name: Escaper class_comment: '# * Escaper encapsulates escaping rules for single and double-quoted # * YAML strings. # * # * @author Matthew Lewinski # * # * @internal' dependencies: [] properties: [] methods: - name: requiresDoubleQuoting visibility: public parameters: - name: value comment: "# * Escaper encapsulates escaping rules for single and double-quoted\n\ # * YAML strings.\n# *\n# * @author Matthew Lewinski \n\ # *\n# * @internal\n# */\n# class Escaper\n# {\n# // Characters that would cause\ \ a dumped string to require double quoting.\n# public const REGEX_CHARACTER_TO_ESCAPE\ \ = \"[\\\\x00-\\\\x1f]|\\x7f|\\xc2\\x85|\\xc2\\xa0|\\xe2\\x80\\xa8|\\xe2\\x80\\\ xa9\";\n# \n# // Mapping arrays for escaping a double quoted string. The backslash\ \ is\n# // first to ensure proper escaping because str_replace operates iteratively\n\ # // on the input arrays. This ordering of the characters avoids the use of strtr,\n\ # // which performs more slowly.\n# private const ESCAPEES = ['\\\\', '\\\\\\\\\ ', '\\\\\"', '\"',\n# \"\\x00\", \"\\x01\", \"\\x02\", \"\\x03\", \"\\x04\"\ , \"\\x05\", \"\\x06\", \"\\x07\",\n# \"\\x08\", \"\\x09\", \"\\x0a\", \"\ \\x0b\", \"\\x0c\", \"\\x0d\", \"\\x0e\", \"\\x0f\",\n# \"\\x10\", \"\\x11\"\ , \"\\x12\", \"\\x13\", \"\\x14\", \"\\x15\", \"\\x16\", \"\\x17\",\n# \"\ \\x18\", \"\\x19\", \"\\x1a\", \"\\x1b\", \"\\x1c\", \"\\x1d\", \"\\x1e\"\ , \"\\x1f\",\n# \"\\x7f\",\n# \"\\xc2\\x85\", \"\\xc2\\xa0\", \"\\xe2\\x80\\\ xa8\", \"\\xe2\\x80\\xa9\",\n# ];\n# private const ESCAPED = ['\\\\\\\\', '\\\\\ \"', '\\\\\\\\', '\\\\\"',\n# '\\\\0', '\\\\x01', '\\\\x02', '\\\\x03', '\\\\\ x04', '\\\\x05', '\\\\x06', '\\\\a',\n# '\\\\b', '\\\\t', '\\\\n', '\\\\\ v', '\\\\f', '\\\\r', '\\\\x0e', '\\\\x0f',\n# '\\\\x10', '\\\\x11', '\\\ \\x12', '\\\\x13', '\\\\x14', '\\\\x15', '\\\\x16', '\\\\x17',\n# '\\\\x18', '\\\ \\x19', '\\\\x1a', '\\\\e', '\\\\x1c', '\\\\x1d', '\\\\x1e', '\\\\x1f',\n# '\\\ \\x7f',\n# '\\\\N', '\\\\_', '\\\\L', '\\\\P',\n# ];\n# \n# /**\n# * Determines\ \ if a PHP value would require double quoting in YAML.\n# *\n# * @param string\ \ $value A PHP value" - name: escapeWithDoubleQuotes visibility: public parameters: - name: value comment: '# * Escapes and surrounds a PHP value with double quotes. # * # * @param string $value A PHP value' - name: requiresSingleQuoting visibility: public parameters: - name: value comment: '# * Determines if a PHP value would require single quoting in YAML. # * # * @param string $value A PHP value' - name: escapeWithSingleQuotes visibility: public parameters: - name: value comment: '# * Escapes and surrounds a PHP value with single quotes. # * # * @param string $value A PHP value' traits: [] interfaces: []