name: ParallelRunner class_comment: null dependencies: - name: RunsInParallel type: class source: Illuminate\Testing\Concerns\RunsInParallel - name: RunsInParallel type: class source: RunsInParallel - name: RunsInParallel type: class source: RunsInParallel properties: [] methods: - name: run visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Runs the test suite. # * # * @return int' - name: run visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Runs the test suite. # * # * @return void' traits: - Illuminate\Testing\Concerns\RunsInParallel - RunsInParallel - RunsInParallel interfaces: - \ParaTest\RunnerInterface - \ParaTest\Runners\PHPUnit\RunnerInterface