; expect(PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(nameProperty.type), equals('String')); expect(nameProperty.isWritable, isTrue); }); test('analyzes class methods correctly', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final userType = types.firstWhere((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t) == 'TestUser'); final metadata = ReflectionRegistry.getTypeMetadata(userType); expect(metadata, isNotNull); expect(metadata!.methods, hasLength(3)); // addTag, greet, create final addTagMethod = metadata.methods['addTag']!; expect(PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(addTagMethod.parameterTypes.first), equals('String')); expect(addTagMethod.returnsVoid, isTrue); final greetMethod = metadata.methods['greet']!; expect(greetMethod.parameterTypes, isEmpty); expect(PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(greetMethod.returnType), equals('String')); }); test('analyzes constructors correctly', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final userType = types.firstWhere((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t) == 'TestUser'); final metadata = ReflectionRegistry.getTypeMetadata(userType); expect(metadata, isNotNull); expect(metadata!.constructors, hasLength(1)); final constructor = metadata.constructors.first; expect(constructor.parameterTypes, hasLength(4)); expect(constructor.parameters.where((p) => p.isNamed), hasLength(2)); }); test('analyzes inheritance correctly', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final productType = types .firstWhere((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t) == 'TestProduct'); final metadata = ReflectionRegistry.getTypeMetadata(productType); expect(metadata, isNotNull); expect(metadata!.interfaces, hasLength(1)); expect(, equals('BaseEntity')); }); test('handles abstract classes correctly', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final baseEntityType = types .firstWhere((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t) == 'BaseEntity'); final metadata = ReflectionRegistry.getTypeMetadata(baseEntityType); expect(metadata, isNotNull); expect(metadata!.methods['toJson'], isNotNull); expect(['id'], isNotNull); }); test('handles factory constructors correctly', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final productType = types .firstWhere((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t) == 'TestProduct'); final metadata = ReflectionRegistry.getTypeMetadata(productType); expect(metadata, isNotNull); final factoryConstructor = metadata!.constructors.firstWhere((c) => == 'create'); expect(factoryConstructor, isNotNull); expect( factoryConstructor.parameterTypes .map((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t)), equals(['String', 'double'])); }); test('handles static methods correctly', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final userType = types.firstWhere((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t) == 'TestUser'); final metadata = ReflectionRegistry.getTypeMetadata(userType); expect(metadata, isNotNull); final createMethod = metadata!.methods['create']!; expect(createMethod.isStatic, isTrue); expect( createMethod.parameterTypes .map((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t)), equals(['String', 'String'])); }); test('handles nullable types correctly', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final userType = types.firstWhere((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t) == 'TestUser'); final metadata = ReflectionRegistry.getTypeMetadata(userType); expect(metadata, isNotNull); final ageProperty = metadata!.properties['age']!; expect(PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(ageProperty.type), equals('int')); // Note: Currently we don't track nullability information // This could be enhanced in future versions }); test('caches discovered types', () { final firstRun = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final secondRun = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); expect(identical(firstRun, secondRun), isTrue); }); test('handles generic types correctly', () { final types = PackageAnalyzer.discoverTypes(tempDir.path); final userType = types.firstWhere((t) => PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(t) == 'TestUser'); final metadata = ReflectionRegistry.getTypeMetadata(userType); expect(metadata, isNotNull); final tagsProperty = metadata!.properties['tags']!; expect(PackageAnalyzer.getTypeName(tagsProperty.type), equals('List')); // Note: Currently we don't track generic type arguments // This could be enhanced in future versions }); }); }