name: InputOption class_comment: '# * Represents a command line option. # * # * @author Fabien Potencier ' dependencies: - name: Command type: class source: Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command - name: CompletionInput type: class source: Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionInput - name: CompletionSuggestions type: class source: Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionSuggestions - name: Suggestion type: class source: Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\Suggestion - name: InvalidArgumentException type: class source: Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException - name: LogicException type: class source: Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException properties: [] methods: - name: __construct visibility: public parameters: - name: name - name: shortcut default: 'null' - name: mode default: 'null' - name: description default: '''''' - name: default default: 'null' - name: suggestedValues default: '[]' comment: "# * Represents a command line option.\n# *\n# * @author Fabien Potencier\ \ \n# */\n# class InputOption\n# {\n# /**\n# * Do not accept\ \ input for the option (e.g. --yell). This is the default behavior of options.\n\ # */\n# public const VALUE_NONE = 1;\n# \n# /**\n# * A value must be passed when\ \ the option is used (e.g. --iterations=5 or -i5).\n# */\n# public const VALUE_REQUIRED\ \ = 2;\n# \n# /**\n# * The option may or may not have a value (e.g. --yell or\ \ --yell=loud).\n# */\n# public const VALUE_OPTIONAL = 4;\n# \n# /**\n# * The\ \ option accepts multiple values (e.g. --dir=/foo --dir=/bar).\n# */\n# public\ \ const VALUE_IS_ARRAY = 8;\n# \n# /**\n# * The option allows passing a negated\ \ variant (e.g. --ansi or --no-ansi).\n# */\n# public const VALUE_NEGATABLE =\ \ 16;\n# \n# private string $name;\n# private ?string $shortcut;\n# private int\ \ $mode;\n# private string|int|bool|array|float|null $default;\n# \n# /**\n# *\ \ @param string|array|null \ \ $shortcut The shortcuts, can be null, a string of shortcuts\ \ delimited by | or an array of shortcuts\n# * @param int-mask-of|null\ \ $mode The option mode:\ \ One of the VALUE_* constants\n# * @param string|bool|int|float|array|null \ \ $default The default value\ \ (must be null for self::VALUE_NONE)\n# * @param array|\\Closure(CompletionInput,CompletionSuggestions):list\ \ $suggestedValues The values used for input completion\n# *\n# * @throws InvalidArgumentException\ \ If option mode is invalid or incompatible" - name: getShortcut visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns the option shortcut.' - name: getName visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns the option name.' - name: acceptValue visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns true if the option accepts a value. # * # * @return bool true if value mode is not self::VALUE_NONE, false otherwise' - name: isValueRequired visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns true if the option requires a value. # * # * @return bool true if value mode is self::VALUE_REQUIRED, false otherwise' - name: isValueOptional visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns true if the option takes an optional value. # * # * @return bool true if value mode is self::VALUE_OPTIONAL, false otherwise' - name: isArray visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns true if the option can take multiple values. # * # * @return bool true if mode is self::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, false otherwise' - name: isNegatable visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns true if the option allows passing a negated variant. # * # * @return bool true if mode is self::VALUE_NEGATABLE, false otherwise' - name: setDefault visibility: public parameters: - name: default comment: '# * Sets the default value.' - name: getDefault visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns the default value.' - name: getDescription visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns the description text.' - name: hasCompletion visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns true if the option has values for input completion.' - name: complete visibility: public parameters: - name: input - name: suggestions comment: '# * Supplies suggestions when command resolves possible completion options for input. # * # * @see Command::complete()' - name: equals visibility: public parameters: - name: option comment: '# * Checks whether the given option equals this one.' traits: - Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command - Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionInput - Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionSuggestions - Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\Suggestion - Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException - Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException interfaces: []