import 'package:platform_reflection/reflection.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; @reflectable class Person with Reflector { String name; int age; final String id; Person(, this.age, {required}); // Guest constructor Person.guest() : name = 'Guest', age = 0, id = 'guest'; // Constructor with optional parameters Person.withDefaults(, [this.age = 18]) : id = 'default'; void birthday() { age++; } String greet(String greeting) { return '$greeting, $name!'; } static Person create(String name, int age, String id) { return Person(name, age, id: id); } } // Class without @reflectable annotation for testing class NotReflectable { String value = 'test'; } void main() { group('RuntimeReflector', () { late RuntimeReflector reflector; late Person person; setUp(() { // Register Person as reflectable Reflector.register(Person); // Register properties Reflector.registerProperty(Person, 'name', String); Reflector.registerProperty(Person, 'age', int); Reflector.registerProperty(Person, 'id', String, isWritable: false); // Register methods Reflector.registerMethod( Person, 'birthday', [], true, ); Reflector.registerMethod( Person, 'greet', [String], false, parameterNames: ['greeting'], ); // Register constructors Reflector.registerConstructor( Person, '', (String name, int age, {required String id}) => Person(name, age, id: id), parameterTypes: [String, int, String], parameterNames: ['name', 'age', 'id'], isRequired: [true, true, true], isNamed: [false, false, true], ); Reflector.registerConstructor( Person, 'guest', () => Person.guest(), ); Reflector.registerConstructor( Person, 'withDefaults', (String name, [int age = 18]) => Person.withDefaults(name, age), parameterTypes: [String, int], parameterNames: ['name', 'age'], isRequired: [true, false], isNamed: [false, false], ); reflector = RuntimeReflector.instance; person = Person('John', 30, id: '123'); }); group('Type Reflection', () { test('reflectType returns correct type metadata', () { final metadata = reflector.reflectType(Person); expect(, equals('Person')); expect(, equals(3)); expect(metadata.methods.length, equals(2)); // birthday and greet expect(metadata.constructors.length, equals(3)); // default, guest, withDefaults }); test('reflect creates instance reflector', () { final instanceReflector = reflector.reflect(person); expect(instanceReflector, isNotNull); expect(, equals('Person')); }); test('throws NotReflectableException for non-reflectable class', () { final instance = NotReflectable(); expect( () => reflector.reflect(instance), throwsA(isA()), ); }); }); group('Property Access', () { test('getField returns property value', () { final instanceReflector = reflector.reflect(person); expect(instanceReflector.getField('name'), equals('John')); expect(instanceReflector.getField('age'), equals(30)); expect(instanceReflector.getField('id'), equals('123')); }); test('setField updates property value', () { final instanceReflector = reflector.reflect(person); instanceReflector.setField('name', 'Jane'); instanceReflector.setField('age', 25); expect(, equals('Jane')); expect(person.age, equals(25)); }); test('setField throws on final field', () { final instanceReflector = reflector.reflect(person); expect( () => instanceReflector.setField('id', '456'), throwsA(isA()), ); }); }); group('Method Invocation', () { test('invoke calls method with arguments', () { final instanceReflector = reflector.reflect(person); final result = instanceReflector.invoke('greet', ['Hello']); expect(result, equals('Hello, John!')); instanceReflector.invoke('birthday', []); expect(person.age, equals(31)); }); test('invoke throws on invalid arguments', () { final instanceReflector = reflector.reflect(person); expect( () => instanceReflector.invoke('greet', [42]), throwsA(isA()), ); }); }); group('Constructor Invocation', () { test('creates instance with default constructor', () { final instance = reflector.createInstance( Person, positionalArgs: ['Alice', 25], namedArgs: {'id': '456'}, ) as Person; expect(, equals('Alice')); expect(instance.age, equals(25)); expect(, equals('456')); }); test('creates instance with named constructor', () { final instance = reflector.createInstance( Person, constructorName: 'guest', ) as Person; expect(, equals('Guest')); expect(instance.age, equals(0)); expect(, equals('guest')); }); test('creates instance with optional parameters', () { final instance = reflector.createInstance( Person, constructorName: 'withDefaults', positionalArgs: ['Bob'], ) as Person; expect(, equals('Bob')); expect(instance.age, equals(18)); // Default value expect(, equals('default')); }); test('throws on invalid constructor arguments', () { expect( () => reflector.createInstance( Person, positionalArgs: ['Alice'], // Missing required age namedArgs: {'id': '456'}, ), throwsA(isA()), ); }); test('throws on non-existent constructor', () { expect( () => reflector.createInstance( Person, constructorName: 'nonexistent', ), throwsA(isA()), ); }); }); }); }