# Dart Process Handler A Laravel-inspired process handling library for Dart that provides an elegant and powerful API for executing shell commands and managing processes. ## Features - Fluent API for process configuration - Synchronous and asynchronous execution - Process timeouts and idle timeouts - Working directory and environment variables - Input/output handling and streaming - Shell command support with pipes and redirects - TTY mode support - Comprehensive error handling - Real-time output callbacks - Process status tracking and management ## Installation Add this to your package's `pubspec.yaml` file: ```yaml dependencies: test_process: ^1.0.0 ``` ## Basic Usage ### Simple Command Execution ```dart import 'package:test_process/test_process.dart'; void main() async { final factory = Factory(); // Basic command execution final result = await factory.command(['echo', 'Hello World']).run(); print('Output: ${result.output()}'); // Output: Hello World print('Success: ${result.successful()}'); // Success: true // Using string command (executed through shell) final result2 = await factory.command('echo "Hello World"').run(); print('Output: ${result2.output()}'); // Output: Hello World } ``` ### Working Directory ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); // Execute command in specific directory final result = await factory .command(['ls', '-l']) .withWorkingDirectory('/tmp') .run(); print('Files in /tmp:'); print(result.output()); } ``` ### Environment Variables ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); final result = await factory .command(['printenv', 'MY_VAR']) .withEnvironment({'MY_VAR': 'Hello from env!'}) .run(); print('Environment Value: ${result.output()}'); } ``` ### Process Timeouts ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); try { // Process timeout await factory .command(['sleep', '10']) .withTimeout(5) // 5 second timeout .run(); } on ProcessTimedOutException catch (e) { print('Process timed out: ${e.message}'); } try { // Idle timeout (no output for specified duration) await factory .command(['tail', '-f', '/dev/null']) .withIdleTimeout(5) // 5 second idle timeout .run(); } on ProcessTimedOutException catch (e) { print('Process idle timeout: ${e.message}'); } } ``` ### Standard Input ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); // String input final result1 = await factory .command(['cat']) .withInput('Hello from stdin!') .run(); print('Input Echo: ${result1.output()}'); // Byte input final result2 = await factory .command(['cat']) .withInput([72, 101, 108, 108, 111]) // "Hello" in bytes .run(); print('Byte Input Echo: ${result2.output()}'); } ``` ### Error Handling ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); try { await factory.command(['ls', 'nonexistent-file']).run(); } on ProcessFailedException catch (e) { print('Command failed:'); print(' Exit code: ${e.result.exitCode}'); print(' Error output: ${e.result.errorOutput()}'); } } ``` ### Shell Commands with Pipes ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); // Using pipes in shell command final result = await factory .command('echo "line1\nline2\nline3" | grep "line2"') .run(); print('Grep Result: ${result.output()}'); // Multiple commands final result2 = await factory .command('cd /tmp && ls -l | grep "log"') .run(); print('Log files: ${result2.output()}'); } ``` ### Asynchronous Execution with Output Callback ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); // Start process asynchronously final process = await factory .command(['sh', '-c', 'for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; sleep 1; done']) .start((output) { print('Realtime Output: $output'); }); // Wait for completion final result = await process.wait(); print('Final Exit Code: ${result.exitCode}'); } ``` ### Process Management ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); // Start long-running process final process = await factory .command(['sleep', '10']) .start(); print('Process started with PID: ${process.pid}'); print('Is running: ${process.running()}'); // Kill the process final killed = process.kill(); // Sends SIGTERM print('Kill signal sent: $killed'); // Or with specific signal process.kill(ProcessSignal.sigint); // Sends SIGINT final result = await process.wait(); print('Process completed with exit code: ${result.exitCode}'); } ``` ### Output Control ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); // Disable output final result = await factory .command(['echo', 'test']) .withoutOutput() .run(); print('Output length: ${result.output().length}'); // Output length: 0 } ``` ### TTY Mode ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); // Enable TTY mode for commands that require it final result = await factory .command(['ls', '--color=auto']) .withTty() .run(); print('Color Output: ${result.output()}'); } ``` ## Advanced Usage ### Custom Process Configuration ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); final result = await factory .command(['my-script']) .withWorkingDirectory('/path/to/scripts') .withEnvironment({ 'NODE_ENV': 'production', 'DEBUG': 'true' }) .withTimeout(30) .withIdleTimeout(5) .withTty() .run(); if (result.successful()) { print('Script completed successfully'); print(result.output()); } } ``` ### Process Pool Management ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); final processes = []; // Start multiple processes for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { final process = await factory .command(['worker.sh', i.toString()]) .start(); processes.add(process); } // Wait for all processes to complete for (var process in processes) { final result = await process.wait(); print('Worker completed with exit code: ${result.exitCode}'); } } ``` ### Error Output Handling ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); try { final result = await factory .command(['some-command']) .run(); print('Standard output:'); print(result.output()); print('Error output:'); print(result.errorOutput()); } on ProcessFailedException catch (e) { print('Command failed with exit code: ${e.result.exitCode}'); print('Error details:'); print(e.result.errorOutput()); } } ``` ### Infinite Process Execution ```dart void main() async { final factory = Factory(); // Disable timeout for long-running processes final process = await factory .command(['tail', '-f', 'logfile.log']) .forever() // Disables timeout .start((output) { print('New log entry: $output'); }); // Process will run until explicitly killed await Future.delayed(Duration(minutes: 1)); process.kill(); } ``` ## Error Handling The library provides several exception types for different error scenarios: ### ProcessFailedException Thrown when a process exits with a non-zero exit code: ```dart try { await factory.command(['nonexistent-command']).run(); } on ProcessFailedException catch (e) { print('Command failed:'); print('Exit code: ${e.result.exitCode}'); print('Error output: ${e.result.errorOutput()}'); print('Standard output: ${e.result.output()}'); } ``` ### ProcessTimedOutException Thrown when a process exceeds its timeout or idle timeout: ```dart try { await factory .command(['sleep', '10']) .withTimeout(5) .run(); } on ProcessTimedOutException catch (e) { print('Process timed out:'); print('Message: ${e.message}'); if (e.result != null) { print('Partial output: ${e.result?.output()}'); } } ``` ## Best Practices 1. **Always handle process failures:** ```dart try { await factory.command(['risky-command']).run(); } on ProcessFailedException catch (e) { // Handle failure } on ProcessTimedOutException catch (e) { // Handle timeout } ``` 2. **Set appropriate timeouts:** ```dart factory .command(['long-running-task']) .withTimeout(300) // Overall timeout .withIdleTimeout(60) // Idle timeout .run(); ``` 3. **Use output callbacks for long-running processes:** ```dart await factory .command(['lengthy-task']) .start((output) { // Process output in real-time print('Progress: $output'); }); ``` 4. **Clean up resources:** ```dart final process = await factory.command(['server']).start(); try { // Do work } finally { process.kill(); // Ensure process is terminated } ``` 5. **Use shell mode appropriately:** ```dart // For simple commands, use array form: factory.command(['echo', 'hello']); // For shell features (pipes, redirects), use string form: factory.command('echo hello | grep "o"'); ``` ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.