name: CodeExtension class_comment: null dependencies: - name: FileLinkFormatter type: class source: Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorRenderer\FileLinkFormatter - name: AbstractExtension type: class source: Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension - name: TwigFilter type: class source: Twig\TwigFilter properties: [] methods: - name: formatArgs visibility: public parameters: - name: args comment: "# * Twig extension relate to PHP code and used by the profiler and the\ \ default exception templates.\n# *\n# * This extension should only be used for\ \ debugging tools code\n# * that is never executed in a production environment.\n\ # *\n# * @author Fabien Potencier \n# */\n# final class CodeExtension\ \ extends AbstractExtension\n# {\n# private string|FileLinkFormatter|array|false\ \ $fileLinkFormat;\n# \n# public function __construct(\n# string|FileLinkFormatter\ \ $fileLinkFormat,\n# private string $projectDir,\n# private string $charset,\n\ # ) {\n# $this->fileLinkFormat = $fileLinkFormat ?: \\ini_get('xdebug.file_link_format')\ \ ?: get_cfg_var('xdebug.file_link_format');\n# $this->projectDir = str_replace('\\\ \\', '/', $projectDir).'/';\n# }\n# \n# public function getFilters(): array\n\ # {\n# return [\n# new TwigFilter('abbr_class', $this->abbrClass(...), ['is_safe'\ \ => ['html'], 'pre_escape' => 'html']),\n# new TwigFilter('abbr_method', $this->abbrMethod(...),\ \ ['is_safe' => ['html'], 'pre_escape' => 'html']),\n# new TwigFilter('format_args',\ \ $this->formatArgs(...), ['is_safe' => ['html']]),\n# new TwigFilter('format_args_as_text',\ \ $this->formatArgsAsText(...)),\n# new TwigFilter('file_excerpt', $this->fileExcerpt(...),\ \ ['is_safe' => ['html']]),\n# new TwigFilter('format_file', $this->formatFile(...),\ \ ['is_safe' => ['html']]),\n# new TwigFilter('format_file_from_text', $this->formatFileFromText(...),\ \ ['is_safe' => ['html']]),\n# new TwigFilter('format_log_message', $this->formatLogMessage(...),\ \ ['is_safe' => ['html']]),\n# new TwigFilter('file_link', $this->getFileLink(...)),\n\ # new TwigFilter('file_relative', $this->getFileRelative(...)),\n# ];\n# }\n#\ \ \n# public function abbrClass(string $class): string\n# {\n# $parts = explode('\\\ \\', $class);\n# $short = array_pop($parts);\n# \n# return \\sprintf('%s', $class, $short);\n# }\n# \n# public function abbrMethod(string\ \ $method): string\n# {\n# if (str_contains($method, '::')) {\n# [$class, $method]\ \ = explode('::', $method, 2);\n# $result = \\sprintf('%s::%s()', $this->abbrClass($class),\ \ $method);\n# } elseif ('Closure' === $method) {\n# $result = \\sprintf('%1$s', $method);\n# } else {\n# $result = \\sprintf('%1$s()', $method);\n# }\n# \n# return $result;\n# }\n# \n\ # /**\n# * Formats an array as a string." - name: formatArgsAsText visibility: public parameters: - name: args comment: '# * Formats an array as a string.' - name: fileExcerpt visibility: public parameters: - name: file - name: line - name: srcContext default: '3' comment: '# * Returns an excerpt of a code file around the given line number.' - name: formatFile visibility: public parameters: - name: file - name: line - name: text default: 'null' comment: '# * Formats a file path.' - name: getFileLink visibility: public parameters: - name: file - name: line comment: null - name: getFileRelative visibility: public parameters: - name: file comment: null - name: formatFileFromText visibility: public parameters: - name: text comment: null - name: formatLogMessage visibility: public parameters: - name: message - name: context comment: '# * @internal' - name: fixCodeMarkup visibility: protected parameters: - name: line comment: null traits: - Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorRenderer\FileLinkFormatter - Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension - Twig\TwigFilter interfaces: []