name: InteractsWithTime class_comment: null dependencies: - name: CarbonInterval type: class source: Carbon\CarbonInterval - name: DateInterval type: class source: DateInterval - name: DateTimeInterface type: class source: DateTimeInterface properties: [] methods: - name: secondsUntil visibility: protected parameters: - name: delay comment: '# * Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime. # * # * @param \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|int $delay # * @return int' - name: availableAt visibility: protected parameters: - name: delay default: '0' comment: '# * Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp. # * # * @param \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|int $delay # * @return int' - name: parseDateInterval visibility: protected parameters: - name: delay comment: '# * If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance. # * # * @param \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|int $delay # * @return \DateTimeInterface|int' - name: currentTime visibility: protected parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp. # * # * @return int' - name: runTimeForHumans visibility: protected parameters: - name: startTime - name: endTime default: 'null' comment: '# * Given a start time, format the total run time for human readability. # * # * @param float $startTime # * @param float $endTime # * @return string' traits: - Carbon\CarbonInterval - DateInterval - DateTimeInterface interfaces: []